Australian Cannabis Politics and Activism
The HEMP Party
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- Time to ‘Get Real’ NCPIC
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Author: Dorsett Bennett Date: 8 February 2009 Source: Copyright: © 2008
Last reply by Teucer, -
- 0 replies
Author: Dorsett Bennett Date: 3 February 2009 Source: Salem News Copyright: © 2008
Last reply by grace, -
- 0 replies
SOURCE: Email response from, The National Drugs and Poisons Scheduling Committee Regarding cannabis and cannabis products The National Drugs and Poisons Scheduling Committee (NDPSC) is responsible for the scheduling of drugs and poisons, at the Commonwealth Government level. The NDPSC is a statutory committee established under the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 and is responsible for determining the classification or scheduling of medicines, as well as agricultural, veterinary and domestic chemicals in Australia. The NDPSC’s authority is described in the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989. However, while the work of the NDPSC is conducted under that Act, the NDPSC Secreta…
Last reply by entheofarm, -
- 0 replies
SOURCE: Professor Craker responds to Bush Administration’s Eleventh Hour Blow To Scientific Freedom On January 30, 2009, lawyers for Professor Lyle Craker filed a motion of reconsideration in response to the DEA’s final ruling, which was the Bush Adminstration's final blow to medical marijuana research. The Bush administration struck a parting shot to legitimate science on January 14th, as the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) refused to end the government monopoly over the supply of marijuana available for Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-sanctioned research. DEA’s final ruling rejected the nearly 2-year-old recommendation of DEA Adminis…
Last reply by entheofarm, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
hey just wondering if anybody knows if you can bring a bong back from victoria on a airplane to queensland????
Last reply by nici, -
- 0 replies
Author: Nick Ralston Date: 5 February 2009 Source: Sydney Morning Herald Copyright: © 2009 AAP
Last reply by grace, -
Illegal cannabis 1 2
by Teucer- 14 replies
It occurs to me that if you make something illegal, only criminals are going to use it.
Last reply by Beans, -
- 4 replies
Hi folks, I've looked a little and cannot find - mind you, to look through this forum would take MONTHS - even using search! so much here, that's a good thing. Apologies if this has already been done, but: Can people please contribute their own knowledge (not heard it from a friend knowledge) about the legality of Pot worldwide. It may need to be broken into provence/state, and please remember to add a date. There's no good having a post on 2/2/09 when the law you know of is relevant as at 1/1/1990!! This will allow us pot smokers looking for a new home to make considerations. It will allow holidayers to know what they can and cannot get away with in their chosen lo…
Last reply by bighit, -
- 3 replies
Ok, With all the blood, sweat and tears (thankyou Mr Arafat) this country wastes in trying to eliminate intoxicants, whiles allowing the two deadlies to remain legal, I have a question: Why aren't our scientists spending their money DESIGNING new intoxicants. But doing the research to make sure it's safe? There's OBVIOUSLY an enormous fucking market out there. Drugs are not going away. Like prostitution, they will ALWAYS be here. It seems that since the early 1900s, there's been a worldwide prohibition on the introduction of new intoxicants. They can't be hard to make. LSD was stumbled upon by accident for fucks sake. All I'm saying is that surely it's best for E…
Last reply by An@rchy, -
- 4 replies
Im not saying what to do, Im just stateing the obvious, we really need to make our voices heard because i don't know if you have noticed or not. But injustice is becomming law... I really do not know what to di but I really want to do something, how about could we go about organising a rally or protest? Prehaps if planned in advance the people of australia who know the truth can spread the truth, doctors lawyers judges ect fark they dont have to say "im a doctor Legalise it" cos theyd loose their Medical Licence cos this is the society we live in, you speak your mind and you can face alot of social stigma. Its 2009 and we are in Australia, WE are not America so why …
Last reply by jabez, -
- 0 replies
Author: Steve Kubby Date: 30 January 2009 Source: Independent Politcal Reporter Copyright: 2008 Independent Political Report
Last reply by grace, -
- 4 replies
Does anyone else know what I'm talking about? You try to talk to someone about medical marijuana & it's benefits, such as that it can cure practically all diseases when ingested such as shown in Run From the Cure by Rick Simpson, & they still try to say that just maybe the fact that it's the most medicinal plant known to man makes it alright but it's still bad if used 'to get high'. I even saw Montel Williams in an interview with Bill O'Reilly say that he supports 'non-medical' users being arrested & imprisoned. Fuck these selfish assholes & idiots. In reality there's no such thing as 'medicinal' & 'recreational' use of cannabis, it's the same fucking …
Last reply by jabez, -
- 1 reply
Author: Dorsett Bennett Date: 25 January 2009 Source: Copyright: 2008
Last reply by konflikt, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Why Obama Really Might Decriminalize Marijuana By John H. Richardson 23 December 2008 Esquire Turns out, with several drug-war veterans close to the president-elect's ear, insiders think reform could come in Obama's second term -- or sooner Famously, Franklin Delano Roosevelt saved the United States banking system during the first seven days of his first term. And what did he do on the eighth day? "I think this would be a good time for beer," he said. Congress had already repealed Prohibition, pending ratification from the states. But the people needed a lift, and legalizing beer would create a millio…
Last reply by Keltash, -
- 1 reply
Author: Dorsett Bennett Date: 23 Janaury 2009 Source: Copyright: 2008
Last reply by ponga,