Cannabis Law and Politics
- 5 replies
Hey guys, i was searching for cannabis related government/police statistics and i came across this site, have lots of statistical info on drugs, cannabis, domestic abuse, just crime in general. i was searching for a statistic relating to the amount of people under the influence of marijuana who have been caught driving (random checks and visible cause) compared to those under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, or accidents involving those two drugs. I havent been able to find it yet but if anyone else ends up having a browse please let me know if u find it. ANY INTERESTING OR RELEVANT STATISTICS OR INFORMATION THAT PEOPLE FIND, PLEASE POST IT HERE! link: Austral…
Last reply by humphrey b flaubert, -
- 3 replies
Respect for national sovereignty is a key concept for Member States of the United Nations. Article 2 (7) of the United Nations Charter states "Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state...". The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) can recommend and offer guidelines, but it is the prerogative of Member States to formulate national policy.
Last reply by nitram, -
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Last reply by lookinggood, -
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Last reply by grace, -
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Last reply by grace, -
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- 1.1k views Interesting editorial.
Last reply by Crunchy, -
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Last reply by ohmbudsman, -
Being 21 days since we lodged proceedings in the High Court M28 of 2009 Melbourne Registry we expected that we would receive the opp submissions today in the mail, we did not. We have however just been notified that the Vic OPP has sought and received an extension of time to lodge their summary of response argument in the High Court to our application. The letter we got from the high court says High court time extensions under Rule 26 of the high court rules are only granted in "Exceptional Circumstances" So what was the "exceptional circumstances"? the fact that the OPP has suddenly realised it does not have a leg to stand on? Summary of responses from the Attorneys…
Last reply by Radic, -
- 9 replies
- 1.5k views Here is a blog well worth reading... "LEAP is touring Australia from October 2nd to the 27th. We don't have any speakers in Australia right now, but after the tour that should change. In the meantime, LEAP supporters can look to Alex Wodak as a leading drug policy reformer who lives in Australia but is known worldwide for his efforts to end prohibition. In addition to being a medical doctor he is the Director of the Alcohol and Drug Service at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney, as well as a board member of the International Harm Reduction Assocation." read the blog for the rest of the info... it is wel…
Last reply by SeaHiPPieS, -
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Last reply by brick, -
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Last reply by grace, -
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Last reply by mistyville, -
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Last reply by Radic, -
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Trailer: While California is going bankrupt, one business is booming. "How Weed Won the West" is the story of the growing medical cannabis / marijuana industry in the greater Los Angeles area, with over 700 dispensaries doling out the buds. As a treatment for conditions ranging from cancer and AIDS, to anxiety, ADHD, and insomnia, cannabis is quickly proving itself as a healthier natural alternative to many prescription drugs. Following the story of Organica, a collective owned by Jeff Joseph that was raided by the DEA in August of '09, the film shows that although some things have changed with Obama in office, the War on Drugs is nowhere near over. From Kevin Booth,…
Last reply by need4weed3, -
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Last reply by Crunchy,