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What will stick out like dogs balls is stealing electricity. You just have to accept there is a certain risk associated with growing. The smart meter would not be at the top of my list of worries.

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nah if you pay your bill they will be happy. i wouldnt care care if i owned the company and you started spending 300 bucks a quarter more than you did last year would you. i certainly wouldnt go telling the cops and then losing 300 bucks a quarter haha

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My brother jumped mine for me at the meter box a while back. I ran it for three seasons before about two weeks ago the junction box on the roof blew out from old age. We had to have the wiring replaced from the pole to the house and while they were at it they upgraded the meter box finding the jump lol my heart was was doing double time lol. They didn't say anything but they reversed it :( now when I turn the power on in the shed half the house blacks out so I'll have to get him to come back and have a look. If you can get away with it go for it I reckon. Just make sure it's a professional job :)
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there are ways to do it Just make sure you get a Sparky  friend to do it for you Relay in the roof so when they turn you meters off the relay switches the power off to the grow. but you have to add it up is it worth getting caught i guess.

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I have never bothered with "jumping power" .... I guess it depends on scale of setup?? I have never heard of anyone actually getting sprung this way,

You guys sure this isn't just another urban myth?? Spa pools also suck alot of power, who's to say you didn't just purchase one?



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Its not hard to find someone "jumping power" and its quite obvious. Meter readings should be equal to the power drawn from transformer if not then there is clear evidence someone is by-passing a meter. They monitor power usage so people don't take free power if you just pay the bill you should be fine.

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