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Grow legal for dispensary? How can I?



Would like to live somewhere in CA, to make a job, to invest money, by house and gardening..

Is it too hard to make???

Going to go for a few weeks to see, ask people about it...

I realy don`t have idea is it posibble at all!! But I must try something to grow to the rest of my life!! Don`t whant to do anything else!!

Anybody know details??? Please...


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I would suggest a holiday over there and and ask about, the aussie accent will get you far and it will all come down to your age and eligibility for a work visa and then if that goes well migration approval from the consulate, im not sure i would tell them that growing weed is what you wanna do there but im sure you could make it happen. Watch a few episodes of "weed wars" on youtube and see what you think, if your weed isnt top shelf of the highest quality then your gonna find it hard. I get the impression its a cut throat industry and growing the wrong strain or the schwag thats sold out hear on the streets then your set for disaster. The dispensaries test and inspect the gear they buy with a fine tooth comb and any thing that looks suspect in the slightest and they wont take it. But good luck with it and i hope to see your glog from cali 

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Thanks a lot Sylar!!! I`ll watch this of course!!! Yes, think to spend real money for theirs kind of quality...

Think you will see glogs from cali in a next two years!!!

See ya!!

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