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why I love Demon Seeds



Just a little to let every one know that Demon Seeds is the best by far going around at the moment,Just came out of retirement and needed some seeds.I tried Planet Skunk 4 months ago and Im still waiting they had a very rude and confrontational manner when contacted after about a month.I decided to go with Demon Seeds after some very positive feedback from a friend,Imade a small order and was stoked when only 7 days later it arrived at its destination.Have just put in another order will let you know if they are still keeping up their outstandin level of service. Regards to all, ZYGO...


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I logged on to post the very same comment only to find you beat me to it. Im a first timer to ordering online and evently grew the berries and placed an order with demonseeds.

I just got my package today and its all perfect. total time (7day from day of the order) im gonna order more now knowing its this easy.

OUTSTANDING service... well done demonseeds. :thumbsup:






P.S the gift was awesome!

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Hey Zygo, Im a noob at ordering online, But i was just wondering if you put your actuall address or a mates/neighbours ?

Also, did you use a credit card or do they have other payment options ?




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Ok I know this is an old post but in relation to Demon Seeds.


I made my first seed order with them some time ago now but think its about time i shared my experience.. TOTALLY RIPPED OFF!  While the seeds made it to me in decent time i was totally disappointed to find every seed i ordered was WHITE!  They were so underdone and a long way from being mature seeds.. I knew right away these would not sprout and i was correct. This was no mistake, its not possible to pack someone seeds like this and not know it...  I will never order from Demon again and i recommend nobody else does.. You may get what u want or they may just decide to rip you off depending on stock i guess.. Totally unprofessional seed bank which should send reasonably mature seeds to avoid these kind of reviews.   I hope some of you read this and choose another company.. Play it safe and avoid Demon seeds

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