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VERY first time growing!



Hey guys, first time grower here. I am really, really looking forward to picking some kush from a closet I'm going to construct. Can anyone tell me if this design will work? And why or why not i should change it. I would really like to keep it simple for now until i can grasp the idea of growing. Thanks for your help!


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Hi mate your plan looks good, take a look at my grow diary if you wish i am also a first time grower experimenting in a cupboard, 1 plant in DWC ( no res tank just manual changes) and 1 plant in soil


one thing i noticed, is your intake fans, i have mine way down the bottom so it gets the freshest air possible, hot air rises therefore your intake fans could be sucking the hot air that just got exhausted out,


each to there own but youll learn alot from this site i have :)


you may also need another fan just blowing air over the plants, i picked up a real good hellar industrial steel blade fan for $4 from trash and treasure at the dump, works great:D


'not 100% sure here but the more holes you go drilling the more light leaks your going to have this is a problem i'll be facing in flowering


i'm a complete noob to growing, i started off in a barfridge and quickly scrapped that, i'm sure someone more experienced can give you some helpfull tips good luck!

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hey wbmg

so its diamentions are 900mm deep/1200mm wide/1900mm high

havik is right get ya intake down low as ya can ...and exaust opp top corner..

also will only need a pasive intake....and active exaust..you want your exaust to be bigger then intake..to create negitive pressure....

this will stop smells excapeing during flower ..are you going to using a carbon filter or smthing..?


What medium are you using...coco is simple ..and can hand water once every cuppla days...then you wouldnt need a resi or air ,water pumps...best to keep it as simple as poss for your first time..



400w would do the job...600 would be better...but both will need good airflow...get ya air flow going good and you can run what ya want within reason lol


Bottom line is KEEP IT SIMPLE and get the basics sorted before go nuts... lol

all the best with it all ....hm

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Plans look good...I would go with a 50 gal drum if your going to stay with hydro that way you only have to maintain your res. My friend used a tote for his res. and a bloody rat chewed a corner out and he came home with wilted plants something to consider..Im from tacoma washington USA and it seems to me that australia has a problem with your country growing marijuana...you need to try and get it legalized so your country can start importing supplies its sad to see you guys having to use vinegar and baking soda for for Ph corrections :thumbdown:
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