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Stealth Smoke



Sup all you OZ stoners and INT smokers out there!


My situation isn't unusual, but it does require me to be covert in how and when I get high.


I've been trollin' the interwebz for covert pipes/bubblers and have stumbled upon the included image.


Can someone here tell me if they've made/tried something similar or the same?


Was considering giving it a go.






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I guess it would work. Though I've been having commando cones for years with a smokeless pipe a window and some incense. You can also stuff a wet hand towel in a empty toilet roll and blow through that to remove smell and smoke. I've done this a bit in sealed hotel rooms with no dramas.
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I guess it would work. Though I've been having commando cones for years with a smokeless pipe a window and some incense. You can also stuff a wet hand towel in a empty toilet roll and blow through that to remove smell and smoke. I've done this a bit in sealed hotel rooms with no dramas.


@ferrethead Ah cheers mate, I've employed similar techniques with the ole' bog roll, and have enjoyed plenty of success.

I have a small concern regarding the tungsten element. And whether it'll be safe. Obviously I'll be scrubbin' the shit out first. And giving it a good clean.

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$55 problem solved.. no smell at all..and an effect you will never pass up..


ive had the wooden one for three years.... ill never go back to smoking..


hope this helps you.. 


Vape for life!


ive used that in so many places with absolute stealth..

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One might consider water curing your bud....this will remove much of the chlorophylls and other shite built up in the bud, as well as excess ferts th@ have not been used...


This process DOES take away taste and scent and flavour....it also shrinks the bud a tad also...but the resulting smoke is almost totally scentless if not fully so.


The process  works by osmosis I believe...the stuff in the bud migrates to the water.


To water cure one submerges the bud in clean low EC/PPM water, holding it under the surface to begin with....an envelope made from flyscreen works well....leave the bud submerged  24 hrs...measure the EC/PPM before you place the bud in the water and each day before you dump the old water and replace it with fresh water...the buddage will go a lil translucent over time....each day you do this the EC/PPM should rise the first few days and then begin to drop off...when the water the bud is soaking in is no longer increasing in EC/PPM the bud is done....remove it and it should dry pretty fast...

Use cool water and try not to let it get above 20*C-25*C and handle carefully and the trichs should not be harmed during the process...oftimes the resulting bud will be a different shade or colour...sometimes dark and hard nuggy looking buds....but the resulting smoke is quite stealthy...this is also great for pre-treating bud or leaf before extracting the oils...or for plant material one is going to cook with....this removal method of clearing chlorophylls helps those who do not have a tolerance  for chlorophyll...


Its also a great way to clear bud th@ was fed up until harvest or bud th@ just tastes orrible :D hehehe


Hope this helps



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One might consider water curing your bud....this will remove much of the chlorophylls and other shite built up in the bud, as well as excess ferts th@ have not been used...


This process DOES take away taste and scent and flavour....it also shrinks the bud a tad also...but the resulting smoke is almost totally scentless if not fully so.


The process  works by osmosis I believe...the stuff in the bud migrates to the water.


To water cure one submerges the bud in clean low EC/PPM water, holding it under the surface to begin with....an envelope made from flyscreen works well....leave the bud submerged  24 hrs...measure the EC/PPM before you place the bud in the water and each day before you dump the old water and replace it with fresh water...the buddage will go a lil translucent over time....each day you do this the EC/PPM should rise the first few days and then begin to drop off...when the water the bud is soaking in is no longer increasing in EC/PPM the bud is done....remove it and it should dry pretty fast...

Use cool water and try not to let it get above 20*C-25*C and handle carefully and the trichs should not be harmed during the process...oftimes the resulting bud will be a different shade or colour...sometimes dark and hard nuggy looking buds....but the resulting smoke is quite stealthy...this is also great for pre-treating bud or leaf before extracting the oils...or for plant material one is going to cook with....this removal method of clearing chlorophylls helps those who do not have a tolerance  for chlorophyll...


Its also a great way to clear bud th@ was fed up until harvest or bud th@ just tastes orrible :D hehehe


Hope this helps



You are sooooo full of shit...... Totally scentless cannabis.... lol .........curing in a jar removes the same Chlorophylls, and my weed still reeks.

Water curing buds is for tools.


Get a carbon filter and a Centrifan 150mm, and make a smoko room outta ya bathroom, can smoke joints, bongs, hash..... no one will know outside that room, just duct it up to ya extractor fan.


Makes more sense than Magic Med Growing Seppos Idea................... lol ............ tools........


Peace. Nibbler.

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You are sooooo full of shit...... Totally scentless cannabis.... lol .........curing in a jar removes the same Chlorophylls, and my weed still reeks.

Water curing buds is for tools.


Get a carbon filter and a Centrifan 150mm, and make a smoko room outta ya bathroom, can smoke joints, bongs, hash..... no one will know outside that room, just duct it up to ya extractor fan.


Makes more sense than Magic Med Growing Seppos Idea................... lol ............ tools........


Peace. Nibbler.


@Nibbler Cheers man, got the perfect little ensuite to try this on.



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I use Vaporgenie's pipes and they are every bit as good as reviewed. Within a day of getting my first one I ditched all bongs and pipes and have never used any sort of smoking implement or rolled joints again.

HOWEVER your exhalations, although considerably less smelly, are still detectable.

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I use Vaporgenie's pipes and they are every bit as good as reviewed. Within a day of getting my first one I ditched all bongs and pipes and have never used any sort of smoking implement or rolled joints again.

HOWEVER your exhalations, although considerably less smelly, are still detectable.

 detectable ..yes to a certain degree, but the smell your exhaling isnt the smell that most people associate with cannabis, to combat the smell and wastage, ive made a bag with mouthpiece to exhale into, then rebreathe the bag, untill all the vape has gone. Complete stealth, ive vaped for 30 hrs on a bus trip,  ( stinky hydro) and no one even looked, let alone said anything..

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