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Wouldn't Mind Others Opinions On This...



:wallbash: grew from seed, and then planted out in pots in my own compost creation....and now planted in the bush, in predug holes again filled with my own compost. How can u tell when a plant ins't going to reveg? On the plants that budded, like yours, the buds are just getting bigger and denser....trying to decide when to cut off and dry....any ideas? the plants that haven't budded are now really growing massive and still not showing any sex....but I did have some obvious males a few weeks ago, which were ripped out. Is that typical of the veg stage? ie they grow massively but no hint of male or female? at least none I can see anyway.

please tell me a little about neuts, as have heard the term, but really don't know what that means....like I said, I'm just a beginner...


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"How can u tell when a plant ins't going to reveg? On the plants that budded, like yours, the buds are just getting bigger and denser....trying to decide when to cut off and dry....any ideas?"


Are you trying to reveg or waiting to harvest? If you're trying to reveg use something like Thrive




Which is high in nitrogen and should help reveg

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"How can u tell when a plant ins't going to reveg? On the plants that budded, like yours, the buds are just getting bigger and denser....trying to decide when to cut off and dry....any ideas?"


Are you trying to reveg or waiting to harvest? If you're trying to reveg use something like Thrive




Which is high in nitrogen and should help reveg


Thanks Platinum...well, I'm happy to harvest this one...the bud is really big...but I'm wondering if it's a freak or whether I'm too keen...planted seed on August 1st...so it's only been three months...is it possible to get harvestable bud after only three months? And if I cut the bud, is there any chance the remaining plant will reveg and bud again, in a couple of months?

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hi kerry1, if ur useing good compost dont worry about nutes at the moment just start nutes wen it starts to flower,, a good compost should hold it for the veg , but if u want u can use somthing with high nitrogen 4 veg ( fish emolshion is high in N once every 2 to 3 weeks, re veg never dun it but ive herd u must leave a little bit of the buds on it , an wen its ripe 4 picing the little white hairs will turn brown ( most of them) thats the best time to pic ur buds
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hi kerry1, if ur useing good compost dont worry about nutes at the moment just start nutes wen it starts to flower,, a good compost should hold it for the veg , but if u want u can use somthing with high nitrogen 4 veg ( fish emolshion is high in N once every 2 to 3 weeks, re veg never dun it but ive herd u must leave a little bit of the buds on it , an wen its ripe 4 picing the little white hairs will turn brown ( most of them) thats the best time to pic ur buds

Thanx for all that, smashed one :thisbig:

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sorry i didnt explain the re veg thinhg proply wen i said leave alittle bit of bud i mean snip em all but leave alittle on the bottom of each a few buds take most of them off an prune it down low
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Remeber re-vegged plants are likely to lose a bit of potency too mate.


When i want to reveg i trim the buds right back. i.e. take the top 30% of the plant off as well as trimming all the lower buds off completely except some of the super fluffy ones. I then put em under 24 hours fluoro lighting until they start to shoot again (new branches etc) then tone it back until they are at the same lighting cycles as outside. By this point you should have a bushy motherfucking plant as you pruned it back 30% there will be 2-3 branches coming out per cut.


If i was to try and get em to continue flowering i chuck em in a dark room for like 14 hours a day.


Also a final note... the color of the pistils isn't a definitive answer to when your plant is ready, they are a good indicator though.. the Trichome color will change from clear to cloudy to amber... With varying highs along the way... clear meaning not ready, cloudy meaning heady floaty high, amber meaning more of a bang in the face with a 2x4


the best way to check them is obviously microscope or jewelers loupe. But i find if i look really closely you can relatively clearly tell the difference between clear and cloudy trichomes... but again this is something that i have picked up over time :D


as well as this the calyxes will swell to the point they are almost spherical on a more indica dom plant and sativas still swell to a sort of half football shape. You will definately be able to notice the calyx size changes

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Remeber re-vegged plants are likely to lose a bit of potency too mate.


When i want to reveg i trim the buds right back. i.e. take the top 30% of the plant off as well as trimming all the lower buds off completely except some of the super fluffy ones. I then put em under 24 hours fluoro lighting until they start to shoot again (new branches etc) then tone it back until they are at the same lighting cycles as outside. By this point you should have a bushy motherfucking plant as you pruned it back 30% there will be 2-3 branches coming out per cut.


If i was to try and get em to continue flowering i chuck em in a dark room for like 14 hours a day.


Also a final note... the color of the pistils isn't a definitive answer to when your plant is ready, they are a good indicator though.. the Trichome color will change from clear to cloudy to amber... With varying highs along the way... clear meaning not ready, cloudy meaning heady floaty high, amber meaning more of a bang in the face with a 2x4


the best way to check them is obviously microscope or jewelers loupe. But i find if i look really closely you can relatively clearly tell the difference between clear and cloudy trichomes... but again this is something that i have picked up over time :D


as well as this the calyxes will swell to the point they are almost spherical on a more indica dom plant and sativas still swell to a sort of half football shape. You will definately be able to notice the calyx size changes


:thumbsup: hey dark space, that was very helpful...thankyou...I still haven't cut off the buds, and will look for your indicators, as above. thankyou again for your informative, thoughtful response...

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on 18 Nov, cut off the top bud, and started drying curing process.....remaining buds on this plant to be considered on a day to day basis...but here's another q - I started growing a male just out of curiosity, and he is located about 500 meters down a steep hill, from my girls....do you think, he'll hit the tartget from that distance?
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ok, now several months after cutting off bud, very tasty, and, with this wet weather, the girls have reveged big time....so looks like I will get a second bite of the cherry.....
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sorry i didnt explain the re veg thinhg proply wen i said leave alittle bit of bud i mean snip em all but leave alittle on the bottom of each a few buds take most of them off an prune it down low


Hi there guy's

Just wanted to add my to bits lol mines just starting to head, been in their pots since Aug 1st last year, here's my question, is it possible for me to prune down so they all don't stick up like dogs *alls above my tomatoe's, or will doing so inter fear with the heading process? or should i have pruned em down during the growing period? Subversive

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