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Survey on quitting cannabis

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Hey. Thanks for your interest in what we do, and for all the feedback you've given. Brutal in some parts, but definitely food for thought. No condescension intended with the capitalization of WANT.


<_< Hi sally, been offline for a bit sorry, thank you for your reply.


we have no interest in harassing or bullying people who are using cannabis quite happily and feel no need to stop using it..........

.........I can't speak for the government, but believe me, most substance use researchers are not particularly against substance use.


:peace: I can hear what you are saying but I think you are still missing the point. This might be your personal intention but it's not the intention of the organization YOU work for as they have shown over a long time now. YOU are a representative of the NCPIC, you don't have the freedom to state your personal view as their view anymore than you do the governments, when they so obviously conflict each other with all due respect. The question left of course, is, if so many substance use researchers are not particularly against substance use then why are the organizations they work for the worst offenders in the unscientific scare mongering media released that have a direct impact on the lives of so many hard working, family raising and in all other respects than their cannabis use, law abiding citizens. You work there sally. Why don't you ask a few questions about some of the points raised in this thread as just one source of information and the obvious discrepancies with the "scientific" reports released by the NCPIC. Tell us what your bosses say.


......only in making evidence-based help available to people who really want to quit, but can't (we have had plenty of people in this situation contact us)


OK it has been said be a few before, including myself and you aren't getting it sally. If you want to quit using cannabis you just quit. It is that simple. Yes believe me it is. Don't think for a minute you know better because you have a job and experience in 'the field' and everything you have been taught says thats not right. IF YOU REALLY WANT TO QUIT YOU JUST QUIT. I have over 30yrs experience around chronic smokers - by chronic I mean around 100 cones a day average- I know what I'm talking about. One thing I can tell you 100% is that anyone who fits into the "people who really want to quit, but can't (we have had plenty of people in this situation contact us)" category are lying to you sally. They don't REALLY want to quit. Something is forcing them too. If you are fair dinkum in what you say find out what that is. You can make lists of the effects cannabis has and the bad effects and why you agree quitting is a good idea all you want but unless someone 'REALLY' wants to they wont. You will find its the prohibition is the problem not the cannabis in most cases. If you quit something just to appease an outside pressure then you only come to resent that pressure in the long run. Just something to think about sally.


Peace MongyMan

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This is a completely different project -- it has nothing to do with the project I'm running. I haven't told you any lies and am a bit over the hostility. Don't you have anything better to do than sit on your computer writing abuse? This will be the last you'll hear from me.


<_< I missed this before my last post. What a weak cop out sally. Are you going to answer any ones questions? only a minority of posts are abusive. I'm starting to think you are just another drone of the NCPIC as others have accused you of. Silly me, I thought you might be different.


Peace MongyMan

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OK it has been said be a few before, including myself and you aren't getting it sally. If you want to quit using cannabis you just quit. It is that simple. Yes belive me it is. Don't think for a munite you know better because you have a job and experience in 'the field' and everything you have been taught says thats not right. IF YOU REALLY WANT TO QUIT YOU JUST QUIT. I have over 30yrs experience around cronic smokers - by chronic I mean around 100 cones a day average- I know what I'm talking about. One thing I can tell you 100% is that anyone who fits into the "people who really want to quit, but can't (we have had plenty of people in this situation contact us)" catagory are lying to you sally. They don't REALLY want to qiut. Something is forcing them too. If you are fair dinkum in what you say find out what that is. You can make lists of the effects cannabis has and the bad effects and why you agree quitting is a good idea all you want but unless someone 'REALLY' wants to they wont. You will find its the prohibition is the problem not the cannabis in most cases. If you quit something just to apease an outside pressure then you only come to resent that presure in the long run.


Peace MongyMan


Right on man. That's it in a nut shell.

Reminds me of a saying out of the classic book 'How to win friends and influence people"

'A man convinced against his will remains a man unconvinced still.'

Looking at a particular situation from someone else's perspective is a skill most people never seem to achieve in life, great leaders have, Abraham Lincoln is one that comes to mind.

sally r/NCPIC/NDARC have been offered an honest ok also abrupt and disgruntled dialogue here, it's how they choose to make use of this offer I see as the only problem allowing them access to a wealth of information.

That's just dumb <_<

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I said

"could go into the "well I have research here that say's this and I have seen studies that say that" but as lucid last sentence ended with 'because nobody is going to change the opposite sides mind' sums it all up."


What I meant is for every 10 positive studies on the effectiveness of cannabis I could find 10 negative studies on the same subject. But if you're not willing to be open minded (as prohibitionist's are)then any research disclaiming your beliefs are going to be quickly dismissed.


Sorry for any misunderstanding.

No no no. I was just saying that I didn't say "because nobody is going to change the opposite sides mind".

I completely disagree that you can't change someones mind. No need to apologise hehe.


I agree with littlbit. She seems to have tried the divide and conquer technique. WON'T WORK MUTHA FUCKA!

But yeah, I wasn't saying she didn't deserve abuse. I wasn't saying she did either, and I'm still not. Because abusing someone for no good reason does nothing. Especially when they have such power to release these studies to the mass media under the guise of an 'intellectual government body". You know what I mean? If we piss her off it will just make her more likely to skew more results. Whereas if we can turn her (obviously we can't now but for the next person) with common sense and manipulation and scientific studies, we have one more influential person on our side.

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No no no. I was just saying that I didn't say "because nobody is going to change the opposite sides mind".

I completely disagree that you can't change someones mind. No need to apologise hehe.


I agree with littlbit. She seems to have tried the divide and conquer technique. WON'T WORK MUTHA FUCKA!

But yeah, I wasn't saying she didn't deserve abuse. I wasn't saying she did either, and I'm still not. Because abusing someone for no good reason does nothing. Especially when they have such power to release these studies to the mass media under the guise of an 'intellectual government body". You know what I mean? If we piss her off it will just make her more likely to skew more results. Whereas if we can turn her (obviously we can't now but for the next person) with common sense and manipulation and scientific studies, we have one more influential person on our side.




Edited by bufo marinus
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I agree with littlbit. They are soooo scared we are right. So scared of the drug companies going out of business and loosing all that revenue. You don't pander to these people, you don't help them in any way shape or form. Their bias will never change. If it did then they would have no funding to continue wasting tax payers money. They are too bloody minded to open their eyes and actually see what a diverse plant cannabis is and how it can help, not just humans but the environment. Is it easy to stop, yeah it is. BUT WHO THE FUCK WANTS TO!!!!!!!!!
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.........please contact Sally or Desiree on.....


:D Don't be a stranger sally, where have you gone? or Desiree. We haven't heard from you at all Desiree? What are your views and intentions behind this thread. This thread has had over 2,200 views now, so allot of other people are just as interested as me to know. Can you answer any questions that have been asked? So far this thread is just showing what the NCPIC is all about just as I assumed it would. Unprofesional with an anti-cannabis agenda backed using surveys (called scientific studies :D) that are taylored to suit the required resutls being gathered. You can't hide behind 'but oh we are just trying to help people' because you don't. People are seeing your organisation for what it is sally and the harm it in fact does. Have you nothing to say?


Peace MongyMan

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I posted this on the other thread re this survey and am posting it here too for Sally's benefit.



I would be very wary having anything to do with the NCPIC. They are clearly a propaganda arm of the Federal Government, and any information generated through a survey here would no doubt be twisted and used against canabis users in Australia.

I note the last part on NCPIC refers to INFORMATION, yet Anthony, I have sent literally dozens of science based articles to your boss at NCPIC, Professor Jan Copeland, that indicate the medical benefits to be obtained from Cannabis, in particular to the use of tinctures. In early discussions with:


Paul Dillon

National Communications Manager

National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre (NCPIC)




... he has steadfastly refused to add any of these science based articles to the INFORMATION data base at the NCPIC. I complained about this and was told that it is NOT the function of the NCPIC to facilitate the dissemination of pro-cannabis articles, be they science based or not. Go figure!

So Anthony, I reckon you are a stooge to the propaganda arm of the Feds in the War on Drugs, and you are highly likely to do us damage with any information you may elicit from this site.

I think you have balls bigger than an elephant to waltz in here with some crumby survey that I know damn well will feed your misinformation program. I swear to GOD if I was sitting next to you now I would jam your survey right up your rear end and send you back to the Director of NCPIC with a little note on your forehead saying "Not Interested".



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