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Adventure Stoning



Went out adventure stoning today, was dam fun but i always prepare to do it at home by myself i dunno why, i mean i went out with my girlfriend today but i just find chilling with some sweet tunes watching itunes visualizers is just a better use of my stoner time.


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G'day, I love adventure stoning. I was given the nickname Alby (after Alby Mangels) because everytime I got stoned I would like to go for walks etc. I too can just as easily stay home and cruise to my music.


I once had some durban poison that a mate brought over for me to try at 9am and we both had a cone without spin in it through a bucket bong and that did us for the day. We went climbing around the rocks at the north end of Bondi Beach and did not get back to my place until 5pm.


Take it easy.

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that adventure stoning sounds fun but I'm usually found in front of the tv playing battle field or some other game on the sexbox? that how i like to do it but this adventure stoning sound like something out the Olympics lol need to try out sometime


many happy adventures bud :thumbsup:

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