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i use MJ for medical reason



hi i am stonepoppy, strange name i know but my grand daughter suggested it,,lol

i have enjoyed the forums , blogs and other helpfull hints from this site.

i have been using mj for over 2 yrs now. as i could not get any medicine that would help ease my pain as well as relax me.

and i have found it has helped with my asthma and sinus problems as well, and i do not have the side effects i get from medicines.


i have had a good friend grow mj for me, and his lot has always been good. but now that i really need good mj, he is having trouble with his lot too many chemicals for me.


i have started growing outside, which i am very pleased with at the moment. a lot slower. but from feadind growing guides on here about growing outside it is all going well so far.


so thanks everyone for sharing your tips on growing outside.


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Yeah, same reason i use it :) ... I have been recently diagnosed with high spectrum autism, i always just thought it was anxiety .. as for my continual unease throughout life .... really was just that my mind operates at such a rapid cycle rate that sometimes external stimuli is too much to handle ... the doc gave me anxiety meds that made me sick ..... yet he had no idea what was "wrong" with me ... anyway, it makes sense...... i think its natures finest medicine ..... it works for me .... :/ i think... haha. :) peace n pot.
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