Australian Cannabis Politics and Activism
The HEMP Party
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- Time to ‘Get Real’ NCPIC
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899 topics in this forum
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Hey guys. This may be a good opportunity to talk with the Chief Commissioner. I dunno when the next one is yet. But we could all join the chat room and ask stuff like "You said you support harm minimisation or legalising any drug if there is evidence to support that it causes less harm. How do you feel about the study in Portugal where all drugs were decriminalised and this led to less crime in relation to drugs, less deaths from drugs and lower costs to drug users?" Or something to that effect. Also they have a reader comments section. We could inadvertently get th…
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
- 420 Crew
- 20 replies
Hi, My name is Louis and Im an American that moved out here to Sydney a couple of years ago. Compared to back home, I feel like Australia (even Sydney and NSW where I live) have pretty reasonable cannabis law. Let me scratch that, the law is still pretty invasive, but it seems that enforcement for the average citizen is pretty lax. I mean, you can barely walk around without the sweet smell of a joint hitting your noise as it leaks from someone's house. However, it is still necessary that we look to make real progress with this issue. Ive wondered for years how the hell there hasnt been any progress on the medicinal front here even though there was a "commission" assigned …
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
- 2 replies
Has anyone paid attention, to some things that are happening, that shows our pollie bothering is working. We now have Harm minumisation drug ads. Now we have cannabis NOT marijuana. There has been no mention of WAR on anything for weeks. Nicola Roxon (dictator) has been on the news, not pushing alco pop tax, but health issues, trying to look like she cares. Now I know these are small things, however they are a step in the right direction, and they tell us they have a drugs council going on now, and will announce the outcome soon. So everyone keep up the good work, don't forget the media and the opposition too. P.S. You should see the pathetic argument we just rec…
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
- 0 replies
Global Marijuana March in Toronto thanks to our members who operate out of Ontario. A big up to our TO team mates. We at CinC endorse the work of one another thus we wanted to thank Orazio Caltagiron our Chief Editor for CinC for all his commitment and fresh style needed at CinC. Thanks again! T.O. Rocking the March this year in Canada! Jason Wilcox Cannabis in Canada U-Tube Channel Jason0930
Last reply by Jason Wilcox, -
- 2 replies
I've been looking all over but have been unable to find liable information regarding my questions, which is why I ask here in hope that perhaps, someone here may possess the answer or perhaps, where to find the information. I know that the laws are different from state to state, so i shall say that i live in Tasmania. Is it illegal to purchase seeds online? ( the origin behind this question is me hearing numerous things such as, it only becomes illegal when seeds are planted, it only becomes illegal when buds start to form and so on) If the package were to be intercepted and the contents found, will i be facing prosecution ? and lastly If the contents of the pac…
Last reply by TheLivingEnd, -
- 14 replies
hey guys new member, i am a member on grass city but i wanted to come onto a Aus forum for a very specific reason. In other states (WA,NT,ACT,SA) it has been decriminalized, why not Victoria? i have only one loose connection to my local MP and i was wondering if their was any movement or organization/group that is pushing for the decriminalization of cannabis in Victoria because i sure cant find it. from what i can tell those other states did not need a group or organization to pass the legislation but it looks like that is not the case in Vic. can someone please point me in the right direction or would anyone be interested in forming such a group or even set up a petit…
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
- 5 replies
Source: It seems pretty clear now, to which side of the fence Obama stands on...
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
- 0 replies
Author: Olivia Webb and Philip D. Brown Date: 26 April 2009 Source: Richmond Daily Journal tory?page_label=home_top_stories_news&id=2444285-Local+man+fights+for+medical+marijuana+to+be+legalized&article-Local%20man%20fights%20for%20medical%20marijuana%20to%20be%20legalized%20=&widget=push&instance=home_news_lead&open=&
Last reply by grace, -
- 4 replies
My mates were developing a culture of scoring pills and taking them at clubs and it was giving me the shits. Here is why i hate pills and powders > I do not want to trust the safety of my body with the hands of an untrained chemist and pay for the experience. > i am scared i will like the high, also that i will tarnish future natural highs of life because i cant match the artificial experience of an E or coke or speed. So given my personal objections I had two choices cut childhood friendships over drug taking or subtly make a deal, because i didnt want to hang around feeling (apart from a couple beers) sober as a judge around these guys who had dropped a cou…
Last reply by GIY, -
- 2 replies
Last reply by bufo marinus, -
- Admin
- 4 replies
I was just watching a music video form a song that was on House. And (SPOILER ALERT!!!! IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE LATEST EPISODE DON'T READ ON!!!!) You know how Kumar (Kutner) died? People were commenting about that and........ He's joining the Obama administration! I find this hilarious and fucken awesome as well since he's clearly an intelligent guy. I'm kinda not sure what to react with
Last reply by Dday, -
Was reading the paper the other day and apparently has posted the Australian governments list of banned websites for its mandatory internet filtering. Ironically the website wikileaks is on the banned list. So i just tried to review the list for myself on wiki leaks but i cant get access the server is too full. has anyone else already reviewed the list ? I desparetly want to know if OZstoners is on the list For those not familiar with wikileaks this is a legendary website ran by a non-for profit that has built a failsafe system by which people can post annomouse leaks about corrupt govenment and business without fear of prosecution. It uses ver…
Last reply by Dday, -
- 3 replies
hey all.. ive been in canberra for a year now. everytime i talk to someone not from canberra they are always like wow ur lucky the marijuana laws are very liberal there. yes u can grow 2 plants (non hydroponically) and have 25gms for personal use. ive lived in 10 different cities around the world and this is the most liberal law by far. however i cant find anything in canberra!! im wondering if this is because the laws are liberal those who smoke grow thee own so that means there is no market for it. therefore i would rather live in a city that the laws arent as liberal as this meant i could always find some stuff. one year is way tooo long. what do u all think?
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
- 6 replies
Families and Friends for Drug Law Reform invites you to a PUBLIC MEETING sponsored by Joy Burch (MLA) Thursday 23rd April, 2009 12.30 pm in the Reception Room, ACT Legislative Assembly Civic Square, London Circuit, Canberra City Topic: Illicit drugs policy through the lens of regulation Speaker: Alison Ritter Director Drug Policy Modelling Program, UNSW Visiting Fellow, Regulatory Institutions Network, the ANU This presentation will describe an attempt to bring the theories of regulation to the issue of illicit drugs. Regulation has a narrow definition as something governments do, using ‘command and control’ but as will be seen, if the broader definition of re…
Last reply by Stokes, -
- 1 reply
Hey Everyone, I heard an interesting program concerning Prohibition on the ABC's Radio National show called Counterpoint. Check it out HERE. There is a transcript and the audio is available here as well. Share your thoughts...
Last reply by luciddreaming,