Australian Cannabis Politics and Activism
The HEMP Party
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899 topics in this forum
- 420 Crew
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Premier Colin Barnett's 2009 war on drugs Joe Spagnolo, political reporterJ anuary 03, 2009 PerthNow,21...863-948,00.html EXCLUSIVE: PREMIER Colin Barnett has told drug users he may scrub their convictions if they can stay clean, but has declared a new war on drugs in 2009. In his first major interview for the New Year, Mr Barnett revealed tackling WA's drug problem would be at the forefront of his government's agenda this year, declaring that saving our youth and others from drugs was a major priority. The Premier said his government could conceivably use its powers to quash drug convictions for people who had managed to sta…
Last reply by Pebbz, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
I've received a few emails today regarding the fallout from Sandra's brilliant final speech in the South Australian Parliament [thanks Smokin' Moose] . . . if you've not read it, please do so here . . . it is rather enervating! The nay-sayers are out in force though, read their villifications sent to Sandra . . . Dear M/S Kanck, I see from reading on the web that you have involved yourself in the debate around cannabis. I know you have been much engaged with so called medical cannabis issue, I will not dwell on that. You will know as I do, that "medicinal" raw cannabis, especially when smoked,is no medicine. You may also have by now become aware that the so called med…
Last reply by Terry Wright, -
Gotcha! Radley Balko Reason .. Free Minds and Free Markets Like Mark Draughn, I've been somewhat skeptical of Barry Cooper, the former drug cop turned pitchman for how-to-beat-the-cops videos. He comes off as more of a huckster than a principled whistle-blower, which I think does the good ideas he stands for (police reform) more harm than good. But damn. I have to hand it to him. This might be one of the ballsiest moves I've ever seen. KopBusters rented a house in Odessa, Texas and began growing two small Christmas trees under a gro…
Last reply by Bris-Stoner, -
- 0 replies
Barnett admits failing timetable for election pledges 31 December 2008 ABC News Colin Barnett says work is underway to meet the remaining election pledges as soon as possible. (ABC) The West Australian Premier, Colin Barnett, says he has not broken any pre-election promises despite failing to meet a self imposed deadline to implement key party policies. On the eve of the September state election, the Liberals released a 45 point plan outlining action they would take in the first 100 days in office if elected. The plan included repealing Labor's cannabis laws and introducing legislation for fixed parliamentar…
Last reply by grace, -
- 0 replies
Tara Hack Rocks New York City for Schapelle Corby 22 December 2008 Independent News Press Release: Artists for Schapelle Not content with a highly acclaimed support song, and a ground breaking global protest video to accompany it, indie-pop artist Tara Hack has today released a YouTube video tracking her "Free Schapelle Corby" tour around New York City. The tour takes in a range of landmarks, including the Statue of Liberty and Times Square. Tara is filmed performing in various locations, including Penn Station, with cuts to images of Schapelle in her prison cell, and dozens of 'Free Schapelle' human rights prot…
Last reply by grace, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
This is an awesome read. I didn't know where to actually post this, but if it is in the wrong place can a mod please remove it and accept my apologies. Criminal Law - Drugs: Police Sniffer Dogs: Part 1 Author: LAC Lawyers Publish Date: March 21, 2006 The dogs have been let loose recently. Numerous people have been charged generally involving small amounts of cannabis and MDMA (ecstasy) as a result of over active Labradors at pubs, parties and big days out. A client who recently contacted me was apprehended walking to a dance party in the Botanical Gardens. She had in her possession, 1 joint and 1 pill. The dogs detected her and she foolishly threw away a cigarette p…
Last reply by peakingman, -
- 0 replies
Medical Marijuana and the Physician/Pharmacologists of the U.S. Supreme Court Dr. Phillip Leveque Phillip Leveque has spent his life as a Combat Infantryman, Pharmacologist, Toxicologist and Physician. 18 December 2008 Those of you who read my articles on the Web know that almost nothing surprises me anymore. I said almost nothing! Last week I saw the final TV show of Boston Legal which I thoroughly enjoy. In this show Alan Shore was pleading before the U.S. Supreme Court to get a new drug released for Denny Crane to treat his Alzheimers disease. The Boston Legal episode is based around t…
Last reply by grace, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
Breaking news! Thank fuck.. this shit is worse then the liberals fucking Workchoices laws.
Last reply by Dragonfan, -
- 0 replies
Drug Czar of My Dreams Matt Elrod 18 December 2008 Huffington Post For over 35 years America's war at home, the Drug War, has been raging. Owing in large part to drug war excesses, the United States now locks up more of its citizens than any nation on earth -- more than 2.3 million, with half a million of them behind bars for nonviolent drug offenses alone. That is more than Western Europe, with a much higher population, incarcerates for all crimes combined. The historic election of Barack Obama signals a unique opportunity to begin to heal one of America's worst open sores and end the drug war, but that is …
Last reply by grace, -
- 0 replies
National Drug Threat Assessment 2009 The Wall Street Journal Market Watch Dec. 15, 2008 WASHINGTON, Dec 15, 2008 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/ -- The National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC), a component of the Department of Justice and the nation's principal center for strategic drug intelligence, has released the National Drug Threat Assessment 2009, detailing drug trafficking and abuse trends within the United States. The assessment identifies the primary drug threats to the nation, tracks drug availability throughout the country, and analyzes trafficking and distribution patterns of illicit drugs wit…
Last reply by grace, -
- 0 replies
New Jersey Senate committee to consider legalizing medical marijuana By BEN LEACH Staff Writer December 15, 2008 A state Senate committee will discuss legislation today that would make New Jersey the 14th state to legalize marijuana for medical purposes. If Senate Bill 119 eventually is signed into law, patients with debilitating illnesses, including cancer, AIDS, glaucoma and multiple sclerosis, would have access to marijuana to relieve their pain if prescribed by a doctor. The bill is sponsored by state Sens. Nicholas P. Scutari, D-Union, Somerset, Middlesex, and Jim Whelan, D-A…
Last reply by grace, -
- 1 reply
Cannabis Embarrasment for United Nations Drug-Czar Costa - VIDEO 13 December 2008 PRCannazine News Antonio Maria Costa, the Italian Executive Director of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, is seriously embarrassed because of a solo-action by Amsterdam psychiatrist Fredrick Polak. In an open letter published today, Polak demands an answer to a simple question. Despite earlier promises the global drug czar has been dodging the question for exactly one year. “How do you explain the low level of cannabis use in the Netherlands compared to surrounding countries, despite its free availability in coffeeshops?” Home-Grown …
Last reply by bufo marinus, -
- 0 replies
DEA Says it Has a Policy of Not Arresting Medical Marijuana Patients Posted in Chronicle Blog by Scott Morgan on Fri, 12/12/2008 - 12:25am Months ago, Judiciary Committee chairman John Conyers (D-MI) sent a pointed inquiry to the DEA demanding an accounting of the costs and methodology behind the federal raids against medical marijuana dispensaries in California. DEA’s response (pdf) recently became available and contains some interesting information, including this: DEA does not investigate or target individual "patients" who use cannabis, but instea…
Last reply by grace, -
- 2 replies
- 587 views Yahoo Search Engine Result: "LNP" Alternatively, try the search engine for yourself with other key words. Results:- Number 3: LiberalNationalParty.Net Number 5: LaborParty.Info Number 7: Liberalnational.Com All of which go here to OzStoners.Com But best of all, I found, is the intriguing offering of alternative search options, which include: "wayne smith lnp" Hope my redirecting of a few domain names brings a bit more traffic and attention your way. Search engine manipulation is an inexact science and I'm not even a scientist. There may be an initial drop in return after the redirection. The lack of releva…
Last reply by Wayne Smith, -
- 0 replies
Crime pays as 500 prison guards cut in privatisation purge ANDREW WEST 9/12/2008 UP TO 500 prison security jobs, including almost 200 in country towns, will be privatised in a move that could weaken security around dangerous criminals, argues the public sector union. The Government has confirmed it will outsource the Court Escort Security Unit, which transports inmates between courts, jails and police lock-ups, as part of its reform plan - "The Way Forward" - outlined in last month's mini-budget. The unit employs 500 officers, two-thirds of them in metropolitan Sydney. "The number of staff required by the …
Last reply by grace,