Cannabis Law and Politics
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Glaucoma patient turns to marijuana 'to ease my suffering' by Denise Ford-Mitchell The Saginaw News 29 November 2008 Saginaw News Unlike former president Bill Clinton, Charles H. Snyder III inhales. On bad days, he heats up marijuana three times a day. On good days, it's less. However, on bad days -- when the chronic pain from glaucoma and the rare genetic disorder Nail-Patella syndrome becomes unbearable -- the 31-year-old Genesee County resident sniffs more marijuana through an electric vaporizer. "For seven years, doctors tried to find the right formula of pain pills to help me lead a more normal lif…
Last reply by Dragonfan, -
- 420 Crew
- 31 replies
I asked the members of my class what their views were on legalization. Here are their comments: 1) just trying to play devil's advocate here...supposing we were to make it legal... some questions we would need to ask: who is going to grow it? would it be more lucrative for american farmers than growing, say, staples like corn and wheat? would that affect global food prices? who is going to regulate the product for safety? how and where is it going to be sold? will making it legal make it easier for children to get a hold of because they could "steal" it from their parents? who is going to get rich off of selling it? where are people going to be allowed to smoke it? how…
Last reply by Major Overgrow, -
- 420 Crew
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Steve Kubby: How the law became a sword instead of a shield November 27th, 2008 · 6 Comments Independent Political Report Steve Kubby was a candidate for the Libertarian Presidential nomination in 2008, and the runner up for the party’s VP nomination in 2008 and 2000. He was also the party’s candidate for Governor of California in 1998. He is currently working on a new business venture in the medical field. Disclosure: I worked on his presidential campaign. The Law and those who enforce the Law, have made a fundamental, immoral, illegal and unconstitutional shift in their Rules of Engagement. As a medical ca…
Last reply by Nooby, -
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New York songbird's lament for Schapelle Eamonn Duff 30 November 2008 Sydney Morning Herald AN AMERICAN musician has gained notoriety after penning a political song about convicted drug smuggler Schapelle Corby. New York-based singer-songwriter Tara Hack has attracted rave reviews and 1000 hits on YouTube after releasing the track earlier this month. Titled Saya Tidak Bersalah, I'm Not Guilty - Corby's final words before being sentenced - the song highlights her imprisonment and attacks the Australian Government and the media for their lack of support for the 31-year-old Queenslander. It includes the lyric…
Last reply by grace, -
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Some of you may have had a chance to see the tell Kevin thread that was removed (still waiting on a reply as to why OZ) this is the email I sent to Kevin Rudd Subject: HUMAN RIGHTS, FREEDOM OF CHOICES AND THE COST OF PROHIBITION Comment: To the Hon Kevin Rudd Enough is enough Mr Rudd, My family are in fear of the police, my complaints against the police are dealt with by the police and I have no avenue of recourse at all. I have sought assistance from every possible avenue. Mr Rudd it needs to stop. You need to stop it. you need to stop drug prohibition related crimes. It is costing more than money! it is costing lives! Mr Rudd I would like for you to view m…
Last reply by Major Overgrow, -
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International Medical Marijuana Day Rally In this our 6th year of celebrating this event speakers Ted Smith ad Jason Wilcox address a small group at the Minister of Health building located in downtown Victoria. We hope to see this event grow again as it did back in the early 1990s! Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Cheers! Jason Wilcox
Last reply by Major Overgrow, -
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Health Canada & the MMAR This weeks speaker Jason Wilcox addresses some of the history of the MMAD and governing MMAR. This while addressing current medicinal issues facing legal medicinal cannabis users. or Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Cheers! Jason Wilcox
Last reply by Jason Wilcox, -
- 420 Crew
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Billions Can Be Saved By New Government: (18 November 2008) The new National led government could save as much as five billion dollars a year if they are prepared to address the root cause of its loss, according to MethCon Group director Mike Sabin. "A study by BERL, Business and Economic Research Group identified illicit drug abuse, headed up by methamphetamine, was found to cost the country around $1.3b in 2006, while alcohol abuse is conservatively thought to cost the country between $1b and $4b a year", said Mr. Sabin . "We are in the middle of an economic crisis and the new government ha…
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
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source Vote Hopes DETROIT - Voters in Michigan overwhelmingly approved a medical marijuana ballot measure -- making it one of a quarter of states to allow severely ill patients to use the illegal drug. With 87 percent of the precincts reporting, 63 percent, or 2,557,410 people, voted "yes" on Proposal 1, which removes state penalties for registered patients to buy, grow and use small amounts of marijuana. Thirty-seven percent, or 1,519,273 voters, were opposed. Opponents again were unable to derail the measure. Nitty.
Last reply by Nooby, -
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Under the "War on Drugs" formally declared by Howard and restated by Rudd.... We do have rights, read them for yourselves they are listed in <QUOTE> Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and Relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-International Armed Conflicts (Protocol II) <h4 align="center">PART III</h4> WOUNDED, SICK AND SHIPWRECKED Article 7.-Protection and care 1. All the wounded, sick and shipwrecked, whether or not they have taken part in the armed conflict, shall be respected and protected. 2. In all circumstances they shall be treated humanely and sh…
Last reply by lightning, -
- 420 Crew
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Marijuana measure passed on Big Island People vote to make pot lowest police priority November 5, 2008 - Hawaii County Big Island Video News A measure to make marijuana the lowest enforcement priority for the Hawaii County Police Department has won the vote of the public. In yesterday's 2008 general election, over 53 percent of the votes cast were in favor of the Peaceful Sky initiative, which was placed on the November ballot by a Hawaii County Council vote in August. According to language in the ordinance introduced by council, the purpose of the article is to "provide law enforcement more time and resources t…
Last reply by Dragonfan, -
I LOVE WEED I love smoking, i dont really get that many oppurtunities to do it though. I smoke about 1 once a month if im lucky usually with close bloke mates or a female friend before sexy times. IM MORE ADDICTED TO GROWING, growing is so soothing. I also love this website. Reading countless post on this site had swayed me from not sure if weed is harmless to im positive its harmless and its a crime that its not legal. A NEGETIVE ANOCDOTE GOT ME THINKING I was discussing my views with my brother who had a personal account of weed that differed from mine. His was mainly negetive, he didnt enjoy weed like his friends did he was one of those people with whom it didnt…
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 420 Crew
- 19 replies
Unknown author I use to sell drugs for a living. For ten years I supplied hundreds of thousands of people with a dangerous mind altering substance. This was the job I had always wanted. I had grown up around this drug and from a young age took an unhealthy interest in it. I began using in my teens and quickly joined the drug industry as a shit kicker. Having worked my way up the ladder I was a major player in the distribution of this dangerous drug, and I loved it. Within 5 years I was responsible for a multi million dollar a year business with several staff working for me. I was good at selling this drug, my bosses made huge profits feeding off people’s addicti…
Last reply by phineas, -
- 420 Crew
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Rudd handout 'will go to drug dealers' Sigh.. If that is the case, they can only blame themselves (Wayside Chapel ) and the laws that they support..
Last reply by Rocker, -
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Hey im not sure if this video has been posted or not but is part 1 of 11 on a documentary on Cannabis. My only wish that the main public or those leading would sit down and just simply watch this video, it is greatly informative and well just makes me fairly annoyed at the cannabis situation at the present time. I also believe that if public awareness of this is not increased cannabis will never be legal.
Last reply by mull,