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Leaf has only 3 fingers



I have an unknown breed growing and the majority of the leafs have only 3 fingers anyone have any Idea what the fuck is it or do i have a mutant plant ?


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G'day Nudenut.

I have just finished curing such a plant, and it's wrecking ball material. It's seed came from a mate who sent me some Red Devil seeds. So, my friend, I would encourage their growth, really big time.

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yeah it is normal i got an unknown strain that sounds simalar,it's indica i guess from the size it grows,3foot it's probably some of the best stuff i've ever grown,so much crystil all over it,great hash maker,but small plant yealded on average 1&half oz's and about 1&half grams of hash each plant,and fairly uniform in the way it grows,nice,good luck with yours..smoke2xs,ye-ha
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It seems you may have some duckfoot there. Its a phenotype it has been stabilised before but u prob just got a strain where its parents where crossed with it in the past. Its in the genetics like say ur great grandad had ranga hair and then noone else till u, same thing the trait when a plant isn't breeding true will randomly show previous generation phenotypes. haha :P
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I've grown exclusively three leaf (mostly sativa) strain over 3 seasons. It gained abit of potency each season. But she got more weedy with a big drop in yield. Possibly due to being feminized?

Fortunatly I've learnt to not keep all my eggs in one basket. You know hedge man!

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Am about to harvest my 3 finger plants tomorrow, the heads are a little small, but plenty of them, but that may not have anything to do with the plants themselves, I think I've made a few mistakes with this grow, like not enough lights for the area..... but have had a sample, and its a great smoke, but am going to try something different for my next grow, and follow all the advice I have got from the great people of ozstonners
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