Off-Beat News
Strange and unusual off-beat news collected by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
757 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
- 705 views NEW YORK (AP) -- Doctors say they have never seen anything like it: A window washer who fell 47 stories from the roof of a Manhattan skyscraper is now awake, talking to his family and expected to walk again. Alcides Moreno, 37, plummeted almost 500 feet in a December 7 scaffolding collapse that killed his brother. Somehow, Moreno lived, and doctors at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center announced Thursday that his recovery has been astonishing. He has movement in all his limbs. He is breathing on his own. And on Christmas Day, he opened his mouth and spoke for the first time sinc…
Last reply by babybear, -
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From the ABC again. A car owner in the South African capital Johannesburg was driven to desperation when she found a family of Cape Hyrax, small animals that resemble guinea pigs, living in the engine of her vehicle. Hoping to shake off the short-eared, short-tailed creatures known locally as dassies, she drove at high speed to a dealership on the other side of town. She then dumped the vehicle there without giving an explanation. Astonished staff at the dealership phoned Johannesburg Zoo and asked them to come and rescue the animals, as the car had been abandoned in their washbay and was interfering with their work. "The guys called us and said that there was mov…
Last reply by leafy, -
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Exploding dogs pose no threat to estate houses Posted Fri Jan 4, 2008 8:18am AEDT The Northern Territory Government is confident it will not have any problems building a housing estate across the road from a crematorium in Darwin where a dead dog exploded on Wednesday night. Police were called to the crematorium because of a strong red glow coming from the chimney. Staff told the officers that the dog exploded because it had not been defrosted properly. A nearby resident says it does happen occasionally. Territory Planning Minister Delia Lawrie says the new houses will not be right next to the pet crematorium. "Planning is underway, in terms of the actual pl…
Last reply by leafy, -
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ABC NEWS Posted Wed Dec 26, 2007 10:09am AEDT Reading in dim light will not hurt your eyes, you do not need eight glasses of water a day to stay healthy and shaving your legs will not make the hair grow back faster. These well-worn theories are among seven "medical myths" exposed in a paper published in the British Medical Journal, which traditionally carries light-hearted features in its Christmas edition. Two US researchers took seven common beliefs and searched the archives for evidence to support them. Despite frequent mentions in the popular press of the need to drink eight glasses of water, they found no scientific basis for the claim. They say the complet…
Last reply by leafy, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Exploding dog causes crematorium blaze ABC NEWS Thu Jan 3, 2008 7:36am An exploding dog has been blamed for an overheating chimney which sparked an alert at a Darwin pet crematorium last night. Emergency services were called to the crematorium after a passing motorist reported the premises were on fire. Three fire trucks and a police car investigated a reported 'red glow' coming from the chimney flue. Authorities confirmed flames were coming out of the flue and called the proprietor. He revealed that a frozen dead dog in the furnace was the cause of the overheating chimney, as frozen dogs sometimes explode when cremated. an exciting way to start a new …
Last reply by Stoney, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Opinion; IT SOUNDS entirely defensible, at first. The federal Government plans to protect unwary children by blocking violence and pornography on the internet. Author:Galen English Date: January 02, 2008 Source: Australian IT News ;,00.html Copyright: Copyright 2007 News Limited. Sure im all for stopping child explotation but if these measures are accepted it may be taken that other web sites that condone illegal behaviour should also be blocked ... personelly i hate any form of censorship
Last reply by Al B. Fuct, -
- 3 replies
- 1.3k views Police are baffled over how a man allegedly acquired $3 million worth of pseudoephedrine tablets seized from a Melbourne home early Tuesday. Drug taskforce detectives found more than five million pharmaceutical-grade tablets in a raid at 2.30am (AEDT) on a family home at Epping in Melbourne's northern suburbs. Police said they also seized 250kg of white powder, 300 vials of steroids, numerous bottles of methadone and about 200 litres of various chemicals from the home. Detective Inspector Steve Smith, of the drug taskforce, told reporters the situation was unusual because illicit drug manufacturers normally used "pseudo ru…
Last reply by Pam, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
A CLANDESTINE drug laboratory at a southern suburbs house has exploded, forcing the evacuation of nearby residents. The lab blew up just after noon today, destroying the back half of the home at Clearwater Cres, Seaford Rise. About 40 nearby resident have been forced to shelter in a nearby park’s rotunda, while they await clearance from CFS and SES crews. Police have cordoned off the street while they investigate. Witnesses said that just after the blast, a man was seeing packing belongings into a car and driving off. Police are looking for a white Holden Commodore station wagon. One neighbour said he attempted to stop the man by standing behind the car. But the m…
Last reply by 67Special, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Dad sells son’s $100 video game for $10,000 16th December 2007, 14:00 WST The West Australian A Canadian man has sold his son's $US90 ($103) video game for $US9100 ($10,420) on eBay, after catching the 15-year-old smoking marijuana at home. The father sold the hard-to-get Guitar Hero III video game he bought his son for Christmas at an online auction, fetching the sky-high price from an Australian buyer. The sale took place after the father spent two weeks searching for the video game for his son's Nintendo Wii. “So I was so relieved in that I had finally got the Holy Grail of Christmas presents pretty much just in the nick of time. I couldn’t wait to spread the…
Last reply by RobbieGanjaSeed, -
- 5 replies
Kottonmouth Kings, probably the strongest voice in the pro-Marijuana community, they are about nothing BUT Marijuana and legalizing it Anyone going?
Last reply by james25, -
- 420 Crew
- 18 replies
Word of the Week We first heard about jenkem in 1999, when the BBC News reported on the growing fad amongst Zambian street children, which has quickly spread throughout Sub-Saharan Africa. Nobody cared — until some white, middle class, all-American claimed to have tried it. So what is jenkem? It’s human feces. Poop. Shit. Turds. SEWAGE! A bunch of African children have discovered they can get one helluva buzz by collecting raw sewage in plastic bottles, letting it fester in the sun, and inhaling the fumes. Jenkem (also jekem) is a narcotic recreational drug composed of noxious gas formed from fermented human sewage!!! The effects of Jenkem inhalation last for …
ha stoners, i was watching the news on channel nine and the story was about men getting boob reduction surgery....Anyway they say its caused by obesity,steroids and ,hows this marijuana use.....what the??? " blokes smokes dope and gets gropped" THe media will say anything to put down our medicine . I'd better duck out and grab a double 'D' cup cause i'm gunna need it after all the pot i
Last reply by Mulcontent, -
- 2 replies
Posted Fri Nov 9, 2007 11:23am AEDT A German flasher stunned lawyers during his appeal hearing on a flashing conviction by stripping off in court, authorities said. "The court withdrew for deliberations and during the adjournment the man removed his clothes again," said a spokesman for the court in the western city of Duisburg. "It appears he sees it as art, and views himself as a living work of art." The 60-year-old was in court to appeal against his conviction for running onto the pitch naked during a girl's soccer match and striking a range of "body builder poses", the spokesman said. State prosecutors filed fresh charges of indecent behaviour against the …
Last reply by grok, -
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- 1k views If you ask them to run your food "through the Dutch garden" they add buds!!!
Last reply by Budman2012, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
- 1.6k views WTF how could they fine her haha that could be one of the greatest things you ever get to see.
Last reply by 67Special, -