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Raising the Dead



Had 3 little plants sitting out in a back room for 9 months now ........they are all about 6 inches tall with about 2 leaves on each....... :thumbdown:

been feeling kinda guilty because they were the only three seeds from a cross between a white rhino and some fast growing sativa ....and if I loose them without budding them then i will never know what the herb was like......sooo today i looked at them , :thumbdown: grabbed the only one with a little green left on its 2 leaves then washed off her soil and wacked her into a little 1 plant hydro system i knocked up (with a little pump and a bucket) then I put her under a 125w CFL :thumbsup:


I dont know if I will be able to bring her back though , she only had one root hanging out of her cube .....looked bloody sad :crybaby:


I thought it was a feat that i kept them alive ,dormant ....what ever, for 9 months without doing much at all ......


I hope (if she lives) that it turns out to be good smoke and not shithouse .....time will tell :thumbsup:

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