International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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Further evidence has emerged that an ingredient of cannabis could help prevent epileptic seizures. Some experts are now calling for fresh research into the potential of cannabis-like compounds to help alleviate the condition. Researchers from Germany found that natural brain chemicals which resemble cannabis extracts can interrupt a process which can trigger a seizure. There have been trials of cannabis compounds in MS and cancer patients. There are reports dating from the 15th century talking about the use of cannabis to ease the symptoms of epilepsy. However, there have been few organised trials in humans in recent years, even though cannabis or its extrac…
Last reply by RobbieGanjaSeed, -
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Pubdate: Tue, 23 Sep 2003 Source: New Zealand Press Association (New Zealand Wire) Copyright: 2003 New Zealand Press Association GREENS SAY SORRY FOR OFFENSIVE EMAIL The Green Party today distanced itself from an offensive message sent to United Future leader Peter Dunne. Greens co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons sent a letter of regret and said the person who wrote the email was an unpaid volunteer who had been "unable to restrain himself". The row between the two parties over cannabis was reignited when party worker Stuart Young sent an email to Mr Dunne calling him a coward for refusing to debate law reform with Green MP Nandor Tanczos. The email addressed Mr Dunn…
Last reply by Ferre, -
Medical Marijuana Pro/Con
by Guest weekprik- 0 replies
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Champaign ? The munchies are nothing to giggle about when you're ill and lack any appetite whatsoever. Then, says local Rastafarian Chef Ra, marijuana-induced food consumption might be a life-saver for people undergoing chemotherapy or enduring infection by HIV. Chef Ra, a radio host at WEFT-FM and reggae regular on the Champaign club circuit, with his 5-foot-long dreadlocks and broad smile, writes humorous columns for High Times magazine. But he said his column, and a new DVD, contain recipes for cannabis-based dishes that are written with ill, sometimes starving people in mind. The illegal drug is not generally part of mainstream medicine. The Illinois State Me…
Last reply by boulder, -
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I wish someone would explain to me the War On Drugs, or at least why we think there is one. I grant that I'm just a country boy, and intellectually barefoot, and can't understand things that don't make sense. For that you have to go to Yale. Help me. As the newspapers tell it, drugs are somebody else's fault. Mexico's, for example, which grows and ships drugs. Yep, our drug problem comes from them. Colombia makes us take drugs too. In Washington you often see Colombians with machetes to peoples' throats, making them use drugs. Sometimes they actually block traffic. The Afghans grow drugs for the American market, but it's not their fault, because they are our allies …
Last reply by boulder, -
- 3 replies
States have taken sweeping action in recent years to roll back "get-tough" approaches on drug policy, turning toward prevention, treatment and other alternatives to fight addiction, a new report from an advocacy group found. The survey of new laws between 1996 and 2001 found that states were adopting anti-drug approaches that treat addiction more like an illness than a crime, according to the Drug Policy Alliance, a group that supports such an approach. The report was released Tuesday. "Our key hope for this report is that legislators around the country will increasingly appreciate that it's possible to introduce and support and enact sensible drug policy reforms wi…
Last reply by ccgreens, -
- 12 replies
Ottawa -- Some of the first patients to smoke Health Canada's government-approved marijuana say it's "disgusting" and want their money back. "It's totally unsuitable for human consumption," said Jim Wakeford, 58, an AIDS patient in Gibsons, B.C. "It gave me a slight buzziness for about three to five minutes, and that was it. I got no other effect from it." Barrie Dalley, a 52-year-old Toronto man who uses marijuana to combat the nausea associated with AIDS, said the Health Canada dope actually made him sick to his stomach. "I threw up," Dalley said Monday. "It made me nauseous because I had to use so much of it. It was so weak in potency that I really threw up." …
Last reply by cannabinol, -
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Newshawk: Duncan Eddy Pubdate: Sat, 06 Sep 2003 Source: Nelson Mail, The (New Zealand) Copyright: 2003 Independent Newspapers Limited Contact:,248...487,0a9,FF.html Website: Details: Author: Bernadette Cooney Bookmark: (Hemp - Outside U.S.) FURTHER HEMP TRIALS APPROVED Industrial hemp trials in Motueka have been approved for a third season, but initial enthusiasm over the crop's commercial viability has waned. Motueka Community Group hemp project spokesman Steve Burnett will be the sole trial grower this season, once his application for…
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Brussels ? The Belgian government said Wednesday it would have no objection to following the Dutch move this week to make cannabis available from pharmacies on prescription. Minister for Health Rudy Demotte confirmed Belgium could be the next European country to legalise the sale of cannabis in pharmacies. ?This is an area where public health must prevail and research has shown that cannabis can be of medicinal use,? a Health Ministry statement said. Studies have shown cannabis derivatives to be effective in the treatment of the secondary effects of chemotherapy, anorexia, epilepsy and depression. Research is currently being carried out in several Belgian univers…
Last reply by Ferre, -
by Guest nol van schaik- 1 reply
Coffeeshop no go zone for police officer. Police officers are not allowed to buy softdrugs in coffeeshops in their off duty hours. “These civil servants could namely be in a difficult situation if and when they have to act against a coffeeshop entrepreneur in their line of duty.” This was stated by Minister Remkes (Home Affairs) yesterday, during an in-chamber debate about integrity amongst authorities. This should not only apply to police officers, but also for other public figures, like a Mayor and a Minister, because they actually are on duty for 24 hours, according to the VVD minister. “A police officer a role model function and has to display authority”, says Remke…
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Date: Sat, 30 Aug 2003 22:51:45 -0700 From: "D. Paul Stanford" <> Subject: 007 Dutch Chemists to sell legal cannabis for $31 - $42/eighth from Dale Gieringer Note that LEGAL medicinal cannabis is being offered for 40 - 55 E per 5 grams in the Netherlands, or about $31 - $ 42 per eighth oz. This is not much lower than the prevailing price in Cal's cannabis clubs ($40-55/ eighth). Apparently, the costs of Dutch regulation are comparable to those imposed by prohibition. This raises obvious questions about how much legalization would lower the price of cannabis. It also raises doubts about all of the complaints about supposedly overpriced …
Last reply by Ferre, -
Prosecuting doctors who tell of
by Guest Urbanhog- 0 replies
Prosecuting doctors who tell of marijuana's medical benefits is wrong. The Justice Department has decided that criminalizing marijuana -- a perfectly defensible position -- also requires criminalizing talking about marijuana. That's the upshot of the decision to appeal the ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in Conant v. Walters, which barred the government from prosecuting doctors who inform patients about the benefits of medical marijuana. Federal policy on medical marijuana has grown more inflexible even as the scientific community's view of its efficacy grows more fluid. Marijuana, like other controlled substances, is available only in ti…
DNA Database Tracks Pot Trafficking
by Guest Urbanhog- 6 replies
Pubdate: Sun, 20 Jul 2003 Source: Associated Press (Wire)
Last reply by Mr Putard, -
Tommy Chong Busted 1 2 3
by pipeman- 22 replies
this is old news, but I just stumbled across it. Also it appears that Chong's website is no more. :angry: Cult film star Tommy Chong, one half of the 1970s comedy duo Cheech and Chong, pleaded guilty in a US court on Tuesday of conspiring to sell drug paraphernalia. Chong was facing charges in a Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania court over selling marijuana pipes, known as bongs, through his company Nice Dreams Enterprises, and through website advertisements giving his "celebrity" endorsement. He admitted his range of glass bongs and pipes, known as Chong glass, were used to smoke marijuana. Chong's lawyers said t…
Last reply by Ferre, -
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found this article written bu Dr. Shulgin, "the father of ecstasy". Interesting mainly because I wasn't aware that a government research found out that mj was safe in the early 70s, but Nixon suppressed it anyway; On the Question of Marijuana's Safety Dear Dr. Shulgin: Based on the drug research that you have done, I would love to have your opinions concerning the use of marijuana. Does it cause learning problems? Does it damage the ability to store long-term memory? Does it make something go wrong in the brain? With all the anti-marijuana zealots out there, it is hard to get to the truth. -- M.J. Dear M.J.: I am afraid I cannot be much of a source of truth h…
Last reply by dragibus,