International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
More enlightening media from the UK. Be afraid - be very very afraid!!! Majority of teen psychosis cases used cannabis As many as 60 per cent of young people in east Kent suffering from their first episode of psychosis smoke or have a history of smoking cannabis. The new figures, provided by the NHS, reveal that in mental health patients aged 14 to 35, half had taken or were taking the drug. For younger service users, aged 14 to 25, the rate is 63 per cent. Karen White, medical director of Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust, said: “That gives you an idea of the relationship between its use and psychosis. “The youngest group th…
Last reply by mullray, -
- 5 replies
go hard boys! this would have had to of been tried before now, yeah?
Last reply by JekL, -
- 0 replies
Just head this on the NPR rebroadcast on ABC Newsradio... Here's a link to the website article with a narrated slideshow.... Check out that hash.... mmmmm.... afghani hash...... *droooool* Afghanistan Cannabis.... Note that it is an article on the fact that many farmers are turning to cannabis from poppy cultivation. They're saying it's like a bad thing, but I dunno, sounds like good news to me!
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
This is a big story going around Canada these last few weeks that is causing great controversy and huge back lash... Check it out.. Alison xx Newshawk: Pubdate: 17 Feb 2008 Source: Burlington Post (CN ON) Email: letters@... Website: Address: 5040 Mainway, Burlington On L7L 7G5 Copyright: 2008 Burlington Post Author: Tim Whitnell Regulate public use of medical marijuana: Halton MP Garth Turner pleased with health minister's reply to recent letter By Tim Whitnell Halton's Member of Parliament has convinced Canada's health minister to re-exami…
Last reply by Alison Myrden, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
February 20, 2008 - 4:36PM Four people have been charged with drug offences after police discovered three sophisticated hydroponic cannabis labs in far north Queensland. The labs were found at East Trinity, Palm Cove and Smithfield, police said. They were believed to have been part of an organised syndicate based around large-scale cannabis production. One lab, protected by a high-tech surveillance system, was found in a shed at an East Trinity slipway. Police allegedly found 64 "high quality" cannabis plants, most of which were ready for harvesting, plus 17kg of cannabis heads in a drying room. The lab at Palm Cove allegedly housed 16 mature plants weighing 9…
Last reply by Indycar, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Doctors group backs medical marijuana American College of Physicians urges government to rethink prohibition WASHINGTON - A leading U.S. doctors group has endorsed using marijuana for medical purposes, urging the government to roll back a prohibition on using it to treat patients and supporting studies into its medical applications. The American College of Physicians, the second-largest doctors group in the United States, issued a policy statement on medical marijuana this week after it was approved by its governing body, the group said on Friday. The group cited evidence that marijuana is valuable in treating severe weight loss associated with AIDS, and nausea an…
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 12 replies
Dr. Paul’s Writings › War on Terror? It’s as Bad as War on Drugs Summary: For the first 140 years of our history, we had essentially no Federal war on drugs, and far fewer problems with drug addiction and related crimes was a consequence. In the past 30 years, even with the hundreds of millions of dollars spent on the drug war, little good has come of it. We have vacillated from efforts to stop the drugs at the source to severely punishing the users, yet nothing has improved. This war has been behind most big government policy powers of the last 30 years, with continual undermining of our civil liberties and personal privacy. by Ron Paul, Dr. October 30, 2001 I …
Last reply by RobbieGanjaSeed, -
- 6 replies
Last reply by loylty gets u nothing, -
Last reply by gjrrbo, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
Evening Standard, London, 09/02/08. Father of 3 jailed for miniscule amount of pot
Last reply by HighRising, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Heavy pot smoking boosts lung cancer risk six-fold Just found this on Reuters... Here we go AGAIN. Alison xx Heavy pot smoking boosts lung cancer risk six-fold Last Updated: 2008-02-08 13:00:24 -0400 (Reuters Health) NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Smoking a joint a day is just as bad for you as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, a study from New Zealand indicates. Smoking a joint a day for one year boosted the likelihood of developing lung cancer by 8 percent, Dr. Richard Beasley of the Medical Research Institute of New Zealand in Wellington and colleagues found, while cigarette smokers' risk increased by 7 percent for every year that they smoked a…
Last reply by brick, -
- Admin
- 0 replies
Author: Manitoba Harvest Date: 08/02/08 Source: NPI Center Copyright: NPI Center
Last reply by Oz, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Last reply by RobbieGanjaSeed, -
- 2 replies
The recent Story on CH News where a medical marijuana patient takes a local Restaurant to Human Rights for Discrimination... Enjoy! See the Link to the video at the bottom... CH News Love and a squish, Alison xx
Last reply by bufo marinus, -
- 5 replies
Hemp Protein Powder is 50% Protein ! Hemp grown around the world remains a key crop with over 40,000 uses from food, feed, rope, oil, fuel, plastic, paper, building products and clothing. Every aspect of the hemp plant is utilized from its roots, stems, branches through to its leaves, buds and seeds. Hemp can be said to have a truly civilizing effect on people. As man further explores the plants versatility new facts and uses continue to unravel as hemp is grown around the world. Hemp... BOOSTS IMMUNE SYSTEM & INCREASES ENERGY LEVELS: Hemp is the highest vegan source of Edestin, a simple protein that is responsible for the natural and acquired immune system. Hemp …
Last reply by smashed1,