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copyright 2003 George Grass rev. 2004




The hoax


I think there was and is a scheme to weaken the potency of drug-type marijuna with the help of decoys who would spread misinformation about cultivation, flowering, THC, and even the botany of marijuana.


My assertion that the potency of indoor seedless marijuana and clones has more of a placebo effect than the real thing flies in the face of the propaganda put out by the Narcs that this marijuana is more powerful and psychoactive than any other marijuana grown in the World.


The gap between reality and propaganda is thought to have begun in the latter half of the 1970's when the Narcs decided something more effective was needed in the war on pot besides busting growers and tearing up their gardens. That's when I think they added "brainwashing" to their tactics and started to enlist decoys to spread the kind of misinformation that would eliminate psychoactivity like euphoria and hallucinations in the harvested marijuana grown by caucasoids, and other folks not of the indigenous world where drugtype marijuana has been grown for hundreds of years.


I think High Times and the Amsterdam Hemp Crowd are the ones spreading most of the misinformation, particularly the seedless and clone propaganda. High Times was placed on my suspicious list years ago when the original publisher blew his brains out with a .45 in a socalled suicide. I think he was getting ready to blow the whistle on the arrangement he had with the Narcs, and somebody shut him up. Yeh the FEDS put Tommy Chong away for owning a company that sells bongs wholesale, but they can't find some bunks for the folks at High Times.


And as for the Hemp Crowd, it's easy to figure why they are part of the decoy scheme. Marijuana euphoria and hallucinations are cramping their campaign to get hemp legalized as a regular farm crop. Anything they can do to make the Narcs happy is okay with them because their eye is on the hemp scene. "Dope Into Rope" is their motto.


But those folks are just the tip of the decoy iceberg, and a recent Forbes magazine article promoting Canadian seedless marijuana and clones grown under HID light as a "super pot" is proof of that. The writer of the article also wrote that the Canadians are making a bundle of cash exporting their so-called dope to the United States.


Because the scheme by the Narcs and their decoys would rely primarily on the written-word rather than word-of-mouth, only those who could read would be the first to be hoodwinked. Nonetheless, the overall success of this scheme would rely on two human quirks: The herd instinct and the placebo effect.


The herd instinct explains the lemming-like behavior of caucasoids and other folks worldwide who jumped on board the indoor and outdoor hetrozygous seedless grow like there's no tomorrow, and the placebo effect explains why these folks think the harvested buzz is more powerful than a locomotive.


The power of the placebo effect---which one can imagine the Narcs had already observed in Homeopathy and the "homeopathic remedies that contain no detectable amount of active ingredients"---would be the main key to the success of their scheme to weaken all marijuana potency. The "press release" is an important part of their scheme that also serves to reinforce the placebo effect. After an indoor bust of clones or other marijuana plants grown under High Intensity Discharge (HID) light, for example, the press release will often state that the marijuana being grown was a new, more powerful dope compared to the "weak stuff from Mexico"--Yeh, like where did the phrase LOCO WEED come from? It wasn't from Canada or Holland. Nobody in the world has come up with better LOCO WEED than the seedy marijuana from Oaxaca in Mexico. Talk about euphoria and hallucinations!


Believe me when I say this about the marijuana grown in Oaxaca.


Don't go out in public after smoking that stuff. You will make a fool of yourself.


Seedless hetrozygous marijuana, the 12:00 hour photoperiod, and the Sativa clone scam have produced nothing but one big placebo effect.


It's open to question whether any caucasoid born after 1970 has ever smoked any real marijuana if all they have smoked is seedless marijuana (or clones) with lots of red hairs. And this is what I think the Narcs expected to accomplish with their scheme!


In the indigenous world, fertilized ovum is the rule rather than the exception when it comes to triggering the growth of the capitate-stalked glandular trichome. As an example, the latitudes of some of the international marijuana growing areas above the Tropic of Cancer are as follows (note that neither British Columbia nor Amsterdam are on this list): Kathmandu (Nepal) N27Lat; Atlas Mountains (North Africa) N31Lat; Baaka Valley (Lebanon) N33Lat; Charikar (Afganistan) N35Lat


Only Nepal and the surrounding areas use long-day parthenocarpy instead of pollination to trigger the growth of the capitate-stalked glandular trichome before the autumnal equinox. In Afghanistan, around the Charikar region, pollination and short-day parthenocarpy are used to trigger the growth of the capitate-stalked glandular trichome. Everybody else in the indigenous world, above and below the Tropic of Cancer, just use pollination to trigger the growth of the capitate-stalked glandular trichome before the autumnal equinox, including the folks in southern India and Thailand---parthenocarpia, and the Thai Stick, is a very small part of the latter's marijuana market.


In view of this reality, why do the caucasoids of the world think seedless marijuana is so great, irrespective of the gene pool or whether the plant is even parthenocarpic? Harvesting unpollinated marijuana for the "red hairs" is as stupid as harvesting apple blossoms instead of ripe apples. It is only five or six weeks AFTER pollination or the photoperiodic onset of parthenocarpia that the exuded resin spheres on marijuana, in the presence of the UVB photon, will contain fully realized THC and become the "ripe apples" to be harvested.


Furthermore, unless the seedless plant's gene pool is the homozygous Indica as described in Marijuana Optics, a 12:00 hour photoperiod may result only in the appearance of the two glandular trichomes (bulbous and capitate-sessile) whose resin spheres contain mostly precursor cannabinoids and the least amount of THC, even in sunlight. Smell and taste implement a placebo effect in the "12:00 hour" seedless hetrozygous bud. This marijuana does not contain any real dope.


The science and personal experience allow me to state as a matter of fact: "None of the marijuana grown under HID light has any real dope in it." Why? Because the UVB photon, the sine quo non of THC production, is blocked out of the light stream by the outer glass bulb of all HID lights. BY LAW!


In the mid-1980's, the United States Congress passed a law banning the sale of UVB producing appliances for human use except with a physician's prescription. Canada also passed this law. Were these laws passed because of the fear of skin cancer (as was the supposed reason) or were they more of a "drug war" blow against the indoor marijuana grower because of the fact that the UVB photon is the sine quo non of THC production?


So where does the buzz come from in the indoor grow? It's from the UVA photons that can pass through the outer glass bulb of HID light in an artificial light environment and through greenhouse coverings. But the UVA photon cannot energize the phytochemical process enough to produce fully realized THC. Only the UVB photon can energize the phytochemical process enough to produce fully realized THC.


The claim that seedless marijuana grown indoors under HID light is more potent, because of breeding and other honky jive like special fertilizers and carbon dioxide, than marijuana grown outdoors that has been pollinated, and has a majority of ripe seeds, is baloney.


Through no fault of their own most of the marijuana farmers in the indigenous world probably can't read, but that also means they haven't been hookwinked by the seedless scam. They will use pollination and then the sun's UVB photons to put THC in the exuded resin spheres of the capitate-stalked glandular trichome. This method, passed down by word of mouth and by example for hundreds of years in the indigenous world where drug-type marijuana is cultivated, will give a harvest of ripe resin spheres that will have a lot more of the active ingredients in them, to provide the medical benefit in the smoke, than will a resin sphere harvest from seedless marijuana grown in an indoor 12:00 hour photoperiod. Not even parthenocarpic Indica (or any pollinated marijuana) can do a miracle with this photoperiod and create fully realized THC when the light stream does not contain any UVB photons.


Because each marijuana gene pool has its own photoperiodic niche in which parthenocarpia best takes place, one has to experiment with different photoperiods to find out which one is best for the gene pool being cultivated. Generally speaking, to force the floral bract into parthenocarpic development the flowering photoperiod is started with 11:30 hours and then after four weeks or so is reduced to 11:00 hours where it is kept.


The hippies who went to India in the 60's and brought the homozygous Indica seeds back to grow a "seedless marijuana" like they found in Nepal, and other nearby places in India, started the seedless craze. But they had the real goods: long-day parthenocarpic homozygous Indica. As soon as male pollen is introduced into any marijuana gene pool, that gene pool becomes hetrozygous and will only express short-day parthenocarpy. And that means, below the Tropic of Capricorn, the resin sphere on the capitate-stalked glandular trichome in that gene pool won't be ripe for harvesting until late April or mid-May but definitely not in March.


Rome was not built in a day and neither is fully realized THC. One must remember that it is only five or six weeks AFTER pollination or the photoperiodic onset of parthenocarpia that the exuded resin spheres, in the presence of the UVB photon, will contain fully realized THC and become the kind of "ripe apples" that will give real pain relief, curtail nausea, provide appetite enhancement, relieve depression, and let one have a deep, dreamless sleep.


The views expressed here by the writer are his alone except where indicated.


copyright 2003 George Grass rev. 2007


Further references


Marijuana Optics An elaboration on the phytochemical process that makes THC (Fairly heavy going)


Marijuana Optics Summary What It All Means ( A bit easier than above)


Marijuana Flowering Simulated Photoperiod For Afghanistan

Edited by Uncle Arthur
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But George, I thought sinsemilla was a mexican word lol


So you're telling us to grow outdoor and not neck the males out? lol


It's interesting, but the current placebo effect seems to do all these things too, under HID, seedless, and cloned lol

"give real pain relief, curtail nausea, provide appetite enhancement, relieve depression, and let one have a deep, dreamless sleep."





Thanks for sharing Uncle lol

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There's a fair bit of material on this from a couple of sources. It takes a while to read through it all, and then I found I had to re-read it a couple of times to make sure I undestood what they were talking about. But like everyone else I know I have been growing our understanding of sinse for a lot of years now and I certainly claim that todays dope isn't a patch on the best of 20 years ago. In fact tripy (truly tripy) grass is as hard to come across nowdays as seady heads. Hmmm!! Who knows? But it's certainly got me thinking.
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