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happy high herbs?



Was thinking of buying some legal herbs from happy high herbs in sydney. Does anyone know which herb has the most similiar effects to weed??? And any suggestions would be awesome eh, either smokable or pills or drinks, whatever form, would be just too awesome!


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Tried Puff recently from HHH; dear god no! No no and NO!

It tastes exactly like what it's sold as (an incense), and the only high you get is thinking that cute chick with dreads behind the counter is into you.. but she's not.

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hey there, my mum thought she'd be hip and suggested "catnip" i laughed i looked i found i tried and i did feel my body relax a little. it can be mixed withother herbs for a better hi. in saying this there really is only one way to fly..
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Heard some good reports about the products at the Happy Herb Shop :peace: in Vulture Street West End *Brisbane

I haven't seen a babe with dreadies behind the counter - But it's not Sydney either

I'll catch up with the folks who buy there and post some products



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