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Acacia - Wattle plants.

Guest Eikel

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Hi Guys,


I'd heard about Acacia Madeni and Wattle plants containg DMT, however it was only when spring started that I realised I have 6 or 7 3-metre wide wattle bushes in my yard... of at least 3 different species (going by visual differences).


Now... can someone inform me, do ALL of the acacia Genus contain DMT, or is it only the Madeni variety that can be smoked straight offa the tree?


I don't have the gear to perform an extraction (yet) - so anyone got any tips/comment for identifying the species within the genus?

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Nevermind, should've researched it a bit more before I asked...


* Species: confusa, jurema, maidenii pictured (pictures @ Erowid), niopo, nubica, phlebophylla, polycantha subsp. campylacantha, senegal, simplex, tortilis


Dried A. confusa stems contain 0.04% N-methyltryptamine and 0.02% DMT (Arthur et al. 1967). The dried leaves of A. phlebophylla contain 0.3% DMT (Rovelli & Vaughan 1967). The bark of A. maidenii contains 0.6% of N-methyltryptamine and DMT in the proportions approx. 2:3 (Fitzgerald & Sioumis 1965). A. simplex also contains DMT (Poupat et al. 1976). Several Sudanese species have DMT (Wahba & Elkheir, 1975). Seeds of several acacia species are available from commercial suppliers.


Taken from: http://www.erowid.org/psychoactives/faqs/f...ne.shtml#plants


I'd still like feedback from people who have experience with this plant.

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Just read the DMT experiences section, not sure if I wanna try this stuff or not...






This part kind've put me off...


One person who took DMT twice was asked by a being during her second trip 'Why did you come back? I let you leave last time.' Needless to say this has given her second thoughts about taking DMT again.


Anyone that's tried it care to comment?

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Getting bark is the hard part depending on where you live, the extraction chems can be got in one trip to the supermarket and the equipment can be improvised. The extractions are straight forward but time consuming, I can get one done in around six to eight hours, including evaporating the final solvent off to leave the DMT.


DMT isn't so much a drug, it's a fully immersive alternative reality. It's like being shot out of a nuclear cannon and landing in a world reminiscent of the fraggles meets the matrix.

That said, I personally love the stuff and have learned more about myself and life through using it than I had with all other drugs combined. While it is so profound the "trip" also has a very high clarity, you feel in control of a seemingly uncontrollable situation.


I'd imagine that DMT could traumatize some people who don't handle confrontational, radical change very well. But for those of us who are fully open to reality in all its forms, it's by far the best tool for experiencing very different planes of existence. After my first break through, on returning to reality i sat there stunned and repeated the word "amazing" about 300 times.


If you like to push the boundaries of the psycodelic experience then try DMT, If you're looking for a easy going fun trip, do acid. If you're like me, drop acid then smoke DMT for half an hour or so :rolleyes: .

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Thought it was relavant to this thread so.....


My first Acacia to sprout - Acacia sieberiana.


I've had 5/8 germinate so far, this is the furthest along.


Currently I have 3 x Sieberiana and 2 x Madenii.


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Hi Hanky  :peace:


A FOAF is growing some Acacia Madeni and a FOAF wanted to know how much bark material would be needed to extract enough DMT to enter the world of the "fraggles". Also how deep is the bark cut off the tree.


Thanks for any help  :thumbsup



A Kg of bark will yeild around 3 grams of DMT. The bark must be stripped down to the hard wood beneath. harvesting whole limbs is needed as they are never going to recover after being stripped of bark.

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Better than A. maidenii is A. obtusifolia, as A. maidenii's content is variable. Eeeds can be obtained from shaman-australis.com.au...

You can probably get some free ones from seedring.org.


Goto the shaman-australis forum, or ethnobotany-australia for info on ID'ing :peace:.

As Hanky said, bark is all depending on location... if you live in NSW then there is maidenii everywhere. There is also a webpage that I don't remember but the link was postet on ethnobotany-australia.net which tells you on a map what area's in Australia specific species of wattle can be found.


Gotta love the world of 'fraggles' :peace:.

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I really want to try DMT, But I cant get the material (plants) and dont know anyone that sells it.


Are these plants hard to come by?




By plants if you mean Acacias, they're pretty much everywhere you look. As for finding a species specific plant, you might find that bit a bit harder. follow indigo's links for more info.

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