International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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Source: National Post U.S. drug czar John Walters warned yesterday that Canadians could face problems at the border if Ottawa proceeds with the decriminalization of marijuana. Mr. Walters travelled to the Canada-U.S. border at Buffalo to deliver his message on the same day a Commons committee called for the possession and cultivation of less than 30 grams of marijuana to be decriminalized. Mr. Walters, the director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, said RCMP officials recently told him that 95% of all marijuana grown in Vancouver is sent to the United States. "The RCMP informed me that many of the organizations, some of them ethnically …
Last reply by boulder, -
Pre-schooler's dope gift
by Guest Urbanhog- 3 replies
SOURCE: Daily Telegraph, NSW, Australia heheh, this is funny..... Urbanhog
- 0 replies
Source: Globe and Mail A special parliamentary committee will recommend tomorrow that Ottawa decriminalize possession and cultivation of marijuana in amounts less than 30 grams, The Globe and Mail has learned. The recommendations, to be included in the report of the committee on non-medical use of drugs, will add weight to the suggestion of Justice Minister Martin Cauchon this week that Ottawa may move toward decriminalization as early as the new year. Sources told The Globe yesterday that the committee, which has been working for 18 months, will recommend that users not receive a criminal record if caught with less than 30 grams. Individuals would be allowed to c…
Last reply by boulder, -
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Source: BG News It was high times against hard times last night in the Lenhart Grand Ballroom, as the University Activities Organization presented "The Great Debate," an open-forum discussion about the legalization of marijuana. The debaters, Steve Hager, editor-in-chief of High Times magazine and Bob Stutman, 25-year veteran of the United States' Drug Enforcement Agency, debated in front of 1,000 people. The debate was moderated by Loren Lomasky, a professor in the Philosophy department. The debate began with each presenter giving an approximately 15-minute opening statement, which was followed by a question-answer session between the two men and the audience. T…
Last reply by boulder, -
- 4 replies
Restore-Digest Wednesday, December 11 2002 Volume 2002 : Number 268 001 Canada: One toke over line 002 Ottawa set to ease pot laws 003 GA: Forgotten Man 004 CA: WAMM may get official city status 005 Canada: Smoke rises over pot plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2002 06:42:56 -0800 From: "D. Paul Stanford" <> Subject: 001 Canada: One toke over line Newshawk: CMAP ( Pubdate: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 Source: Toronto Sun (CN ON) Contact: Website: Author: Maria McClintock One toke over lin…
Last reply by Ferre, -
Controlling cannabis
by Guest Urbanhog- 1 reply
Source: The Press, Christchurch NZ
Last reply by boe~pimp, -
Pot a druggie - police appeal
by Guest Urbanhog- 1 reply
Source: The Press - Christchurch/Marlborough, NZ
Last reply by Tom, -
Office full of Pot
by Guest Urbanhog- 0 replies
Source: Sunday Star Times, Auckland, NZ
'Home invaders' locked in, shot
by Guest Urbanhog- 1 reply
Got this thru a email from my mates liv'in in NZ: Source: The Press - Christchurch, New Zealand
Last reply by Tom, -
- 2 replies
Source: Globe and Mail Justice Minister Martin Cauchon is poised to make a number of major changes to the justice system, including taking steps in the next four months to decriminalize marijuana. Mr. Cauchon made the statement after Question Period Tuesday, where he was asked about a report released Monday by a Commons committee studying the non-medicinal use of drugs. That paper recommended that safe injection sites be set up in each city across the country. Later this week, the Commons Special Committee on the Non-Medicinal Use of Drugs is set to release another report calling on the government to relax current marijuana laws. "I'm looking forward to seeing …
Last reply by boulder, -
PNG Students in drug running
by Guest Urbanhog- 0 replies
Source: PNG Post-Courier
Afghans on High
by Guest Urbanhog- 0 replies
Source: Tasmanian Country Edition 1 -FRI 13 SEP 2002, Page 002
Mice go Potty
by Guest Urbanhog- 0 replies
Source:Herald Sun Edition 1 - FIRSTFRI 25 OCT 2002, Page 011 this made me laugh... heheh ::
Decriminalize marijuana users
by Guest Urbanhog- 2 replies
Found this letter from R. KEITH STROUP, the Executive director of Washington's NORML, to the editor of "The Washington Times": Decriminalize marijuana users Florida drug czar Jim McDonough may be gloating prematurely when he declares that the recent national elections were a "broad-based rejection of the drug normalization campaign begun in the mid-1990s" ("They just said no," Op-Ed, Tuesday). This fall's statewide marijuana policy initiatives in Nevada and Arizona were defeated because they included provisions that went beyond the point most Americans support. They called for legalizing the sale of small amounts of marijuana in Nevada, and providing free med…
Last reply by Brainstorm, -
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WINNERS OF THE 15TH-ANNUAL CANNABIS CUP Announced on Nov. 28 at the Melkweg in Amsterdam CANNABIS CUP Best strain of marijuana/coffeeshop Morming Glory/Barney's NYC Diesel/De Tweede Kamer Super Kali Mist/Green House SATIVA CUP Best sativa strain/seed company Mother's Finest/Sensi Seeds NYC Diesel/Soma Seeds (tie) Kali Mist/Serious Seeds & Super Silver Haze/Green House INDICA CUP Best indica strain/seed company Hog/THSeeds-Hempworks Buddha's Sister/Soma Seeds Mango/KC Seeds HASH CUP Best hash/coffeeshop Royal Cream/Old Church Moroc Sticky/Sensi Daisy Cutter/Bushdoctor COFFEESHOP CUP Best coffeeshop Barney's Green House The Dolph…
Last reply by boulder,