Cannabis Hemp News
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If you could just take a moment of your time to vote on the Australian Yahoo Site regarding decriminalisation in Australia Just scroll down about half way its on the right. the results are now : decriminalize? Yes : 55 % (1277 votes) No : 44% (1041 votes) Let's make that yes : 80% ! VOTE AND PASS IT ON!
Last reply by Ferre, -
- 420 Crew
- 20 replies
In my opinion I think one day it will, or at least tolerated to an extent. Marijuana today is far more acceptable than it was a short while ago, and there seem to be scientists, politicians, heaps of people who stick up for the fact that weed is not a dangerous thing, i look forward to the day when we look back at our drug laws and laugh. Howard should pull his finger out of his ass.
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
Medical Marijuana Pro/Con
by Guest weekprik- 0 replies
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Hey just wondering if anyone saw the bust in hallett cove on capella drive i think it was ? it was a few days ago.. i missed it. Just wanted to know info about it. Thanks peoples Ziggy.M
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Broadcast: 16/09/2003 Experts question drug policy recommendation A parliamentary inquiry has alarmed some experts within the drug rehabilitation field. It has recommended that Australia change its national drug treatment policy from harm minimisation to abstinence. It's a fundamental policy shift which could have major implications for Australia's 130,000 regular injecting drug users. Compere: Tony Jones Reporter: John Stewart TONY JONES: A parliamentary inquiry has alarmed some experts within the drug rehabilitation field. It has recommended that Australia change its national drug treatment policy from harm minimisation to abstinence. It's a fundamental policy s…
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
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Champaign ? The munchies are nothing to giggle about when you're ill and lack any appetite whatsoever. Then, says local Rastafarian Chef Ra, marijuana-induced food consumption might be a life-saver for people undergoing chemotherapy or enduring infection by HIV. Chef Ra, a radio host at WEFT-FM and reggae regular on the Champaign club circuit, with his 5-foot-long dreadlocks and broad smile, writes humorous columns for High Times magazine. But he said his column, and a new DVD, contain recipes for cannabis-based dishes that are written with ill, sometimes starving people in mind. The illegal drug is not generally part of mainstream medicine. The Illinois State Me…
Last reply by boulder, -
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I wish someone would explain to me the War On Drugs, or at least why we think there is one. I grant that I'm just a country boy, and intellectually barefoot, and can't understand things that don't make sense. For that you have to go to Yale. Help me. As the newspapers tell it, drugs are somebody else's fault. Mexico's, for example, which grows and ships drugs. Yep, our drug problem comes from them. Colombia makes us take drugs too. In Washington you often see Colombians with machetes to peoples' throats, making them use drugs. Sometimes they actually block traffic. The Afghans grow drugs for the American market, but it's not their fault, because they are our allies …
Last reply by boulder, -
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SEVERAL students have been suspended from a suburban Adelaide primary school for possessing cannabis. Colonel Light Gardens Primary School yesterday confirmed a group of students ? believed to be three ? had been banned for taking the drug to school. It is understood the older students had smoked cannabis in a park near the school outside school hours. However, other students at the school allegedly told the Education Department the offending students had offered them the drug. A department spokesman said it was department policy not to disclose details of the students involved. It is unclear whether the students are now back in class. Principal Raelene Taggar…
Last reply by boulder, -
Tommy Chong Busted 1 2 3
by pipeman- 22 replies
this is old news, but I just stumbled across it. Also it appears that Chong's website is no more. :angry: Cult film star Tommy Chong, one half of the 1970s comedy duo Cheech and Chong, pleaded guilty in a US court on Tuesday of conspiring to sell drug paraphernalia. Chong was facing charges in a Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania court over selling marijuana pipes, known as bongs, through his company Nice Dreams Enterprises, and through website advertisements giving his "celebrity" endorsement. He admitted his range of glass bongs and pipes, known as Chong glass, were used to smoke marijuana. Chong's lawyers said t…
Last reply by Ferre, -
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Newshawk: Duncan Eddy Pubdate: Sat, 06 Sep 2003 Source: Nelson Mail, The (New Zealand) Copyright: 2003 Independent Newspapers Limited Contact:,248...487,0a9,FF.html Website: Details: Author: Bernadette Cooney Bookmark: (Hemp - Outside U.S.) FURTHER HEMP TRIALS APPROVED Industrial hemp trials in Motueka have been approved for a third season, but initial enthusiasm over the crop's commercial viability has waned. Motueka Community Group hemp project spokesman Steve Burnett will be the sole trial grower this season, once his application for…
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SINCE Tasmania's Country Women's Association voted unanimously to lobby for the trial use of marijuana for medical relief, Ailsa Bond's popular cheese and parsley scones have been the subject of many a joke. "People joke that the parsley flakes could be replaced with other green flakes!" she says. The move from the CWA to get the drug approved for medical use surprised many, but the sprightly 80-year-old responds that the organisation has always been progressive. "We've been raising social issues for 60 or 70 years," she said. "We've talked about the value of water, the importance of trees, we've lobbied for childcare centres, for roads, for hospitals and libraries.…
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
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Brussels ? The Belgian government said Wednesday it would have no objection to following the Dutch move this week to make cannabis available from pharmacies on prescription. Minister for Health Rudy Demotte confirmed Belgium could be the next European country to legalise the sale of cannabis in pharmacies. ?This is an area where public health must prevail and research has shown that cannabis can be of medicinal use,? a Health Ministry statement said. Studies have shown cannabis derivatives to be effective in the treatment of the secondary effects of chemotherapy, anorexia, epilepsy and depression. Research is currently being carried out in several Belgian univers…
Last reply by Ferre, -
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Date: Sat, 30 Aug 2003 22:51:45 -0700 From: "D. Paul Stanford" <> Subject: 007 Dutch Chemists to sell legal cannabis for $31 - $42/eighth from Dale Gieringer Note that LEGAL medicinal cannabis is being offered for 40 - 55 E per 5 grams in the Netherlands, or about $31 - $ 42 per eighth oz. This is not much lower than the prevailing price in Cal's cannabis clubs ($40-55/ eighth). Apparently, the costs of Dutch regulation are comparable to those imposed by prohibition. This raises obvious questions about how much legalization would lower the price of cannabis. It also raises doubts about all of the complaints about supposedly overpriced …
Last reply by Ferre, -
by Guest nol van schaik- 1 reply
Coffeeshop no go zone for police officer. Police officers are not allowed to buy softdrugs in coffeeshops in their off duty hours. “These civil servants could namely be in a difficult situation if and when they have to act against a coffeeshop entrepreneur in their line of duty.” This was stated by Minister Remkes (Home Affairs) yesterday, during an in-chamber debate about integrity amongst authorities. This should not only apply to police officers, but also for other public figures, like a Mayor and a Minister, because they actually are on duty for 24 hours, according to the VVD minister. “A police officer a role model function and has to display authority”, says Remke…
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GENEVIEVE Hedditch and Jo Neal are typical of a growing number of young women taking more health risks. Both 21, and holidaying in Adelaide from Melbourne, they drink regularly and excessively to "get drunk". Drinking alcohol about three to four times a week is common for Ms Hedditch, with each drinking session usually involving at least six drinks of her favourite whisky and soda or Carlton Draught. Ms Neal also regularly drinks alcohol, enjoying beer and white wine on about three occasions each week. They are typical of a new study which has found binge drinking, illicit drug-taking, no exercise and unsafe sex are among the risks young women are more frequently …