Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
- 1 reply
Recently I moved from a bush block to a pair of suburban quarter-acre blocks with a house on one of them; the second block grows the food garden which is substantial. Been here about four years now. Initially I built a 1200 x 1200 x 2400 grow room and over the first years boosted the light input from 400wHPS to now, a pair of 600W in cool tubes. This does a great job BUT it is energy intensive and a $900+ hydro bill/quarter (for all uses including the grow lights and heat in the grow room) is a bit painful to a pair of oldies. Last winter I conceived of a method to grow indoor varieties outdoors. Someone on this list called it a Light Restriction grow. We built a box t…
Last reply by chunky, -
- 6 replies
Hey all, I'm thinking about starting a small grow like 2-3 plants outdoors in Melbourne, is it too late to be thinking about this? Indoors is not really a option due to the whole set up and having parents come visit etc
Last reply by Auntynorm, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Hi all, Dont know wats up with me lovelies was wondering if you guys had any ideas? Hubbie thinks there over watered......... Outdoorys,planted end of Sept in Martins prem potting mix, seedsoil + Pwr/feed fortnightly, watered once a day in hot weather, ever cpl of days when not. over all plants seem healthy and happy small leaves around base yellowing and dying off I didnt see a prob with this as my toms always do it...... but now my indicas large fan leaves at the top are bronzing from the middle out ??? never seen this before few white spots and such on lower leaves and small amount of che…
Last reply by debs, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Hi lads and ladies, I just signed up and I'm trying to find information on growing outdoors in Central Australia (close to Coober Pedy). I have already attempted this feat with one plant starting in a pot and moving it to a remote location (motorbikes.... so useful). It gets real hot here and due to New Years celebrations and the aftermath I was unable to water it for 3 days and it fried in the mid 40 degree heat. I've planted 3 more now but would like some pointers on enriching the soil (dug a hole and put potting mix in). I've got some Dynamic Booster for roses, maybe if i sprinkle that around the soil? I got no idea, sorry, this is my first time growing any sort of pla…
Last reply by brokenshadow, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Not an ad. I have been googling for stuff. http://www.ecobagindustries.com.au/
Last reply by Reverend, -
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Hi, So I've been reading that plants won't star flowering until there is 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness, is there any way to change this outdoors or am I at the mercy of nature? - My plant has been growing for 4 months now and I don't really want it to get any bigger. I think it's just started to show it's sex and I think it's female (I'd post pics but the only camera I have is a shitty camera phone) Also, does the plant need total darkness at night? - I live in the inner city and it's never completely dark in my yard due to the amount of street light around. I've read that even a small amount of light at night can fuck things up. Thanks
Last reply by disco2disco, -
- 8 replies
Hi all I thought I would post here about my little beauties in the garden. And more so it is a serious case of "Guerrilla Growing". Having moved to central QLD 6 months ago, away from my usual supply of fine smoke (scoreing off the same person regually for over 10 years) I never thought about growing my own. Having been busted twice over the last 10 years I would of never grown anything at home (outside or inside). The "PIGS" made me and my partner feel like CRIMINALS!! over $50 bucks worth of pot and a pipe and some old seeds.................To make things worse the "PIGS" were young enough to be my Kids,and treated me like a Kid!! Well since then like I said I have m…
Last reply by Hotrod13, -
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ive tried to find some how to but most are indoor and the outdoor info isnt worth reading my plan is to grow out door some in back yard i have a seed starter box with a lid, should i germ in a paper towel or just place in pot like a normal plant or use my seed starter? what size pots should perfect also what nutes should i be looking at any other tips or info ie. web sited you guys have found
Last reply by Indica420, -
- 1 reply
Hey all i have not grown much outdoors ever, had a couple of decent indoor's cranking here and there but need some help....... im from south east of qld, and i have been readign up alot but all the info im looking for i still havent found... any1 who has done anything in my area help me with info on: 1)Strong/high yeild outdoor strain good the climate for outdoors? 2)whats the best time to plant/harvest? 3)general things i need to know and look for? 4)a website to order from that you have used before and know works if any1 could help me with this muchly appreciated, i dont have much money to throw at this so i need to try and get it right from the go thanks again a…
Last reply by ~sawyer~, -
- 0 replies
Recently I moved from a bush block to a pair of suburban quarter-acre blocks with a house on one of them; the second block grows the food garden which is substantial. Been here about four years now. Initially I built a 1200 x 1200 x 2400 grow room and over the first years boosted the light input from 400wHPS to now, a pair of 600W in cool tubes. This does a great job BUT it is energy intensive and a $900+ hydro bill/quarter (for all uses including the grow lights and heat in the grow room) is a bit painful to a pair of oldies. Last winter I conceived of a method to grow indoor varieties outdoors. Someone on this list called it a Light Restriction grow. We built a box t…
Last reply by marycannabliss2, -
- 5 replies
Hi all I got wondering with all the recent rains we are getting and all the flooding hows it affecting your outdoor crop? Waterlogged, washed away? I got wondering about this after seeing all the crop damage on the news. Anyone had a chance to get to check their plants and if so did they survive? or are they damaged? Good news from all I hope...........................
Last reply by growcheeb, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Hey all!, done a lil growing for myself indoors but no longer can afford to nor do i have privacy where i now live. was wondering if you guys could help me with the following information....... 1)living in south east queensland(brisbane/ipswich) can i manage to grow outdoors all year round if i start seedlings off inside? 2)whats the best potting media suggested for outdoor pots? 3)whats the best outdoor nutes you guys reccomend? 4)whats the 5 best outdoor strains for first time outdoor grows? 5)what things should i keep in mind with outdoor? 6)if i cant grow all year round, whens best to germ,then pot, harvest and so forth? thanks heaps for the help guys ca…
Last reply by Pleb Scrubber, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
On impulse I purchased some Seedsman Original Skunk #1 Feminised Seeds from DS to round out my order - plus I've never tried Skunk before.. Later I notice that the seed is marked as: Grows - Greenhouse, Grows indoors. All the other seeds I purchased were marked Outdoors. So what's up with this? Why are certain seeds not recommended for outdoor grows? Are they timid little weak things or do they need lots of light or ferts? Any insight appreciated! G
Last reply by wallyduck, -
- 1 reply
gday people. im a first time grower, i germinated this baby in october, germinated it for about 3 days, then stuck her in a small litre pot, as soon as she got about 10cm i change her into a 15 ltr pot. at about 20-30cm tall i started her off on some normal seasol, then when she got bigger i started using seasol fertilizer and thrive (if i should not be using these please let me know) . she seems to be really healthy and smells pretty good, just looking for some advice about what to do and what not to do at this point in time, i think it may be just starting to flower since ive been keeping in part shade all day (fingers crossed). im living in perth so the sun is beating …
Last reply by womble77, -
me lovelies
by debs-
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Hi all called into the intro room last night to say hey and introduce my self, mentioned my lovelies and promised a pic or 2 sooo here they are........ I was actually hoping for some help to id them as I have had these bagseeds for sooooo long, as mentioned in my first post at least 16 years!! They are a mix of good seed from Bruns and semi good seed from down my way I was actually really suprised when 8 of the 9 I planted germinated I only have 2 but the rest are with friends so will get some pics of them soon to see if they are different any advice would be greatly appreciated Cheers and thanks in advance =)
Last reply by debs, -