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hey boo, I very recently got a awsum package in the mail from planet skunk, and to be honest I couldn't be happier, I'm in sydney n my beans where in within a week from order, very fast and quite easy too...cheers KB=]
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hey man never go with marijuana-seeds ALOT of people leaving very bad feed back they deliver seeds just terrible quality. demonseeds seems to be the way to go bit expencive but you get what you pay for..


yeah because demonseeds is a site sponsor and there rep has multiple accounts on here + gives free seeds to the people who run this site thats whthey are the only ones allowed to have a banner and people who post links to other better seedbanks have posts removed an get temp bans


there prices are ridiculous , stealth is shit (small stealth = baggies taped to paper pamphlets i mean wtf ... ) and the worst part they send alot of bunk pale seeds which should never see the light of day retail

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