Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
- 6 replies
Hi all, have a few seedlings bout three months ranging from 2 inches to 6 inches high, the height varience is mainly due to growing some in half day shade because our neighbours have a garage roof with a few deckchairs that they like to survey the yards around from (including ours hence growing in semi shade) Anyway the plan is to wait until they're big enough then take'em indoors, turn 'em and take clones from the ladies assuming I get some! So the questions are , at bout what size is good and whatt's the soonest you can sex them without the boys pollinating the girls? thanks
Last reply by dragonlady, -
what the heck, I'll give outdoor growing a bash. This is my plan: Germinate and sprout seedlings (using seeds made from my first crop) Dig a hole big enough to fill with one bag of potting mix. Plant seedlings and water once a week. Spread some animal repellant around grow site. To germinate seeds I'm just soaking in water for 24 hours then straight in potting mix in seedling tray. after a few hours in the water most of the seeds have sunk and some have begun to crack.
Last reply by Bubble, -
- 10 replies
so the story is grow on some poor farmers land to get your smoko,and just hope he's got good lawyers if the cops bust him??crown land im thinking would be better at the same risk,on farm land you then have the farmer with his right to bust you for being on his land then you get busted for growing? just a thought.lady.
Last reply by wade ounce, -
some questions on outdorr growing
by Guest hethro- 0 replies
hay there i am thinking about growing plants and just wanted to chek up on a cople of things. i wanna do this right...right so were is the best place to plant them? in a shaded area,semi shaded area or place totally open to the sun. I have herd u should give them heaps of nutrients and shit, what should i do there. what are some other tips and things to note down if anybody could help me out there that would be great cheers!!
- 13 replies
I have some seedlings growing , some of them are very slanted. Is there a problem or are they just reaching for sun, they appear quite healthy. also i would like to know when do the leaves start producing THC, is there any indicators which show this.? thank you.
Last reply by Realability, -
- 1 reply
ok guys here's the deal I ve just got back from Nimbin - I am in Sydney and in the bottom of my Bag I find 6 magic seeds. Here in Sydney you never get seed in bags so I though bonus. From my school days I know that water works so I have immersed my seeds in water and they are starting to germinate. my plan is to continue to let them spout and put them in the soil when I get one up and one down. Keep them inside for the first 2 -3 weeks (after planting) then put them in fairly large 12cm diameter pots on my roof ( I got a penthouse apartmemnt with sunlight virtually all day and have recently started a small non Pot-Pot based garden. I am planning on using regular soil …
Last reply by Realability, -
- 4 replies
ok.. just seeking counsel from some pros here i had 3 seeds, put them in water overnight to help them germinate.. they all sunk, i planted them in little pots of potting mix by poking a little hole in the soil, putting the seed in, and covering it up, i have watered them for three days and they havent sprouted yet how long should they be taking? and what are the chances that they may not sprout? by the way, it is very hot here at the moment, 42 degrees today, 37 yesterday. any advice would be much appreciated, i can always rely on ozstoners
Last reply by Tom, -
- 2 replies
thanks for the good advice guys, i have decided on a 'redbeard x superskunk' is what i will be growing, there is a strain report on overgrow but its not very in depth, but this looks like it will be promising. Cant wait till i start, and even more so till i finish. If u have any tips would be great . . . photos when growing -Rock n Liam
Last reply by Rock n Liam, -
- 0 replies
o.k. about 6 weeks ago i wrote a thread, hack it back. and my wordy,lordy i'll do it for the rest of my growing life! example. the c99 clones in my grow thread. the mother plant- i am expecting 7 to 8 onces dried. 2 weeks away from harvest. hacked it back. not too bad for this time of the year. the mothers 3 sisters.- were harvested 3 weeks ago and got an average of 4 ounces each. didn't hack it back. let it grow it's natural life. so there you go. each to his or her own, but i know what i'll be doing in future.
Last reply by wade ounce, -
- 7 replies
HEy all do you think this is a female my mate reckons it is, but i thought id ask yall http://pictures.marijuana.com/gallery/data-stuff/a86c450b76fb8c371afead6410d55534/495_p7708.jpg
Last reply by AussieToka, -
- 11 replies
Ok so i have some Indica seed, Early Bud to be precise. But anyway i was reading the other thread about planting now, and was wondering if i should go ahead with the Indica planting now? or wait? and how much bud will indica's get in Australia (nsw) i have heard they dont do too well down here? anyway thanks guys. - rock n liam
Last reply by Rock n Liam, -
about to plant 1 2
by dirty- 11 replies
i'm looking at throwing a couple of plants out the back of my house. I am growing to grow them in pots. thinking of loading the base of the pots up with gravel or something to aid with drainage but I am not sure what to use for a soil mix. what can you recomend. My backyard gets plenty of sun, especially in the morning and I also have some nice afternoon shaded areas. Is it too late in the year to put them in, will they fry with the summer heat? any other tips would be great
- 12 replies
Well here is my first grow well actually second becuase the first one was a couple day old seedling that got eatin by bugs Anyway it is outside right now becuase i havent got the light yet im going to get one of those construction lights that i was talking about in one of my other posts but that is were it will go when i get, probably 2 weeks. The light will then be taken apart and hung like the one in the pic. The soil is just some from the backyard that i steralised in the microwave and then mixed up with a little bit of horse shit, dont know if that was a good thing to do or not but its done now and seems to be growing ok. Both the pics are over 100KB how can y…
Last reply by Chev, -
Ground Vine 1 2
by love4sensi- 10 replies
I have seen some plants that when they reach a certain height you bend them over, make a small cut near a node and pin it down and cover the cutted area with soil. The result is it produces roots which you cut and have a new plant. The question is can this be done to Mj but train the plant to vine along the ground, instead of produces new plants, just have one long vine?
Last reply by love4sensi, -
- 10 replies
well, I am off to the garden centre this weekend to get all my needs. I want to buy a couple of large pots to grow my plants in plus fertiliser, pot mix etc etc. It has been suggested that I use peat blood and bone water crystals/ sphagnum moss dolomite Is there anything else I should add to the list? what are the best brands to get how soon should I mix the potting mix up for before I plant if there is someone I can PM to bother the shit out of with these questions and more, I would be much ablidged thanks