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Just dump links or any other info that could be of use


Medical use of marijuana (cannabis) Fact Sheet


NSW Health Medicinal cannabis


Medical marijuana in Oz (1995)


NSW 1st medical marijuaba trial


Legislative options for cannabis use in Australia


UNSW Medical uses



all that from "medical cannabis" in google search in googs

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OK, I had a bit of a go, made a start at least.


http://www.freewebs.com/cannabisreports (this isn't against site rules is it? if it is please delete it and accept my apologies)


I was thinking that if anyone wanted to work on it and help then they can send a email to cannabisreports@hotmail.com and I will give the password to someone, who has shown interest in helping the cause. Then they can help decide who else to give the information to, so that we can add to it as a group.


I just thought it might be easier a lot of information was in the one place, instead of a heap of links. I hope I am not treading on toes, in your thread Cloner, if so I will delete it and start another one.

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Cannabis is leading the way for a more holistic type of medical care, a general revolt against corporate rationed care and traditional pharmaceutical company approaches to medicine. Patients use marijuana to get off toxic drugs. They find fellowship in compassion clubs. They find empowerment in fighting against prohibition, standing up to police and demagogues. Our opponents can threaten our freedom, but they can't kill our spirit.


Tod Mikuriya, 2001 --as quoted by Pete Brady"




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mullaway I am one of these people, the medical profession had me on drugs that were in essence killing me or making the situation worse. Using cannabis has saved me, I now spend most days without pain, my mind is working again, my body is not being ravaged by the drugs and I am getting well. I do use other herbal medications too and have only to get of the last drug from the medicos and I will finally be free from ever having to see a doctor again apart from getting the blood tests to keep things on line.



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I've had this quote sitting on my comp for a while now and I love it...


A quote by Jack Herer:


If all fossil fuels and their derivatives, as well as trees for paper and construction, were banned in order to save the planet, reverse the greenhouse effect and stop deforestation; then there is only one known annually renewable natural resource that is capable of providing the overall majority of the world's paper and textiles; meet all of the world's transportation, industrial and home energy needs, while simultaneously reducing pollution, rebuilding the soil and cleaning the atmosphere all at the same time... and that substance is the same one that has done it before . . . CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA!

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