Off-Beat News
Strange and unusual off-beat news collected by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
757 topics in this forum
- 40 replies
Gut bacteria spotted eating brain chemicals for the first time Got GABA?Custom Medical Stock Photo/SPL By Andy Coghlan Bacteria have been discovered in our guts that depend on one of our brain chemicals for survival. These bacteria consume GABA, a molecule crucial for calming the brain, and the fact that they gobble it up could help explain why the gut microbiome seems to affect mood. Philip Strandwitz and his colleagues at Northeastern University in Boston discovered that they could only grow a species of recently discovered gut bacteria, called KLE1738, if they provide it with GABA molecules. “Nothing made it grow, except GABA,” Strandwitz said while announcing his …
Last reply by cardrona, -
- 21 replies
What's going on in Denver ?
Last reply by cooldog, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
Last reply by _Puff_Tough_, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
22 Feb 2016 It is an interesting story. He then sells their honey as what else but ... cannahoney. I can't figure out whether he has the bees deliberately seeking out and collecting the resin, or whether it sticks to them as they hunt for pollen and nectar. When back at the hive they clean the sticky resin off and then find use for it as glue or varnish on the honeycomb cells. Either way, it's a neat trick that this apiarist seems to be capitalising on. Inevitably, the resin imparts a distinctive piquance to the honey that has been stored in that comb.
Last reply by nici, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
- 725 views The Turnbull government is to consider a ban on the $100 note and a crackdown on all but small cash payments as part of an assault on the cash economy to be unveiled in Monday's mid-year budget update. They where saying on the raido this morning that there is about 3 billion in $100 notes out there at last audit they could only account for 1 out of 3 that it out there. Looks like there is a few stuffed mattress out there
Last reply by itlldoo, -
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
Thought some people might be interested in some photos I took in Vancouver, Canada on 420 day last year. Later I might post some other photos from Canada related to the subject at hand. I also have a few interesting/funny stories from the trip. (later)
Last reply by Harry Bootlace, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
Did anyone used this Orascan Drug anayser? How was it? been looking for a device like this in the market to test staff.
Last reply by Bazza, -
- 4 replies
Arizona: Prison Meal Service Donates $80,000 to Anti-Marijuana CampaignCompany is likely concerned legal marijuana will eat into profits. The campaign aimed at preventing marijuana from being legalized this year in Arizona just received a super sleazy donation from a company that makes its living selling meals to prisons. Campaign finance records show that Services Group of America, one of the largest food service companies in the United States, recently contributed $80,000 to the weasels working to maintain the prohibitionary standard in the Copper State. The documents, which were initially dug up by Tom Angell over at, suggest the company could be conc…
Last reply by alienpuppy, -
- 5 replies
Last reply by Pippin, -
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
Last reply by Bobito_Pepperoni, -
Your thoughts? Alcohol is 114 times more deadly than marijuana.
Last reply by _Puff_Tough_, -
Hey all anyone have one of these & how you find it ? Has some pretty impressive testing features, not sure how accurate etc it is but quotes to ie, 62.15% Work out to around $1300 Thanks
Last reply by alienpuppy, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Holly shit I am back after 15 Nerve Root Sleeve Injection's in my lower back. I can tell you that them injections made me skip a bit,Don't know if I will be fronting back up again in 12 months time for another 15 injections as they really mess with me big time for about a week after the injection. Plus the S/1 =Sacrailiac joint injection hurt like all fuck,The shit they injected me with to kill the pain from the injection's don't seem to work to good on me now day's. O'Well I will just have to harden up a bit more hey. . Now the pain is under control a bit more I will try an get a new grow on the road now. Here is to all them other poor sucker's that suffer fr…
Last reply by Gumby1, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Old news but how could we not re-post it? "Automakers Ford have joined forces with German scientists to create the Drug Driving Suit. It's a costume containing padding, weights, and goggles, and designed to show young drivers the potential effects on them of taking illegal substances before getting behind the wheel. Jim Drury reports. Video provided by Reuters"
Last reply by Serrated edge, -
- 4 replies
I find this post, it really left me confused, when we talk about marijuana we hardly talk anything good about it, but this post has shown a totally new side of Marijuana, which really left me amazed. Is it possible!!
Last reply by Gumby1,