Cannabis Hemp News
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Source: New York Times medical San Francisco -- A convicted marijuana grower was sentenced to one day in prison and fined $1,000 by a federal judge today, the most lenient sentence allowed under law. The defendant, Ed Rosenthal, had faced a possible sentence of 100 years in prison and a potential fine of $4.5 million for his conviction in January on felony charges of marijuana cultivation and conspiracy. "We are all delighted with what we view as as fair and just a sentence that could be imposed under the circumstances of Ed having suffered a conviction," one of Mr. Rosenthal's lawyers, Dennis P. Riordan, said. Federal authorities arrested Mr. Rosenthal last yea…
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Source: KR Washington Bureau cannabis Blaine, Wash. - For decades the drug smuggling war has raged to the south in dusty Mexican border towns or along the sparkling waters of the Caribbean. But in the cool evergreen forests of the Pacific Northwest, a new front has opened up thanks to a potent breed of pricey Canadian marijuana. B.C. Bud is so sought after in the United States that it has been known to trade on the street dollar for dollar with cocaine, federal law enforcement officials say. Named for its birthplace in British Columbia, the high-grade pot is wreaking havoc on the once sleepy northern border. Enterprising smugglers are using kayaks, horse trailers, …
Last reply by Buster, -
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g'day; thought you maybe interested in result of the Sunday Show poll. Do you the support the legal use of cannabis for people suffering chronic pain? Yes - 92% No - 8%
Last reply by OZsyd, -
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Just my 2 cents worth on the new 4 year trail of medical use for NSW resisdents. I believe that the NSW Labour government are chicken shits! The only reason I see that they are doing this trail is the fact that they wanted the GREENIE prefrences in this last election just gone and had to compromise on their drug policy (which I am sure you all heard about on the news before the election). I guess its a start. Anyway keep voting for the GREENS!
Last reply by chief23, -
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Q for Hemp SA members/coordinators??? I would like to attend a Hemp SA meeting so please can you send me the details (either through here or pm me) of you're next meeting time & venue. I have become so fed up with draconian policies from puerile politicians that affect thinking peoples intrinsic & timeless rights, that I now feel it is time to explore avenues of discontent. (Either that or stay home & get stoned te he!!!) Best regs, Budsta
Last reply by Gruntus, -
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Anybody from the Cardiff/Charlestown area on here?
Last reply by Big Daddy Rick, -
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Source: Associated Press Amsterdam, Netherlands - The latest news from the mecca of marijuana users is a real mind-blower. Under a new ban on smoking in public places, Dutch coffee shops will be allowed to sell joints, but their customers will have to go outside to smoke them. To the chagrin of the owners of the country's popular smoking establishments, national health guidelines due to take effect next January seem to be inadvertently striking the heart of the liberal Dutch drugs policy. The law targeted tobacco, not marijuana. The ban on smoking in public places met fierce resistance from eating and drinking establishments, which argued the prohibition would r…
Last reply by boulder, -
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Right , i have just arrived in Oz (Newcastle) and fancied trying my hand at a bit of gardening. However i have a few questions! 1. Where can i get some seeds from? Can i buy them online over here or can u buy them from shops? 2. Whats the penalty if caught growing? ( Just a couple of plants) 3. What is the best strain for growing outside over here? Thats about it i suppose unless anyone wants to send me some weed/seeds i would be more than happy! Cheers B.D.R
- 420 Crew
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Hi im too stoned to remember the details but i heard with the new med pot scheme for NSW that u can buy like 5 grams for $20....coulda been bullshit but im sure i seen it on tv..... fucking i gotta quit the wake and bake does any1 know about any of this or is it bullshit ?????
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
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FELICITY Marco wants to give cannabis to her dying son in a final effort to ease his pain. He's just four years old. dyingson Trying times . . . Felicity Marco wants the drug trial for pain relief to include terminally ill children like her son, Alex, 4. Picture: THE MAITLAND MERCURY Premier Bob Carr wants his proposed four-year cannabis trial restricted to patients suffering wasting because of cancer and HIV, nausea from chemotherapy, severe or chronic pain, muscle spasticity due to multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injuries. They must be 18 and over, but Mrs Marco's dilemma has added another controversial dimension to the emotive debate of legalising cannabis for t…
Last reply by boe~pimp, -
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For eons, cannabis has been ingested for the treatment of common and chronic ailments, but now, the march of technology is propelling wacky tobaccy into a brave new century of pharmaceutical development. Scientists around the world are studying not only whole, smoked marijuana, but also pure extracts that would make Louis Armstrong blush. The fruits of their labors could hit European pharmacies as soon as next year. The leading-edge cannabis pharmaceutical company is the publicly-owned British firm, GW Pharmaceuticals. Their Cannabis Based Medical Extracts (CBME) have proven extraordinarily safe and effective in relieving medical conditions such as neuropathic pain an…
Last reply by boulder, -
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I just saw on news a hydro bust in nw sydney. This is very sad news. They went to put out a fire at the house and found setup!
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THE State Government would need to secure special federal clearance to import cannabis under its medical trial of the drug. Importing the drug from overseas is one option being considered ? along with growing the plants locally in high-security specialist research facilities. Other key aspects of the trial are also unresolved, including how much cannabis would cost and whether it would be subsidised under the pharmaceutical benefits scheme. The form of the cannabis is also up for expert debate and could include a spray, an "electronic bong" inhaler or tablets. Getting the drug into the country could prove difficult. The Federal Health Department is still unsure whet…
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
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Hanging on the precipice of states' rights in the nation's drug war is a 58-year-old San Francisco author known as the "Ganja Guru." And there lying at the bottom is a shattered Lady Justice, with no middle ground in sight. Ed Rosenthal is no stranger to controversy. Over the years, he's authored several books about the benefits of marijuana use and has even testified before Congress about the need to re-evaluate federal laws that make growing or smoking marijuana a criminal offense. Now Rosenthal, who grew marijuana for medicinal purposes, could spend the rest of his life in prison. Yet he had the city of Oakland's blessing to grow the cannabis. He had the voters o…
Last reply by Ferre, -
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medical Legalised cannabis will be prescribed to people suffering from chronic pain or wasting illnesses under a four-year trial to be run by the NSW Health Department. The State Government aims to introduce draft legislation to govern the trial during the current parliamentary sitting, with the trial to begin next year. It would include hundreds of people with cancer, HIV, severe or chronic pain, MS-related muscle spasticity, spinal cord injury or nausea caused by chemotherapy. The Government is yet to outline how the cannabis would be distributed to participants. Options include allowing them to grow a limited number of marijuana plants, but a spokesman for the Sp…