Australian Cannabis News
Australian cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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- 2 replies
- 1.2k views Author: Michael Gormly Posted: Thursday, 3 September 2009 OPINION Except for the occasional glimmer of light, consumers of Australian media can be forgiven for thinking the dark age of drug prohibition is not only justified but securely incumbent. While our media, most politicians and even some health experts continue to regurgitate an evolving panoply of drug myths usually traceable to ultra-conservative US elements, truth will out and the international tide is on the turn against prohibition. One of these myths is the one about cannabis and psychosis. New strains of ‘skunk’ are X times strong…
Last reply by OrbitTime, -
- 7 replies
Hey Hey people I am excited !! I have already had confirmation that an article will appear late next week on this site about the Rally .... If or when I hear of other articles I will post them in here If you see or hear of any articles please post the details here for others to read Thanks
Last reply by lovesbongs247, -
- 7 replies
Matthew Schulz September 01, 2009 02:33pm,2...39-2862,00.html © Herald and Weekly Times POLICE have seized nearly 1500 marijuana plants hidden in factories in Melbourne's west following raids on four properties yesterday. Sunshine detectives raided the first factory in Sunshine North about 1.45pm on Monday, uncovering 129 plants. That discovery led to further raids on two more Sunshine North factories and a house at Kings Park - uncovering another 1282 plants and $55,000 cash. Police said a 50-year-old Sunshine woman, 47-year-old St Albans woman, and 57-year-old Sydney man have been charged with various offences, in…
Last reply by SeaHiPPieS, -
- 5 replies
Author: Tim Brunero Date: 1 September 2009 Source:
Last reply by thc24, -
- 11 replies
Interesting article that was in the Sydney Morning Herald.
Last reply by Token, -
- 420 Crew
- 105 replies
August 23, 2009 07:24pm,2...5005961,00.html © Herald and Weekly Times IF Prime Minister Kevin Rudd can't stop giggling, feels paranoid or overly hungry when he visits Lismore hospital, he'll know exactly what's to blame. It could be the subliminal influence of a 10-metre inflatable joint, which drug legalisation lobbyists will use to try to get the prime minister's attention during his visit tomorrow. Members of the Nimbin Hemp Embassy will gather outside the hospital with their trusty mascot, hoping to talk to Mr Rudd about what they say is a health issue - legalising cannabis in Australia. The group's president Mich…
Last reply by Radic, -
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- 1.4k views,2...13-2862,00.html Now this is one of my pet peeves Really sick of journo's calling hydro gear "drug making equiptment", just shows how ignorant these people are, and how they are just quoting from the vicpigs media releases. also Cannabis in caps?? this guy needs some drug re-education.
Last reply by Crunchy, -
- 7 replies
Author: Adelaide Advertiser Date: August 22nd Source: Adelaide Advertiser Copyright: News Limited A Mallala man, 32, suffered life threatening burns to 30% of his body after an explosion in a clandestine drug lab........ ....... The force of the blast blew out most of the windows and buckled the outer walls of the rented transportable style home. Drug investigation officers later collected 16kg of cannabis leaf they suspect was being converted into hashish oil. An unknown quantity of what is believed to be hashish oil was also removed from the house. A word to the wise::::: Highly flammable pure alcohol and heat are not a good mix people. Unless you know what you…
Last reply by shroomyshroom, -
- 1 reply
Hey, First time poster on the site so hello all Most of you may of seen this documentary, it was on foxtel a few years back and I know it's an american doco on american drug policy but since they shaped most of the world's drug policies I thought i'd chuck it here anyway. Have a cone before you watch it because when you see the bullshit that has gone on in the US you may get a little angry (I did) Anyway, Enjoy and thanks for having me
Last reply by jabez, -
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August 19, 2009 11:00am,27...09-2761,00.html Copyright 2009 The Sunday Times. TWO Broome women are facing drug charges after police intercepted packages allegedly containing cannabis which were sent to a post office box in the Kimberley town. It will be alleged the packages, seized on August 14, contained 910 grams of high quality cannabis. The find led police to search a house in Broome were similar packages, a smaller amount of the drug and $33,000 in cash were allegedly discovered. A 60-year-old woman from Cable Beach was yesterday charged with possessing cannabis, attempting to possessing cannabis with intent to …
Last reply by dsyfer, -
- 3 replies
More than 200 cannabis plants were seized by police from houses in Malvern and Yarrambat on Tuesday, July 28. Police from Melbourne and Greensbourough Regional Response Units conducted simultaneous drug raids in Wheatland Rd, Yarrambat, about 7:30a.m. Offices seized more than 100 plants from each address. A 41 year old Malvern man and 41 year old Yarrambat woman were charged with cultivating a commercial and trafficking a commercial quantity of cannabis. Stonnington Leader, page10, August 11, 2009 Oh nooooooo. Do you think we are going to be dry soon? Ah, and be careful: somebody is “watching” for sure.
Last reply by jabez, -
- 23 replies
The SMH published this bit of bent news today: This article is only half true. Dr Arnold fails to note the fact that the body does not store actual d9-THC in body fat. Only THC metabolites are stored in body fats. THC metabolites are NOT psychoactive. Even if Arnold's assertion is true (and it probably is) that physical exercise or food deprivation causing the body to draw on stored fat for energy causes THC metabolites present in fat to be released into the bloodstream, the subject will not become re-intoxicated. To assert so, as Arnold does here: is so silly that it makes me wonder if Arnold has enjoyed a spliff over the weekend and had spent Monday morning…
Last reply by Al B. Fuct, -
- 420 Crew
- 44 replies
REBEKAH CAVANAGH August 14th, 2009 POLICE say drug dealers are continuing to exploit residents in remote Territory communities by charging them up to $100 for a bag of cannabis no bigger than the size of a 10 cent coin. Superintendent Helen Braam said it is just another example of the ongoing exploitation of remote Territorians. "The alternative for a remote community family is spending $100 on letting their kids go to the show, buying them a new bike for their birthday or sending them on a school excursion - something most urban kids take for granted, and whose parents are not being extorted becau…
Last reply by jabez, -
- 2 replies
Author: Katherine Spackman Date: 6 August 2009 ABC
Last reply by westy, -
- 420 Crew
- 16 replies
- 2.9k views,00.html August 13, 2009 12:06pm A ONE metre tall cannabis plant has been discovered in a disused recreational room at Sydney's Villawood detention centre, sparking an investigation by NSW Police and the facility's operator. Staff from private operator G4S found the hydroponically grown plant yesterday morning during a routine check, when they saw a light coming from one of the lockers in the abandoned room. Immigration Department spokesman Sandi Logan said the recreational room had not been used by either detainees or staff for quite some time. It was not yet known whether staff or detainees had cultivated t…
Last reply by brick, -