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bottom of stems rotting and weak, plants falling over

em jay


please help im new 2 growing and my plants are starting 2 fall over. When i pick them up they come away from the stem at the base and i think it might be collor rot because of wat i've read on the net, the stem is v thick but gotta sort of hour glass shape wer the break is. any help or comments wud be much appreciated....thank you


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what mongy said, its damping off. the stems should be shrivelling. the thing taht sucks is you wont notice it until upto 7 days after the effects have kicked in (it starts at the soil line but appears a few mm above as the plant has grown since...


keep the watering to a minimum, and as Dazz said get some serious airflow... get a fan moving air striaght over them softly.


IME Damping off is caused by acombination of excessive heat and overwatering... For some reason people think that water will fix the heat issues (myself included)

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