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outdoor detection



Hello, thanks for letting me in :)

Getting a little bit worried of low flying aircraft over my property.The plane is a light plane and has blue and yellow markings on the side.I don't have hundreds of plants just um under 20 lol.Who out there knows if planes or helicopters only are used for search methods?

I keep to myself pretty much so I doubt if anybody has dobbed me in plus I don't share this type of info with people.

I have sussed out sites on the interweb but mostly it is from the USA or Canada , not much from Australia.

Your comments and help would be appreciated.


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gady bro i cant count how many times ive been worried about aircraft over the last 16 years and yet no matter how many times its happend my plants are still there in my apinion most times they spot plants its drums sitting next to plants or plants planted in straight lines you know things that signal man made even large plantations ive had say half a house solid mass and only 20 k out of town with countless airplanes in the air and my plants are still there id say youll be alright bro
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Thanks for the input reflux 1

My plants are spread out around the property pretty well and intergrated with other plants / shrubs.

One of my goats got into the yard yesterday and had a good munch on some nice buds lololol , dumb goat.

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I know that in parts of QLD & NSW at least the power companies use helicopters to check poles for damage etc. They flow low and circle your house and sheds.


And are often blue.


That can add to paranoia.

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