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Support the Film...Marijuana Australiana! at http://www.pozible.com/mjau

Medicine Man


Support the Film...Marijuana Australiana! athttp://www.pozible.com/mjau ...$13,017 reached of the $25,000 target with 19 days left for target completion...donate people...this film has lots about Tony Bower, Founder and Director of Mullaways Medical Cannabis Pty Ltd, and the legal medical cannabis debate...and if the target is met Rich will be filming the final stages of footage one of which will be little Tara, Cheri O'Connell's 7yo daughter who suffers Dravet's Syndrome (Refractory Epilepsy) and was on deaths door (literally) until she found Mullaways Cannabinoid Tincture...DONATE PEOPLE AND HELP GET THIS FILM COMPLETED...Lets spread the word of good Tony Bower/Mullaways Medical Cannabis Pty Ltd has done in helping chronically ill and dying Australians...and spread the word on little Tara whom thanks to Mullaways not only has a life but quality of life...DONATE PEOPLE AND HELP END THE ZERO TOLERANCE OF PAIN AND SUFFERING IN AUSTRALIA!


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"Lets spread the word of good Tony Bower/Mullaways Medical Cannabis Pty Ltd"


Have you read the submission Mullaways Medical Cannabis Pty Ltd made to the recent NSW enquiry?


It's far from any model I support for medical cannabis supply in Australia. Monopolys don't sit well with me.


Is your post about Bittermans film or to promote Mullaways Medical Cannabis Pty Ltd?


:peace: MongyMan

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