Cannabis Hemp News
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* Illicit drug use cost business $3.3bn * Causing reduced workforces, absenteeism * Problem more "balanced business-type approach" THE authors of a new study showing illicit drug use cost Australian business $3.3 billion in one year say the law enforcement approach to drugs has failed to protect people and commerce. The Australian Drug Law Reform Foundation today released what it claims is the first known Australian study to quantify the cost of illicit drug use. The foundation said illicit drug use in 2003 cost Australian business $3.3 billion, or two per cent of that year's corporate profits. Reduced workforce, absenteeism The Three Billion Dollar Que…
Last reply by Pa-uul, -
Gateway crap
by Tom- 8 replies
How cannabis led my boy to become a heroin addict CANNABIS has, for decades, been seen in some quarters as nothing more than a hippy drug. Whether they call it ganja, weed, dope, grass, many people insist it's a harmless way to unwind. At one stage it appeared even the Government was leaning towards that view too - in 2004, laws against cannabis were relaxed. It was declassified and made a class C drug. Advert for SuperScotCasino But in recent months alarming evidence has emerged about its side-effects, particularly the link to psychosis and mental illness - one modern derivation of cannabis, skunk, is ten times stronger than the homegrown pot smoked back in the 196…
Last reply by Al Fish, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Cannabis smoke 'here to stay' By Sabine Fiedler in Amsterdam COULD a smoking ban spell the end of Amsterdam's world famous coffee shops, where smoking cannabis is one of the main attractions? No chance, says local conservative politician and coffee shop owner Michael Veling. The Dutch may well follow other European countries in banning tobacco smoking in restaurants, cafes and bars, but Veling says it should still be possible to smoke dope. "It is ridiculous to think that a smoking ban would be the end of coffee shops," the 50-year-old Veling says. TOBACCO BAN WON’T CLOSE THE JOINT He says the clientele who have been coming to coffee shops to buy and inhal…
Last reply by Budman2012, -
Dope Drought 1 2
by Bossco- 15 replies
Check out this article from The Age March 25: I really don't think people are switching to E's when they normally smoke weed but I certainly haven't been able to get any pot recently although I only have a couple of dealers which both seem to be dry at the moment.
Last reply by wildflower, -
- 420 Crew
- Admin
- 12 replies
NIMBIN, Australia (Reuters) - The pungent smell of marijuana fills the air outside The Rainbow Cafe in Australia's hippy capital Nimbin as a shopkeeper smokes a joint during a coffee break. Across the road the Hemp Embassy is busy with shoppers inspecting bongs and pipes, as well as hemp T-shirts and hats, while a few enjoy a joint of marijuana in a side room. "Hey mister, want some weed," says a voice in a dark corner of the Nimbin Museum, a cave-like labyrinth which tells of the hippy birth of Nimbin following the Aquarius Festival in 1973. Selling and smoking marijuana may be illegal in Australia, but in Nimbin on Australia's fertile northeast coast authorities u…
Last reply by Dal, -
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Raids over two days result in nine arrests By Nikki Joyce - 18/04/2007 - Toowoomba Chronicle 2007 NINE people were arrested on 18 drug charges following two days of police raids in Toowoomba this week. Police from the city's Tactical Crime Squad acted on a series of tips from the public resulting in Operation Albatross, where those arrested were charged with possession of drugs and drug utensils. The State Flying Squad joined the city's police in the raids, with more than $1000 worth of stolen property also seized from Belgium and Hume streets in South Toowoomba in the operation. Senior Constable Stuart Standeaven said police were making inquiries about the f…
Last reply by torture, - © 2007 ABC. A few months ago I predicted the introduction of a "treatment" for drug users which would permanently alter their brain chemistry making them "immune" from drugs. Whether they are endogenous (like endorphin or anandamide) or exogenous (like heroin, nicotine or pot) drugs are a natural and very important part of life. ABC's Catalyst has been pointed out on this forum before for its government-friendly "War on Drugs" stance. An example was when they reported some morgue findings about a year ago regarding the presence of cannabis in car crash victims as supposed to be showing that m…
Last reply by Jess Stone, -
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Potential Drug Target for Stroke Identified New research by University of Otago scientists suggests some mechanisms in the brain targeted by cannabis could become drugs targets to counter brain cell damage after a stroke. Researchers from the Medical School's Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology have been the first in the world to show the cannabinoid CB2 receptor appears in the rat brain following a stroke. Their findings were published recently in the journal Neuroscience Letters. Dr John Ashton says the CB2 receptor is a protein produced as part of the body's immune response system. "This response is triggered by stroke and causes the inflammation that lea…
Last reply by 67Special, -
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[at tachment=21919:attachment][attach ment=21916:attachment]hi folks .. on my jaunt around Europe last year .. came across... A hemp crop right on the border of Austria & Hungary ... it would seem that Hungarians are not stupid , but it's a poor country & the uses of hemp too good to ignore so they thumb their noses at USA .. & grow it anyway ... HA ha ah H ah Hha hAHah Aha h Ha h ha ... ahemn. I saw wild Hemp growing everywhere in the countryside ... at the time I was not smoking any MJ... I think the sign says country border.
Last reply by Azure, -
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Britain's fight against drugs 'a total failure' Government attempts to persuade thousands of young people to stay away from drugs have failed and done nothing to curb the soaring popularity of illegal substances, a devastating report will warn this week. The number of young people using cocaine and cannabis has increased rapidly over the past 20 years despite high-profile campaigns, such as the £9m 'Frank' initiative aimed at 11 to 15-year-olds, according to an in-depth examination of official efforts to tackle Britain's chronic drug problem. It is also expected to claim that Britain's 'unusually severe drug problem compared with that of our European neighbours' is …
Last reply by Jess Stone, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
Police bust cannabis operation in national park A major drug growing operation has been discovered inside a national park in Victoria's north-west. Police say a complex piping system that stretched for several kilometres was used to grow marijuana crops inside the Hattah-Kulkyne National Park, between Ouyen and Mildura. The pipes were traced back to a nearby property, where police say large quantities of processed cannabis and cash were found buried. A man is being interviewed about the find, but no charges have been laid. Sergeant Mark Edwards says the pipes were traced back to a nearby property. "We've executed a drug search warrant on the property," he said. …
Last reply by wildflower, -
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
"Pot. It mightn't kill you, but it could turn you into a dickhead" Ads target cannabis smoking teens A NSW anti-cannabis campaign will target teenagers as they travel to school and surf the internet. NSW Health launched the $600,000 campaign, which it says is designed to warn the 14 to 19-year-old age group on the dangers of starting the marijuana habit. Print advertisements, carrying tag lines such as "Pot. It mightn't kill you, but it could turn you into a dickhead", will appear in youth magazines and on bus stop posters. The ads feature a person staring accusingly from a black and white photo and quotes such as: "You've got great eyes, when they're not bloo…
Last reply by highonlife, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
California in bid to impose 7.25% sales tax on cannabis FOR decades, smoking marijuana has been an illicit affair, a key anti-establishment ritual for America's counter-culture underground. But the legalisation of the drug for medicinal purposes in California has presented its advocates with a dilemma: to remain firmly on the wrong side of the law or accept a demand to pay taxes on its sale. Marijuana prescribed by a doctor for health reasons was decriminalised in a state-wide referendum in 1996 and has grown into a billion-dollar industry. About 25,000 patients and carers are now members of the so-called pot clubs. Chris Moscone, an attorney who represents the …
Last reply by sunnycoaststoner, -
- 420 Crew
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Ice pipes, bong components banned By Roberta Mancuso February 05, 2007 04:53pm Article from: AAP Font size: + - Send this article: Print Email SHOPS that sell pipes used to smoke the drug known as ice will face penalties of up to $10,500 under new Queensland laws banning the utensils. Premier Peter Beattie today said Cabinet approved amendments to the Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Act 1998 which will also close a loophole that had allowed retailers to sell separate parts of cannabis utensils such as "bongs". The laws will be introduced to state Parliament this week. Mr Beattie said the ban on ice pipes was part of his Government's "ice-breaker strateg…
Last reply by Ozzy420, -
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Police drug sniffer dogs target children during school holidays - Lismore by Jess Stone April 12,2007 DTS - Exclusive First the NSW government gives us there latest teen anti-cannabis campaign , carrying tag lines such as "Pot. It mightn't kill you, but it could turn you into a dickhead" ,which is staggering in its stupidity ,and now I am informed by reliable sources that undercover police are patrolling the streets of the NSW far north town, Lismore deliberately targeting children during school holidays with sniffer dogs, supposedly randomly selecting their victims but sources inform DTS that children , homeless street people , aboriginals ,buskers but no grannies o…
Last reply by Jess Stone,