Off-Beat News
Strange and unusual off-beat news collected by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
757 topics in this forum
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A 17-year-old girl in Bismarck called 911 on New Year's Eve "to report herself driving under the influence," police Lt.
Last reply by gambir, -
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Stupid is as stupid does in crim world 27 December 2008 From peeing on parking meters to drunk drivers who called the police for help. Kate Chapman looks back at criminals who made us wonder at their intelligence. As well as the murders and assaults police investigated in 2008, they were also faced with less serious offences some of which bordered on downright stupid. Napier chef Sarron John Malot led the way when he was dubbed "the Piddler on the Roof" after being caught on a security camera urinating into a parking meter on July 5. He said he had been out with friends and wanted to pee. When they wouldn't let h…
Last reply by Home_Grown, -
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Honey Bees on Cocaine 'Dance' When Food Is Found 25 December 2008 Washington Post Give a foraging honey bee cocaine, and it will dance to reap and share the rewards of success, a new study says. The finding, published in this month's issue of the The Journal of Experimental Biology, supports the theory of a reward system in an insect's brain and altruism in the bee world. Cocaine affects the transit of octopamine, a neurochemical that's abundant in the brains of foraging honey bees. A previous study showed octopamine causes the bees to increase their dancing even when it is not warranted. Octopamine affe…
Last reply by grace, -
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- 1.7k views Scott Vogel and Freedom States Alliance See Americans' Attitudes About Guns Changing 23/12/2008 -- Scott Vogel, Communications Director, Freedom States Alliance Is America's love affair with guns finally ready for a divorce? Is the NRA more bark than bite? Can anyone really make a sane argument for civilians having .50 caliber sniper rifles? With a new administration not beholden to the zealots of the gun lobby, maybe some headway can finally be made in getting our national gun fixation under control. BuzzFlash interviewed Scott Vogel, Communications Director of Freedom States Alliance (FSA). FSA is actively changing the way America thinks about…
Last reply by medi-useA, -
- 420 Crew
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- 2k views Tue Dec 16 2008 A Canberra lawyer who won the right to serve legal documents on two defendants via Facebook says courts around the country will follow his lead. In what he believes is a world first, lawyer Mark McCormack tracked down a couple who had defaulted on a six-figure loan using the internet and served them with a default judgement. Mr McCormack says the ACT Supreme Court allowed him to serve the couple via Facebook as well as leaving the actual court papers at their last known address and sending emails. Earlier this year, lawyers acting for the Bulldogs NRL club served player Sonny Bill Williams with a subpoena via SMS text message. Williams…
Last reply by BigGod, -
- 420 Crew
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Author:Geoff Wilkinson Date: December 02, 2008 Source: The Australian Copyright: Copyright 2008 News Limited. ONE hundred and sixty-eight serving members of Victoria Police have criminal convictions, it was revealed last night. They have been convicted of offences including serious assaults, trafficking and possession of drugs, theft, perverting the course of justice and misconduct in public office. Assistant Commissioner Luke Cornelius, head of the force's Ethical Standards Department, said last night the criminal offence figures confirmed the force was getting better at catching and convicting members who did the wrong thing. "The community can take some comfor…
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
- 420 Crew
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Author: Bruce McDougall Date: 24th Nov. 2008 Source:,27574,24694190-1242,00.html Copyright: Copyright 2008 News Limited what a flaming turnout lmao
Last reply by Frazz, -
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A surprise find outside the courthouse RHONDA MARKBY Thursday, 13 November 2008 JUST sometimes police officers really don't have to go out of their way to uncover a crime ... even if the offence took place months earlier. Sergeant Grant Lord stopped to chat to some people sitting at a picnic table outside the Timaru courthouse yesterday. The group were standing around in the sun - looking at the ground. Mr Lord also looked - and plucked himself a healthy looking, 25cm high cannabis plant. The plant was growing at the base of the table. The former drug detective reckoned the specimen was about eight weeks …
Last reply by brick, -
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6 minute vid For those who are interested in a one hour doco that explains it all in great (but not boring) detail, try this:
Last reply by Nooby, -
- 420 Crew
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Stud Poker Player Raises The ‘POT’. September 9, 2008 Flush Online Police officers arrested a man in Fresno California at Casino One gambling establishment. The man sat down at a five card stud poker table, and made a bet, near an ounce of Marijuana. No one could believe it; the other players at the table were stunned. The dealer was shocked, casino security watching man bet an ounce of pot from video monitors were pretty shocked too. Noticing the shocked look on both the dealers and other player’s faces, the stud poker player obviously assumes he’s made an overbet.…
Last reply by Feelgood, -
- 420 Crew
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- 1.9k views,00.html The only reason I've posted this stupid article is to point out that cannabis seeds do no one any harm at all. They do not contain enough THC to get anybody effected. To link eating cannabis seeds with a later addiction to anything is preposterous.
Last reply by BigGod, -
- 420 Crew
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Last reply by Wayne Smith, -
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Author: ? Date: 27/06/08 Source: The Canadian Press Copyright: Copyright © 2008 The Canadian Press
Last reply by Oz, -
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Author: Mark SchliebsDate: 27/06/08 Source: Copyright: Copyright 2008 News Limited.
Last reply by duckyduckduck, -
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Author: Duncan CampbellDate: 09/06/08 Source: The Guardian Copyright: © Guardian News and Media Limited 2008
Last reply by Crumpler, -