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Maybe some info why you wanna take marijuana loupi ?

Would be interesting.


Generally from my experience it's a kind of 'peer' type situation, your older sibling, or group of friends have it and you try it through them.


To smoke first time by yourself might be a bit creepy initially, anyway all the best with that, and please let us know how things workout for you !



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Joints should be the way to go.. Maybe a lil tricky to roll at first, but there's lots of instructional stuff that'l make it a cake walk..


You can try bongs and pipes when you've experienced what it's like to gettin frikkin' high and you want to enter this wonderful journey of weed and the world...


Shit, I'm high as shit and I'm goin after another toke.. Cya around :) Cheers

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I'm guessing you smoked indonesian grown type? I figured from your sampoerna mild cover you'd be indonesian, but correct me if I'm wrong


Anyway, my first hit with a joint was interesting, it's light, and gave me a good moderate high at first then rapidly increased overtime. Bong hit on the other hand, still gives me stings on the throat.


As for the taste, I haven't really paid too much attention to it.



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