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Hi Everyone,


Thought I'd jump on the bandwagon of Oz stoners doing their thing, why the fuck not - providing your blocking your IP etc whats the worse that could happen right?.... Right guys?? lol ok so anyway, first timer over here. So far I have made it a few weeks into flower with little to no dramas. Unfortunately for me though, we had a bit of a hot spell and it looks like my babies caught some of that nasty root rot they dread so much. It took a fuck load of googling and not being a complete dumbass to figure out wtf was happening to my plants, but we got there eventually. So anyway I thought I would make a post to help others that might run into similar situations. K so basically first sign of root rot is your plants droop like they want to be put out of their misery. Leaves get yellow spots, start curling up and drying then eventually falling off. The earlier you identify the problem the better chances you have of kicking its ass. For me they seemed to start at the bottom, then gradually work their way up the plant. Plants were drinking significantly less and growing at a much slower rate than usual. If this sounds like a problem you might be having, jump onto google, go to images, type root rot cannabis and you'll soon know if thats the issue. Right so root rot is caused by a few things. Mainly high temperates though. Veg stage you should be keeping your plants between 20-30 deg with a high humidity (50-70% from memory). If you have established your plants have root rot, you can purchase a product from bunnings called fongarid. Mix it in with your watering system and be sure to steralize everthing as its a bitch to kick and will dramatically effect your yield. Other blogs I read advised you run it through a watering system for a week then flush it out, clean your reseviours completely. I am hopinng my crop has kicked it for good. Water consumption is increasing. I have also added cannazyme to the mix to eat away at any dead roots. Although i am still getting a few minor damaged leaves, may give it another road of treatment after flushing. If anybody has any insight on the subject, or knows a way to tell if youve kicked root rot for good please post a comment. Any tips to help during weeks 2-4 of flowering wouldnt go astray either as im kinda just winging it. Thoughts on smart meters too? Long time growers out there - Is jumping power a MUST on a smale scale grow?


Cheers Guys :)


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Oh should probably mention, when I say small scale - 3x 600W. Ones on an 18hr cyc others on a 12. I know its the pattern of dropping from 18 to 12 that raises flags.. but a second premises is not an option at the moment. And I'm not exactly handy in the elec department. Cant jump power. Suggestions anyone??
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