Off-Beat News
Strange and unusual off-beat news collected by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
757 topics in this forum
- 420 Crew
- 67 replies
Love the bit about 2 years jail, for spending ya own money, if its over $10000 cash bring on the revolution
Last reply by Mull-a-matic, -
Victoria Police has got 70 new drones, ya won't be safe anywhere from the stnuc Fucking good hey, they are like a small army as it is, and they are not here to help fucking spying on from above the dogs, won't be long till the council's get them as get them as well just to see if ya got an illegal hothouse or some other trivial shit I reckon privacy will be out the window and gone for good soon
Last reply by oldfark, -
- 7 replies
Last reply by RobertsKane, -
- 12 replies
Cops uncover $5m cannabis haul March 28, 2019 Earlier this month detectives from the Drug and Serious Crime Group, alongside members of Warwick CIB and the Toowoomba Dog Squad, executed a search warrant at a Kessler Rd property at Old Talgai, southwest of Toowoomba. During the search, police allegedly found 1825 cannabis plants with an estimated value of $4,562,500 and over 139 kilograms of dried cannabis with a value of $918,000. Three people were arrested and were charged with production and possession of dangerous drugs charges. Police allegedly uncovered more than $5 million worth of cannabis at a property at Old Talgai. Picture: Queensland Police Service Upon fu…
Last reply by GreatSouthernMan, -
- 29 replies
Just watched a short piece on one nation representative's making a trip to America to try to procure funding for the up coming elections from the wack jobs at the NRA. Some of the shit these people are saying is absolutely unbelievable. This needs to be seen to be believed. Fucking disgusting. How to sell a massacre: NRA's playbook, revealed | Australia News | Al Jazeera Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by Indycar, -
- 3 replies
Last reply by stickymickey, -
- 8 replies
Last reply by Indycar, -
- 420 Crew
- 29 replies
I hope Santa came and emptied out his sack with some awesome presents for you all Just thought id share what i got from my daughters and i must admit im over the moon. Got a Pole Saw from my oldest daughter that has 3 other attachments making it almost a 5mtr reach. Will come in handy as i need to cut a few small branches up pretty high. Took about 20mins to put together. Also got this from my youngest daughter and i must say best gift ever. It had my real name on it so i changed it . Feel free to share what you got this xmas. Take care and Happy Holidays all.
Last reply by Horrus, -
Hope everyone has a great Xmas full of joy, bongs and laughter. Cheers
Last reply by eloisavalencia, -
- 420 Crew
- 21 replies
Last reply by ZEN2U, -
- 22 replies
"Our work does not stop when the sun goes down. While you slept we seized these items and the holder booked himself a trip to Court" and (you know it's bad when the Kiwi's are mocking us again)
Last reply by Indycar, -
- 3 replies
Hi, Not sure if this is the right place to post this. My bad if not. But could admin force all content into https. I am finding various web-browsers throwing security issues and have to white list to view it now. Given the nature of this forum and its content , privacy is , would be import to all. I tend enter any this on websites without correct SSl setup. Must be fairly new , as it only seems recent. Thanks!
Last reply by DeiterSchlesinger, -
Hi found this site “” has anyone experienced this site??? Please share if they are Legit or Not??
Last reply by Defsnotacop, -
- 5 replies
I have noticed a few websites online (not on the darknet) claiming they sell cannabis/cannabis products, and can send to you discreetly. As weed is still not legal here in Australia, I would assume that these are either illegal, scams or run by law enforcement agencies to try and catch out desperate people. Has anyone successfully purchased from any of these websites. Just wanting to know whether they are legit. I cant find much research into those who have tried to purchase from these sites
Last reply by bakedcake, -
- 11 replies
Watch "Empire Files: Israelis Speak Candidly to Abby Martin About Palestinians" on YouTube This is just one link she has heaps of awesome truths on you tube i recomend everyone checks her out. This chick is a real journalist. Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by Porky 1982,