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Progress So Far



Hi Stoners, Im making this glog to show everyone my progress on my first grow, Texada timewarp, so far:

I sprouted 3 seeds and placed them into small square seedling pots, 4 days later only one had shown :doh: so i took that one and put it in a discrete location not too far into the bush. I nurtered it thru the seedling stage and at one point encountered a small black scaly thing on its stem. No need to worry a few squirts of perynthium on the underside of the leaves, at the base of the stem and on the little bugger, the pests were gone. Once she grew to her 3rd node, i transplanted her into a 4 gallon pot which was dug into the ground. So far i have begun the Topping process to maximise the yield and fed her some seasol.


Will post monthly updates on its progress



Hello, im back with some more progress on my little baby. Ive topped it a bit early and now shes only grown one new sprout, which is mutant for some reason, ive watered it and i think its just because of lack of sun or some shit. Heres some pics


Shoot which wont grow through


Mutant leaf



Recommended Comments

GL, Texada time; warp, is that the name of the variety? If your in the bush you need to watch out for skippy, he loves the stuff; plus those waskaliy wabbitts. I hope your baby has some protection.

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Lookin good mate - how did they fare with the Seasol have found in past experience it can get a bit burny  - much prefer a full dosage of good old Canna Rhizotonic on our babies - its our one stop cure all especially if they have ever been under stress from pests etc. Hoping its all worked out well and they are boomin for you! :)

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i use seasol quarter strength and give them a good watering of it, now ive switched to dynamic lifter as its slow release and i dont have to worry about a feeding schedule, it doesnt really burn anymore with the weaker mix

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