Australian Cannabis Politics and Activism
The HEMP Party
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- Time to ‘Get Real’ NCPIC
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if you find time there is a lot of interesting material amongst this lot . hope you enjoy . no:1 no:2 no:3 no:4 no:5 no:6 no:7 no:8
Last reply by malbuzz, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
I all I just read: Driver Drug Tests-Your PERSONAL experiences? I skim read so I don't know if i missed anything, so sorry if im asking what has already been dealth with If one is an weekend smoker how long will it take before you can safely drive without getting a reading? I'm from SA and the SA police website says that the test will only result in a positive if you have smoked in the last few hours but could last longer depending on metabolism, use, etc. If marijuana stays in your system for up to 30 days is there any chance one can still get caught, even though they are abiding by the rules? Is there any way you can prove you smoked 2 days ago? There is no wa…
Last reply by nowonknows, -
- 420 Crew
- 21 replies
can you see a pattern . ( or maybe cannabis has turned me into a paranoid scitzo ) cotton a less superior fibre then hemp . with a lot less uses . Ruins the soil were it grows and does terrible things to the water in surrounding creeks and rivers . without an abundance of chemicals will not grow very well . hemp used for thousands of years with many uses outnumbering cotton . grows well without the use of chemicals or herbicides leaves the soil in better condition then before it was planted and has no negative effect on the land or water surrounding it . CHEMICAL companies supply billions of dollars worth of dangerous cancer causing substances to cotton fa…
Last reply by malbuzz, -
- 4 replies
Last reply by Budstedpothead, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Hi folks. Some of you may of heard of F.R.E.E. Australia party but for those who have not, its a political party that started up recently in South Australia. It came to prominence during the debate surrounding the Rann Governments so called "Anti Bikie Laws" or more accurately the "Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Bill 2007" This party is firmly against these laws and so far this issue is the main issue upon which F.R.E.E. Australia comments in the media. This party will be trying several members for the Legislative Council in the South Australian elections which are I believe next year some time. They also seem to be in the process of starting up chapters in othe…
Last reply by bloodshot_eyes, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
so from nxt wk 'hydroponic shops'need to be licensed to sell certain types of equipment,anyone buying needs to show full ID and the shops are meant to send this info straight to the cops. hmmm seems a bit draconian to me,electrical wholesalers dont need to license,online sellers can do wot they want. i think its another case of election year politics lets blame all our woes on the hydro shops. so wots the choice,stock up on filters and lights now or drive to vic or risk the postal service.
Last reply by bloodshot_eyes, -
- 7 replies
Every debate in the media seem to always bring up the issue of mental illness in regards to cannabis. Its always portrayed as something having negative social effects. Especially among the young, teenagers, troubled people. My observation with Cannabis is that even in extreme cases the consequences of consuming cannabis are surprisingly benign- even in highly disturbed and volatile people. I believe many people incorrectly associate characteristics of disturbed and undesirable people that smoke cannabis (traits they would have anyway) with the effects of the cannabis. Like racism a rational discrimination develops. They blame the cannabis for the way people are, and rea…
Last reply by Paladin, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
Last reply by everest, -
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Last reply by grace, -
- 420 Crew
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Last reply by JaykeSucks, -
- 2 replies
I guess we all wonder is the link between marijuana and schizophrenia real? Well i decided to compare rates of cannabis usage between country's versus the rates of schizophrenia among these country's. Take a look at these 2 tables. If cannabis really did cause schizophrenia wouldn't there be higher rates of schizophrenia among country's with highest usage rate?
Last reply by surferguy, -
- 7 replies
While it sucks that marijuana is illegal, I am starting to think: maybe it doesn't as long as neither myself or anyone I care about gets busted! In my suburb of Taperoo South Australia- its everywhere! Hey I was in a lazy mood, and I was not sure the best section to dump this, feel free to move it. I smoke pot (a lot), my housemate smokes pot lightly a couple of times per week. The people over our back fence smoke pot (we often go around there, they have a pool and we get wasted muck around, loud music etc). I know of at least 3 people that sell pot in this neighborhood, and I've only been here six months. One guy less than 100 meters away seems to be ALWAYS availab…
Last reply by bloodshot_eyes, -
- 6 replies
Just clearing out the "notepad" from last year ... here's another take on the same old subject Dec '09 : Well , that's just some crude notes from the sidelines but the point almost remains intact ... What do you reckon? Maybe the "Authorities" really are just looking out for OUR Best interests?? ("Whaaat!? , MY best interests!? ... Who are YOU to say what MY best Interest is!?" - Institution : Suicidal Tendancies) There is more to it all than just profits and political point scoring. That much is certain. Cheerz All ... and ofc , Stay Vigilant Budman
Last reply by Budman2012, -
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Last reply by grace, -
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Last reply by grace,