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Paid to get the Dope
by Guest Urbanhog- 2 replies
Source: Herald Sun Edition 1 - FIRSTTHU 28 NOV 2002, Page 015 I would love to do this study, but pity, I am not a PhD Student Urbanhog
Last reply by Brainstorm, -
Mice go Potty
by Guest Urbanhog- 0 replies
Source:Herald Sun Edition 1 - FIRSTFRI 25 OCT 2002, Page 011 this made me laugh... heheh ::
Group Wants Marijuana Rethink
by Guest Urbanhog- 0 replies
Pubdate: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 Source: Advertiser, The (Australia) Copyright: 2002 Advertiser Newspapers Ltd Contact: Website:
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WINNERS OF THE 15TH-ANNUAL CANNABIS CUP Announced on Nov. 28 at the Melkweg in Amsterdam CANNABIS CUP Best strain of marijuana/coffeeshop Morming Glory/Barney's NYC Diesel/De Tweede Kamer Super Kali Mist/Green House SATIVA CUP Best sativa strain/seed company Mother's Finest/Sensi Seeds NYC Diesel/Soma Seeds (tie) Kali Mist/Serious Seeds & Super Silver Haze/Green House INDICA CUP Best indica strain/seed company Hog/THSeeds-Hempworks Buddha's Sister/Soma Seeds Mango/KC Seeds HASH CUP Best hash/coffeeshop Royal Cream/Old Church Moroc Sticky/Sensi Daisy Cutter/Bushdoctor COFFEESHOP CUP Best coffeeshop Barney's Green House The Dolph…
Last reply by boulder, -
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Zurich - Swiss federal health officials still favour decriminalising cannabis consumption but political opposition is stiffening after a recent study showed Swiss marijuana is far more potent than previously assumed. A study conducted by a Swiss consumer watchdog showing Swiss cannabis had up to 28 percent of the euphoria-producing active ingredient tetra-hydro cannabinol (THC) has alarmed politicians and health officials and threatens to derail liberalisation. Richard Mueller, director of the Swiss Institute for Substance Abuse, told the SonntagsZeitung newspaper: "We have to revise our verdict. Smoking cannabis isn't as harmless as we thought." According to the s…
Last reply by boulder, -
Top Story: Dan Forbes Documents Walters’ Lies About Potency. Understanding That The War On Cannabis Is Built On Lies Is Key to Understanding More Than Just Drug War. Posted by Richard Cowan on 2002-11-20 17:39:18 Source: Posted November 20, 2002 Analysis by Richard Cowan My friend Dan Forbes is one of the few Authentic Journalists – to use Al Giordano’s phrase – covering the war on cannabis. See Dan Forbes Strikes Again! Uncovers Conspiracy By Ohio Governor and the Partnership for An UnFree America to Subvert the Democratic System. and links In an article posted on Slate Magazine yesterday, The Myth of Potent Pot, The drug czar's latest reefer madness…
Last reply by boulder, -
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Source: Globe and Mail Haarlem, Netherlands — The water pipe stood two metres tall, encircled by people puffing on its 64 mouthpieces. Elsewhere in the room, a new machine rolled out 300 marijuana joints in minutes. Free hash was passed around. It was the start of a three-day Hash and Weed Festival on Friday evening. The aging pioneers of the Dutch marijuana culture, watched by hundreds of young aficionados, gathered in a sports gymnasium to mark the 30th anniversary of the first "coffee shop" that openly sold reefers like cups of coffee. "This celebration honours the world's most successful marijuana experiment: the Dutch coffee shop system," said Pete Brady, an…
Last reply by Ferre, -
Cannabis link to schizophrenia
by Guest Urbanhog-
- Admin
- 3 replies
Cannabis link to schizophrenia Psychiatrists are calling for caution in the move towards licensing cannabis-based medicines. It follows research into a possible link between cannabis use and schizophrenia. Two recent studies have shown that heavy use of cannabis is associated with a fourfold increased risk of developing the mental illness. "There are some dangers to using high doses of cannabis that people need to know about," said Dr Deepak Cyril D'Souza, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Yale University School of Medicine. He said there was concern in the medical profession that people who smoke large amounts of cannabis for a long period of time are at hi…
Last reply by boe~pimp, -
- Admin
- 2 replies
and the winner was.......... well ill let you tell everyone ozstoner. Ended up being a long day, i was a judge and got there at 11am. other judges started to turn up after that and each team had to agrea on there teams winner, as you would expect each person had personal fav and on my team each was differnt. My peronal fav was 5, which turned out to be afagani and the other 2 in my team liked 1 ( it smelled like dog shit to me) it turned out to be Doublegum. well by this time a lot of people were starting to rock up , there was also a VIP team who had 3hrs on the day to smoke themselfs into oblivin and come up with there winner, and just to help them some more 2 late h…
Last reply by Oz, -
'I'll still open my cannabis cafe'
by Guest Urbanhog- 0 replies
This fellow is a legend, won't let the law stop him opening his "cafe"... 'I'll still open my cannabis cafe' A man who plans to set up a cannabis cafe says a report warning of the serious health dangers of the drug will not stop him pressing ahead with his plans. Kevin Williamson, of the counter-culture activist group and publishing house Rebel Inc, plans to challenge the existing law by opening a cafe in Edinburgh where cannabis usage will be tolerated - and where eventually the drug will be put on sale. He said a British Lung Foundation report suggesting that cannabis is every bit as harmful as smoking tobacco does nothing to make him think twice. "This makes…
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Drugged Driving Hopes Friday, November 22, 2002 By Steven Milloy Federal officials announced a new effort to target motorists driving under the influence of illegal drugs. This may sound like a good idea to some, but it's half-baked with a bizarre twist -- the feds have paid researchers to test "drugged drivers" in real traffic. White House Drug Czar John Walters and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration chief Jeffrey Runge announced the initiative at a Nov. 19 press conference. Runge glibly justified the initiative by claiming, "NHTSA estimates that up to 22 percent of drivers involved in fatal motor vehicle crashes have tested positive for illegal dr…
Last reply by dantesinferno, -
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PRESS RELEASE PRESS RELEASE PRESS RELEASE PRESS RELEASE 25 NOVEMBER 2002 The Nimbin HEMP Embassy is collecting data on how the police conduct themselves in their annual pre Christmas cannabis raids which begin today in the Tweed Valley. Residents are asked to call the Embassy at (02) 6689 1842 or email at with information. For years we've had to put up with their Rambo tactics and now we are serious about monitoring their behaviour and anything untoward will be reported in the proper manner. "NSW police insist on valuing every plant, male or female, including seedlings, at $2000 each. It's the same situation every year" said Andrew Kavasilas, from…
Last reply by rodwal, -
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Ottawa -- Criminals are getting off too easy as neighbourhoods across Canada are endangered by huge secret pot-growing operations, police groups charged yesterday. The Liberal government's possible decriminalization of marijuana will only make things worse, charged David Griffin, executive director of the Canadian Police Association. Griffin and others called on the federal government to beef up the Criminal Code and impose minimum jail time for those convicted of turning 50,000 Canadian homes into marijuana "grow houses," including what he said were an estimated 10,000 in the Toronto area. 'WALKING AWAY' The operations, which can generate up to $500,000 a year a…
Last reply by boulder, -
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What do these six folks have in common? They each contributed about $12,500 to reform efforts simply by having letters to the editor published in Time Magazine. A little more than two column inches of reform oriented letters. Time's rate card says that a two column inch ad would cost you $113,120. 3 more writers were mentioned without names. Time claims that each issue has over 20 million readers, and a 47% market share of all weekly news magazines. Of course all who sent letters to Time contributed to the amount of space our side got. The more letters on a subject received, the more space the issue tends to receive. Every letter sent counts, published or not. The T…
Last reply by rodwal, -
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How many illegal marijuana grow operations would you estimate Vancouver police busted last week? Twenty? 30? Even 40? If you'll pardon the pun, the actual number is much higher. Last week -- in just a seven-day period -- officers uncovered more than 60 grow ops, part of a coordinated nationwide crackdown. The Vancouver raids were part of a massive operation targeting indoor marijuana cultivation. Across the country, 73,000 marijuana plants valued at $73 million were seized, and 163 people arrested. It's the third wave of Operation Greensweep, and police were touting the results Tuesday. But even the officers involved in the initiative wonder if such crackdowns are…
Last reply by boulder,