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New Seeds Arrived



I had some more seeds arrive today that i brought from the Internet the place that i brought them was www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk. All seem to be ok. Nice and quick to deal with, but i thought that they was a little costly but the main thing is that i got them


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Hi it took 19 days days from the UK to my door. The arrived in covert packaging and there was also some free seeds as well. Overall i was very happy with it all. Am just waiting for the seed to crack and will kep you posted as to how it all is going
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Never brought seeds before I just take freebies off mates was always a bit worried customs would catch on & start watching my house or someone would send a helicopter...paranoid much? lol

19 days is a good turn around time, I get shit from HK all the time & takes 3 weeks plus+ most times.

Hope they crack & grow hard for you...helps to put the seed in a shot glass half filled with bottled water cover it from the sun light & sit it on the hot water system. At first the seed should float & 24 hrs later it should sink & sometimes even crack in the glass...THEN....all systems go your ready to PLANT find it helps the plant grow better at the start :)

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I've ordered from Europe 4 times now (the 3rd lot didn't show), the boys in blue did turn up around the time the 3rd lot should have arrived. They reckon they were looking 4 someone (good reason 2 come onto my property). They were definitely federal boys, my 4th lot turned up since then & I've turned over 3 grows since that time. They really don't have the time or resources to chase up every small fish. Don't leave the mull bowl on the table & they have no justified reason to search....
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^^^^^^^ hahahahaha at the above!! *The boys in blue* They showed up here one nite b4 x-mas at like midnight....looking for a David Wang with a blue commodore WTF!??? Any reason to come on someones property to be nosey aye...well to STOP that I got a guard dog (staffy X/cross pitty) & I I now LOCK the gate 24/7...so jump piggies JUMP oink oink lol! Very wise on not leaving mull and/or bongs in clear view...only gives them more reason to come back and annoy you HAPPY GROWING! :afro:
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19 days wow thats some time... my last seeds (apple jack - see my grow diary below) i got from bonzaseeds.com

delivery took 10 day to my door which was pretty good, probably a fluke or maybe the postie likes me ;-)

just ordered some vision seeds Auto Northern lights from Bonza so hope post will be as fast.

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i really want to try Bonza, I am a 1st time grower... Was going tom use the pre paid CC method sent to my house as i do not have anyone and i know they got stealth.. Anyone had any hold ups with these guys? Just a bit nervus.. I know i can possibly get some local bush weed seeds but i really like other strains..
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