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Overheating again... but!




  • So, I went in to my tent this morning at about 11.30am to find that one of my girls in particular was looking almost as droopy as she was the night before. I think I had the light too close last night. I had a look this morning and it was more like 15cm than 30cm away from the plants (I was high when I set it all up). I moved the lights up another 15cm and then just tested the heat with the back of my hand below the light. the difference 15cm makes is tremendous. I'm sure it will perk up during the next few hours of sleep and hopefully it will do enought to remove some of the heat. Otherwise, I'm going to buy a can fan and a carbon filter package and just set that up now (opposed to later when I would inevitably need to anyway).


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Unlucky fella. At this age ya best off having a 600wtr about 600mm from them.

The light and heat output is just to intense for the little'uns, as you can see.

Air flow is a key element ti controlling heat In ya tent. a low down intake (cooler air) and an air output at the top of ya tent (heat rises) will help you regulate the heat :) Do you have a thermometer in there?


Keep at it matey.


Cap'n yNg

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I have changed my mind about what the problem is here. I opened all the flaps at the bottom of the tent, raised the light to 600mm (measured precisely with a tape measure), put a 30cm fan in there and yet they still droop. What am I doing wrong, I ask myself.


Even if these things didn't fix the problem of "overheating" they should have made at least some difference, however it did not. I don't have a theremometer yet but even so going from a light 15cm above the plants with no exhaust fan and no 30cm circulation fan and no flaps open I assumed I would see a difference. So, perhaps the diagnosis of "too hot" was partly accurate but only a part of the whole picture.


Are you ready for it... Over-watering!! The leaves are firm and tough but turned down from the stems to the tips of the leaves. According to mighty google I am a water happy twat. I stuck my finger in to the growing medium up to my second knuckle on my index finger and it was wet all the way to the top. I have been suffocating them I think. I will not water untill the first two inches of top soil (or top coco, whatever, you guys know what I mean) is dry and see how they react.


As an optomist, I am expecting to look at my plants tomorrow to find that they have bounced back and are thriving.


Researching this actually lead to a discovery of a good site for learning about the different problems plants may have. Here is a link.




I was going to do a new glog post on all of this plus a few other smaller details and still might. tempted to just copy and paste this comment actually :-)


Peace Ford, and thanks for taking the time to comment, "It's fuckin phen-om-en-al!"

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In terms of the set up (I neglected to answer that question sorry) I have a 1.2m x 1.2m x 2m tent approx with a 600W HPS light running off an analog ballast. I have a bucket of water to try to raise the humidty a little and an exhaust fan that is 35W with an exhaust port about 90mm across (in terms of L/min I have no idea). There is also a 30cm stand fan that you can pick up for $20.00 from anywhere that sells fans really. I have been using CANNA products as a nutrient cource but without any kind of irrigation set up. I water manually. I think that is about it mate.



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