In The Garden
85 topics in this forum
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
hey guys and girls. started building a veggie patch today since my grow diary dosnt have much documentation i will with this grow. first found nice patch of dirt that gets good sunlight.. then found some timber laying around.. ending up needing another plank. decided to go 1500 x 1900 to start with.. measure and cut... then a dummy set up for what it should look like.. stay tuned the digging will begin.. yoshie
Last reply by yoshie, -
- 420 Crew
- 21 replies
im back but the only thing im growing now is carnations,tomato,lettuce,peppers i have a monstagrow chamber and a tent + LED light on the way
Last reply by Gazza2001au, -
G'day Troops. Apart from growing cannabis I also like growing a lot of different things as well. I have a small but very productive vegie garden that helps keep the cost of living down and I eat very well. Just now I have corn, onions, peas, beans, birds eye chilli, spuds, strawbs, rhubarb and garlic growing down the back. In large pots I have mint, parsley, limes, mandarins and sylvan berries. I have a herb bed that has lemon thyme, rosemary, jalapeno's, marjoram, oregano and sage in it. I have still got some heritage tomato's to get going yet, but that will happen soon. My Aunty is a mad keen gardener, and gives me seeds for all sorts of heritage vegies that she grows…
Last reply by D.R.S.D, -
- 0 replies
Here's my small collection of plants for the moment, I am slowly adding more, Just mainly collecting some different stuff at the moment. I'll list what i can. I've got some different cactus, venus fly trap, wormwood, hawian baby woodrose, couple of aloes, elephant ears. Some I'd like to collect are a few DMT containing plants, have a couple on my list, datura, salvia etc
Last reply by RubaDub, -
- 4 replies
Hello fellow gardeners. I am luckily not short on space in my garden, however my garden is a bit to far away from the kitchen for a quick dash for herbs while cooking. I came up with this idea so that I could have them close to the house. I am going to be putting herbs in mine, but I suppose anything that has a smaller root system would work well. I got a piece of PVC pipe ($4 from the tip shop), and cut it in half to make two smaller bits. Got an angle grinder and cut a upside down u shape. Used a blow drier to heat up the uncut bit of the 'u' until I could bend it back. I am getting a delivery of mushroom compost today, and I will go hunting for some seedlings…
Last reply by The Hash Nibbler, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Hey everyone, I'm not sure how many people enter this section of the forums but i thought i'd post a bit here about my plans to get my indoor garden up and running. So here goes... I'm currently on a pretty good wicket, finished uni and all that jazz so now have a good job where i get to rent a place from my employer at a subsidized rate with a flat rate for bills ($45 per week for all excluding internet), now this is more than i would normally spend a fortnight previously so i figure why the hell shouldn't i make use of it and get a raging indoor garden on the go. Also they kicked up a shit when I pulled out some shitty looking plants to make space for veggies in th…
Last reply by louise, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
hi all just found this amazing orchid on its a parasitic underground orchid wich has only 37 genes in its chloroplast, draws its nutes from fungus that lives symbiotically with a shrub. its only in western ozz , lives all its life under ground , and they think it gets pollyniated from termites that fall in an climb out, so just thout id put it in incase anyone is interested , ill check it out prop tomoz ive never herd of it before
Last reply by Auntynorm, -
- 7 replies
Some critters I met in my garden. South Aussie Redback South Aussie drop-bear I tell ya, that kola scared me, thought it was one of me dogs on the other side of the tree... poked my head around to be greeted by this pissed off drop b34r having a hard time getting past 5 foot off the ground. OK head height angry bear up close I saw in the dark.... hahahaha Anyway, feel free to post pix of the locals in your neck of the woods.
Last reply by HaonNoitarepo, -
- 0 replies
hay just found this great docco, on - WATCH-DOCUMENTARIES.COM. (dont no how to put in ). its called, SUPER NATURAL-THE UNSEEN POWERS OF ANIMALS . its got a great bit at 13 mins in on weird ways plants react , i think some of yous might find it interesting , its got a bit about stroakeing the leaf of plants with your finger promotes GROWTH , so start patting your girls . nothing about pot but the arcachia tree does somthing amazing , check it out animal stuff was exelent to , plant bit goes for about 8 mins ENJOY . at 13 min in first vid , just after the bit on killer bees should i of put it in books n movies ??? an if y…
Last reply by smashed1, -
- 8 replies
Hi guys deciding to grow a tomato plant outdoors I was wondering if you guys could give me some hints and tips On how to grow! thanks IGR
Last reply by cone head,