Paraphernalia Q&A
Navigate your choices in cannabis accessories. Post inquiries and get clarity on products ranging from vaporizers to more intricate apparatus.
496 topics in this forum
- 15 replies
My new Syn, vid coming This is the smoothest tube I've ever hit, and talk about capacity, the beast holds 2 litres of GO .…
Last reply by 420Downunder, -
- 8 replies
Here's a little vid of mine, there's still more stuff on the way
Last reply by 420Downunder, -
- 9 replies
I went about a month without cleaning my bong (which for me is a rare thing...I like that shit to be sparkly!) and it was looking pretty gross, so I gave it a good soak in metho, filled it with some rice and shook that thing around as I usually would, and almost all the gunk was gone. But, just below the ice notches, about level with where the "shotty" is, there's this light brown film. I can't physically get to it by any means, because the ice notches block all my aerial efforts. Anyone got any ideas? If it's going to be too expensive I'll just leave it, but yeah. Suggestions would be great
Last reply by JohnnyBlazeJnr, -
Hey all while having a browse through Joynt Venture in the Perth CBD i decided to buy a bday/xmas present for myself I've only had one hit from it and it made me cough my ass off, heh, but its just cos im not used to taking hits of that volume. Check it out
Last reply by chau, -
New willson
by FDL- 4 replies
This is my new bong jsut got it from BnT. Its a beauty of a double chamber, so stoked with it. Almost happy my mate broke my old one cause he forked out for this baby. p.s - names doris Peace F D L
Last reply by chenzo, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
I would like to tell you about a handy little device called a Bucket set. How to make one. 1x bucket 1x orange juice bottle with bottom cut off. or for a smaller version 1x 1litre bottle of softdrink 1x 2litre bottle of coca cola. I am going to tell you how to make the second one, and how to make the conepiece which applies the same way to the orange juice bottle and bucket model. First off, cut the top of the 2 litre bottle off, and remove the bottom of the 1 litre bottle, next get the bottle cap and poke a hole through it with something sharp, to make it easier heat the tip with a lighter or butane torch and try your best to widen the hole, next you will n…
Last reply by Indycar, -
- 5 replies
I have started saving up my grinder dust to press some hash... What is the best way to smoke this? I have tried a screen pipe before for it. I also have a vaporiser, but a cheapo electric one which has no whip/bags. It just heats up a small plate and air sucks in through the gap between the top jar and the base, doesnt seem very effective? I don't know. I have been looking around for a glass hash pipe/bulb but I have no idea about what design is best, with the least waste. Also kind of after one easy to clean so it lasts forever Many thanks
Last reply by pisspotgrower, -
- 4 replies
I purchased one of these around 6 months ago, have to say, best investment I have ever made. It really is perfect, portable and discreet. I have taken it to parties where while using it I have been asked what it is, beauty is I have never had to even speak when asked this as others will pike up with their guess such as breathalyzer. If I had to list cons for the Iolite it would be that it takes around 5 minutes to heat up, but personally this doesn't phase me.
Last reply by nowonknows, -
- 3 replies
Not sure if this was a dupe, did a search and found nothing so here it is. The Spilly Billy "'''Spilly... consists of five main components: Body (1), Base (2), Stem Camber (3), Screw Cap (4) and Shottie (5); Body & Base:The main body is secured to the base by a quarter turn taper locking system. A genuine Viton O-Ring creates the seal between the two parts. Stem Chamber:The Stem chamber slides inside the main body. Two fitted genuine Viton O-Rings sit above and beneath the top face of the stem chamber to create an airtight seal. Screw Cap:The screw cap attaches to the threaded section of the main body, securing the stem chamber and sealing off the …
Last reply by Uncle Chop Chop, -
- 18 replies
Hi guys Im new and recently purchased a new bong from, I have no idea how long delivery time is, Im in Australia and I am hanging to get this!!! How long have you guys had to wait to receive products from
Last reply by JohnnyBlazeJnr, -
- 22 replies
First i got 5 x 7mm diamond tipped, glass cutting drill bits off egay from China for $4.99. I would recommend a closer bit size to the stem you are using to save shaving the hole bigger... now i know Grab your drill. Mines just a $99 Makita hammer drill from Bunnings. Next i held the bottle under a running tap, and started drilling away In no time at all i had a little circular groove... Ok, so far so good...…
Last reply by komitsx, -
- 6 replies
I'd just bought a "Top vapor vp110" vaporiser from Off Ya Tree in Sydney, turned it on and heard a small popping sound, and now it's no longer working. Just recommending others don't try this vape, I'd read bad reviews and average reviews about it but wanted an entry level one till I can get a "Da Buddha" vape from the US or hopefully find one locally. Anyone know any decent shops or places to buy in Aus that have good vaporisers?
Last reply by crank, -
- 6 replies
I dropped my glass pipe on the kitchen floor one time too many and it broke in half. It's a nice clean break and I'm going to have to get a new one. In the meantime does anyone know a good way of repairing it? Can you successfully use glue? If so what sort? I have to drive to Nimbin to replace it and I haven't time now. cheers freddie.
Last reply by crank, -
onlineSMOKE Shop 1 2
by chucko-
- Admin
- 420 Crew
- 18 replies
has anyone here had any experience with these guys? i bought sum stuff from them a few weeks ago and it still hasnt turned up yet.
Last reply by crank, -
- 5 replies
I am sick of receiving emails about the dangers of this flu... Before I scare you off sharing a friendly joint the next time you are approached, consider this: -After sharing more than 1000 joints (conservative estimate), I have probably only gotten sick 10 to 20 times from someone who knew (or found later) to be sick or infectious. 1% to 2% positive rate is not too bad eh? Usually I flame up the end of a filter before I toke. This serves three purposes: to burn of any extra paper overhang that maybe getting resinous and better to make the joint tip dry to attempt to kill any germs looking for a new home. O, yeah, if you are sick do not pass your joint. Do us all a favour…
Last reply by crank,