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Happy Frog!



Sup felllow OZ Stoners,


First off, thumbs up for a fantastic Glog site. Well, been an outdoor grower for some time now, but decided to do it indoors, for stealthy reasons obviously. Anyway, recently ordered some seeds from Bonza and just gotta tell you that they have the stealthiest delivery in the world, plus they've got some awesome seeds, you should check 'em out. Currently in my grow room.


Acapulco Gold

Holy Grail Kush

Purple Wreck

Cotton Candy

Double Dutch

Exodus Kush


White Widow

Samara Ultraviolet (Auto)


All popped and recently transplanted them from jiffy plugs to 3 gallon container. Will be updating the little girls later, but so stoke to a start of a great New Year.




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