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Indoor growing medium

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Mate, you have no argument from myself, I think CoCo is fantastic, however, I can't leave a DWC plant alone without maintenance for 10 days and I can do that with CoCo if I give them a good watering before I go.


That's what I mean by "lazy-growers", CoCo is "Tolerant" to things like ph, lack of moisture, etc, etc...


I still however think Aeroponic and DWC type systems have a faster veg growth-rate than CoCo, and that's from my own experience with both systems/mediums.


I don't have insects in my mediums (or when I do, they're dealt with swiftly), however alot of other growers have complained bitterly about insect infestations with CoCo.

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Point taken Ekel


I also believe those systems are slightly better and will be back to flood and drain one day soon.However,i think coco is quite comparable considering cost,maintance and labour. I cant afford to be running pumps and noisy setups right now,coco is perfect for that.


Sorry if my last post was a bit angry, I do get carried away sometimes.;)



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The more water a medium can hold the more susceptible it is to pests. This is because pests like moist places to live obviously, and the 2nd is that mediums that hold more water like coco are watered less often with less water minimising disturbance to the bugs breeding ground.


You can reduce the chance of getting an infestation by doing the following:


1. Keep heat under control

2. Make your growroom airtight and lightproof.

3. Put insect screens on your intakes and exhausts.

4. Put some clay balls or panda across the top of your medium so the surface remains relatively dry.

5. Hang one of those yellow sticky traps for early detection of any unwanted visitors.

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A sand/perlite propogating mix sounds like something you might germ seeds in.  I have doubts about how good sand could be as a growing medium because sand would not provide good airation and it would tend to wash down through the perlite and form a sludge at the bottom of the pots.

Heya animal


you're right ... I ended up with massive leakage . ;) .. lucky the tray was under it all .. anyway, just got finished changing it all over to 1/4 perlite, 1/4 vermic and 1/2 clay balls, looks like it might be a good blend ... not running out the bottom of the pot anyway ;)

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Mate, you have no argument from myself, I think CoCo is fantastic, however, I can't leave a DWC plant alone without maintenance for 10 days and I can do that with CoCo if I give them a good watering before I go.


That's what I mean by "lazy-growers", CoCo is "Tolerant" to things like ph, lack of moisture, etc, etc...


I still however think Aeroponic and DWC type systems have a faster veg growth-rate than CoCo, and that's from my own experience with both systems/mediums.


I don't have insects in my mediums (or when I do, they're dealt with swiftly), however alot of other growers have complained bitterly about insect infestations with CoCo.

I'm gonna definately give it a try next grow - had a near disaster with the airponics yesterday - I must have bumped the plug for the nute solution pump and the roots had about 5 hours drying out ... they looked real sad until a few hours ago .. look like theyre recovering. Airponics is fast but this is obviously another disadvantage - more careful from here on :scratchin

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