International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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Facts vs. Foreign pressure: Can new Dutch government close coffeeshops? At this moment, The Netherlands do not have an actual government, but the parties involved in the future government, CDA and PvdA, are discussing their coalition plans for weeks now. One the informers of the new government is ‘current’ and future CDA Justice Minister Donner, now involved in forming a new coalition with the PvdA, the two parties have a small minority in the Dutch Tweede Kamer. Minister Donner has big plans to rid Holland of Drugs and Crime, as they have been announced over the past few months. Donner wants to get the Dutch policy on Drugs and Penalties more in line with the rest of …
Last reply by Tom, -
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Pressmessage to all media: Future Dutch Government wants to close 400 coffeeshops. Haarlem, the Netherlands, Feb 27, 2003 By: Nol van Schaik, coffeeshopowner in the Netherlands. It starting to become clear that some of the Dutch cannabis coffeeshops are going to have a hard time in the near future, as soon as the new government is installed. The coalition that will be in power in the Dutch parliament, the Tweede Kamer, will consist of the CDA, a Christian Conservative party, and the PvdA, the major Dutch Socialist Party. The CDA has always been against coffeeshops, they want a zero-tolerance policy, but could not get any support for that in their latest attempt …
Last reply by Ferre, -
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this comes from above news ticker, 02/27/2003 02:24 PM Man to Sue Rope Manufacturer after Failed Suicide Bid Victor Dodoi, 45, was admitted into hospital after he tried to hang himself from a light fitting at his home in Botosani, northern Romania. The rope he used broke, bringing down part of the ceiling and the light fitting down onto him. Dodoi said to a local newspaper, about the rope manufacturers: "I want to sue them. They have caused me more misery than I felt before." Source: poor barstard i say,didn't he know that romania has some of the best INDUSTRIAL HEMP producers in the world,of which we all know is made into ROP…
Last reply by pipeman, -
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Donner want hard line on softdrugs ‘Neighbourhoods in hands weed gangs’ By: Ap van den Berg and Ferdi Schooten The Hague/GPD- Justice Minister Donner (CDA) wants to tighten the tolerance policy for softdrugs and bring it in line with European legislation. A confidential report shows he wants ‘a sharp decrease in the number of coffeeshops’. Donner also wants to discourage druguse and homegrowing. It has been confirmed by reliable sources around the minister. If it was up to Donner, he will start a major offensive against illegal hemp plantations. It happens more often that criminal gangs use houses and basements in the poorer neighbourhoods, as it states in not yet…
Last reply by Ferre, -
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What's happening here???
Last reply by Tom, -
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Received this today:
Last reply by Ferre, -
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- 1.9k views A Chronology of Cannabis 2737 BC: Cannabis referred to as a "superior" herb in the world's first medical text, or pharmacopoeia, Shen Nung's Pen Ts'ao, in China 1500 BC : Cannabis-smoking Scythians sweep through Europe and Asia, settling and inventing the scythe. 1400 BC : Cultural and religious use of ganga or cannabis, and charas or hashish (resin) recorded used by Hindus in India. c600 BC : Zend-Avesta, Indian scripture, speaks of hemp's intoxicating resin. c500 BC : Gautama Buddha said to have survived by eating hempseed. Cannabis used in Germany (Hochdorf Hallstatt D wagon burial site). First botanical drawings of cannabis in …
Drug Tax Stamps?! 1 2
by Ferre- 18 replies
look what I have found, this state wants a (BIG) part of the "bizz". DRUG TAX STAMPS
Last reply by Tom, -
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It's good to see such a large group on our planet is somehow supporting cannabis. this is the text from their "old" page:
Last reply by Ferre, -
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We have detectives flying around in helicopters looking for pot in your backyard, while child molesters are in the playground NOT being arrested. Road officers are looking for a baggie under the front seat, while drunk drivers sail on by and kill people. Public Safety is greatly diminished as The Thin Blue Line wastes precious resources going after pot...Off. Howard J. Wooldridge (retired), member Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
Last reply by Tom, -
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Tue January 21, 2003 12:36 PM ET By Andras Muller BUDAPEST, Hungary (Reuters) - Norbert, 31, slumps on a battered brown couch, with just a painting, psychology books and small plastic animals for company. Jailed for five years in 1995 for armed robbery, Norbert is a heroin addict -- clean for six years before succumbing again. Now he's back to square one, trying to beat his addiction in a system that shows little tolerance of drug abuse and where state funding to help addicts is woefully inadequate. Under the last conservative government, Hungary introduced some of the most rigid anti-drug policies in the world, including up to 10 years in jail for any adult caug…
Last reply by Tom, -
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New Dutch Regulations To License Prescription Pot Growers, Will Allow Pharmacies To Stock Medical Cannabis February 6, 2003 - The Hague, Netherlands The Hague, the Netherlands: Pending changes in Dutch law will allow federal health officials to license medicinal marijuana cultivators, and permit pharmacies to provide prescription-grade cannabis for medical use. The new regulations, which were first announced last April, are expected to be enacted by March 17, 2003, according to a spokesman from the Dutch Ministry of Health. Licensing will be overseen by the Netherlands’ Office of Medicinal Cannabis (BMC) of the Health Ministry, which was established in 2000 to stu…
Last reply by Ferre, -
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By Ann Harrison, AlterNet February 5, 2003 In an extraordinary condemnation of federal drug war tactics, five jurors who convicted medical cannabis grower Ed Rosenthal of federal marijuana cultivation and conspiracy charges, held a press conference yesterday (Tuesday, Feb. 4) to apologize and to call for a new trial. The jurors said they were outraged to discover that Rosenthal had been deputized by the city of Oakland, Calif. to grow medical cannabis for patients under California's Compassionate Use Act (Prop. 215). The judge denied all but two of Rosenthal's defense witnesses, including the Oakland city attorney who drafted the legal immunity provisions for the city…
Last reply by Buddy, -
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Cannabis smokers just want to stay on the sofa and snack, spending hours engrossed in home entertainment. Red Bull and smoothies, 'Munchie' snacks such as Mars bars and Haribo jellies. Pizza chains. Video stores. Games consoles. Multichannel TV. And what scares them... Shiny, noisy places with too many choices such as Starbucks and McDonald's High-alcohol drinks and strong lagers such as Stella Artois Pubs with bouncers on the door: Businesses alerted to huge profits as study shows dope users have money to burn Ben Summerskill Sunday February 2, 2003 The Observer The stock market is faltering and house prices are on the edge of a precipice. Could cannabis smokers be t…
Last reply by BlackBeauty, -
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A federal jury Friday found Ed Rosenthal, the author of how-to-grow books on marijuana and how to avoid the law, guilty of marijuana cultivation and conspiracy charges. Deliberating for a day, the 12-member jury concluded that Rosenthal, the self described "Guru of Ganja," was growing more than 1,000 plants, conspiring to cultivate marijuana and maintaining a warehouse for a growing operation. He faces a maximum life term when sentenced June 4. Several people in the courtroom, including Rosenthal's wife and daughter, wept as the verdicts were read by a court clerk. The verdicts were a victory in the federal government's battle against California's 1996 voter-approv…
Last reply by pipeman,