Off-Beat News
Strange and unusual off-beat news collected by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
757 topics in this forum
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Heres a few things i found jus browsing thought they were funny.. SCRATCH & SPLIFF "Quote" Hash grower is let off over itchy privates A CANNABIS farmer was shown mercy by a sheriff yesterday - after explaining he wanted to use the drug to tackle the pain of itchy genitals. Gregor Spalding said he had been in "chronic pain" for three years. And he told a court he grew the drug to provide relief because painkillers were not working. Police had arrived at Spalding's home in Blairgowrie, Perthshire, Scotland, on April 15 looking for someone else - but detected a strong smell of cannabis. Spalding, 30, led them to a cupboard where he had set up a small crop o…
Last reply by Feelgood, -
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Author: Date: 14/05/08 Source: Malta Today Copyright: © MediaToday Co. Ltd
Last reply by Oz, -
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Author: Mark Hinchliffe Date: 13/05/08 Source: Courier Mail Copyright: © 2008 Queensland Newspapers.
Last reply by Oz, -
- 420 Crew
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Author: 'From correspondents in Houston' Date: May 09, 2008 09:07am Source: Copyright: © 2008 Davies Brothers Pty Limited. Not the most pleasing pot news, but off-beat? Yes
Last reply by Feelgood, -
- 420 Crew
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Sad news in the world of LSD, Albert Hofmann the father of LSD has passed away "Albert Hofmann, the father of LSD, passed away at 9AM CEST on Tuesday April 29, 2008 at his home in Basel, Switzerland. Cause of death was a heart attack; two caretakers were there with him at the time. MAPS President Rick Doblin said, "[Albert and I] spoke on the phone the day after the Basel conference and he was happy and fulfilled. He'd seen the renewal of LSD psychotherapy research with his own eyes, as had [his wife] Anita. I said that I looked forward to discussing the results of the study with him in about a year and a half and he laughed and said he'd try to h…
Last reply by Stoney, -
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Author: Chris Boutet Date: 22/04/08 Source: National Post Copyright: NP?
Last reply by Rose Gardener, -
- 420 Crew
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- 1.7k views Maybe our government could plant big cannabis crops in Australia to give our troops some cover in case of future invasion. Just a thought.
Last reply by snowboardin_stoner, -
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AUSTIN, Texas (Hollywood Reporter) - Audiences eager to light up the joint with a viewing of the upcoming marijuana-themed documentary "Super High Me" will be able to do so in the privacy of their own living rooms. Starting March 10, fans can register at the film's Web site ( to "roll" their own screenings by requesting a free DVD copy of the film, which will be sent out on its theatrical start date of April 20, a sacred date in the stoner community. Once in receipt of the film, the requester is expected to hold a private screening in a location of his or her choosing. The only requirement is that there be no charge for the screening. ADV…
Last reply by Major Overgrow, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Wasn't sure where to put this "GEM" Listen to cops 911 " i'm dying of an MJ OD" call. This is a crack up , the TV presenters reactions are gems Its more proof real people know MJ is HARMLESS I'm having a MJ OD & we are dead
Last reply by Feelgood, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
Getting high is in your heels By Fiona Connolly January 05, 2008 12:00am,,5828505,00.jpg THEY bring new meaning to the term high heels - a pair of thongs known as "stash sandals" in which teenagers can hide drugs and drink. The latest must-have fashion accessory with hidden storage compartment allows users to store their "gear" in the heel of the thongs, which come with a screw cap and key. Manufactured by surf label Reef and available in most surf stores for about $70, the thongs are marketed as an alcohol container, with the key doubling up as a bottle opener. A Reef spokesman yesterday denied the shoes were designed to…
Last reply by iPuff, -
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from,00.html Interesting conspiracy theory. Thank you CIA for maybe bring us drugs, apparently. Haven't heard of this one before. It wouldn't surprise me. What better way to keep the anti-wart movement quiet. Keep 'em high. Plus you then create a whole "war on drugs" industry which is still in full swing today.
Last reply by Major Overgrow, -
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- 757 views Drug user gets cool reception 05.01.2008 By Peter Hardwick HAVING ice pipes at home prompted a cool reception from police for Toowoomba man Tommy Scott McLachlan. A police search of the 22-year-old's Newtown residence at 7.30am, December 14, turned up a number of drug-related utensils including "ice pipes" and filters, Toowoomba Magistrates Court heard. "Ice" is the street name for crystal methamphetamine hydrochloride, a powerful, highly addictive synthetic stimulant drug. Police prosecutor Sergeant Greg Lewis told the court police initially found in McLachlan's bedroom about three grams of cannab…
Last reply by babybear, -
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A ROOKIE Top Gun was badly burned when he was set on fire while dressed as a SHEEP in the Officers’ Mess. Shocked fancy dress revellers pummelled out the flames after a guest ignited the RAF pilot’s costume with a cigarette lighter. Pride ... wings on uniform Pride ... wings on uniform The trainee, 26, collapsed in agony and was given first aid before being whisked to hospital with 14 per cent burns to his body. Cops were called to RAF Linton-on-Ouse, near York, and a 23-year-old man – who is NOT in the RAF – was arrested. He is on police bail pending further inquiries. The pilot donned the costume following a Wings graduation ceremony and a posh formal dinn…
Last reply by grok, -
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AN RAF ground crew man has become a video star — break-dancing as he directs £25million Tornado jets. Dean Tabreham, 28, was filmed larking around as he guided Top Gun pilots and their 1,000mph GR4 bombers taxiing on the tarmac during a Nato training exercise. The five-minute video has zoomed around the Ministry of Defence on email, causing some computers to crash because it takes up a huge slice of memory. In one sequence, Senior Aircraftman Dean dons gigantic false hands — like those worn by madcap comic Kenny Everett — to marshal the jets. In another, he does a break-dancing routine as one of the Tornado’s red-hot turbo jet engines passes just inches over his he…
Last reply by leafy, -
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A WOMAN had to be cut free after her hand froze to a railway track when she fell on to the line. Irina Ivanova, 62, grabbed the rail after slipping over in temperatures of -30°C. Her hand stuck to it and a passer-by found her an hour later. Rescuers used welding torches to cut the track. She was taken to hospital where doctors removed the metal and treated her for hypothermia in Tyumen, Siberia.
Last reply by babybear,